Chapter 28 Returning to Anle Mansion
After refining the last trace of medicinal power in his body, Li Chenzhou sank all his mind into his body. After swallowing this Bull Demon Power Pill, his copper skin was also achieved. A gap broke through, and if you look at it from the outside, you will find that Li Chenzhou's fair skin is faintly shining with a golden luster.

Opening his eyes, his aura instantly rose steadily. His cultivation had reached the peak of the low-level innate level, and he was almost able to break through to the high-level innate level. However, Li Chenzhou did not break through. Instead, he continued to compress the spiritual power in his body, otherwise If he had just swallowed the elixir, he would be able to make a smooth breakthrough.

Li Chenzhou was afraid that the foundation of his cultivation base would be unstable, so he would rather his cultivation level rise slowly than to lay a solid foundation. Steady and steady is the best way.

Looking at Nie Xiaoqian, Li Chenzhou said softly, "Let's go home."

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Li Chenzhou's charming eyes with a smile, stretched out her white and slender fingers and said with a delicate smile, "Let's go home."

Li Chenzhou took Nie Xiaoqian's hand and walked towards Anle Mansion. The sunset in the evening stretched the shadows of the two of them very long, making them enviable like a couple of gods.

At this time, An Le Mansion also swept through a storm where Li Chenzhou became the top [-] on the road list. In an instant, everyone in the three gangs and the two meetings knew about it, and each gang behaved differently.

The main hall of the Fish Dragon Gang.

This is the first precious porcelain that Wu Batian has broken. Ever since he saw Li Chenzhou becoming the top [-] on the road list, Wu Batian felt a little uneasy. He could no longer suppress Li Chenzhou, and Judging from Li Chenzhou's performance, Li Chenzhou will probably kill the grass and roots, because his character is destined to do one thing and do it absolutely.

This is what Wu Batian can tell from Li Chenzhou's every move, just like when Li Chenzhou was still a small gang member, he dared to kill Zhang Yuan, the little leader of the acquired Dzogchen, and then wiped out Zhang Yuan's sworn brother Yan Wushuang , I heard from the spies under him that Zhang Yuan and Yan Wushuang and all the people who were related by blood were all killed by Li Chenzhou secretly.

When Wu Batian got the news, he understood that the Fish and Dragon Gang was about to change. Whether he would surrender or resist to the death, after all, this was the gang left by his Wu family ancestors for generations. If he surrendered, In the future, when I arrive in Huangquan, I am afraid that I will not be able to face the ancestors under Huangquan.

"Zhao Gao come in." Wu Batian said gloomyly, with a strong murderous intent and hostility flashing in his eyes.

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed as a master came in. The middle-aged man had a refined face and wisdom in his eyes. He was Zhao Gao, and he was the most important person in the entire Fish and Dragon Gang except for Wu Batian and the hall master. Noble man, he is the master of the Fish and Dragon Gang.

"What's the order of the leader?" Zhao Gao arched his hands and asked what he thought.

"Go and gather all the dead men kept in captivity by my Wu family in the lobby, and then invite Li Chenzhou's wife, Su Ruru." Wu Batian said coldly, if you want to do it, do it, and tie Li Chenzhou's wife here. Li Chenzhou is wary, but Wu Batian has no idea, he doesn't know if this woman Su Ruru can involve Li Chenzhou, a hero.

Zhao Gao bowed his hands and said yes, but the moment he lowered his head, a flash of weighing the pros and cons flashed in his eyes. He was thinking whether to continue to follow Wu Batian or turn his head to Li Chenzhou?

Although Wu Batian is the leader of the gang, Li Chenzhou is now in the top [-] on the Taoist list. Although it is hard to beat the old black mountain demon who has been half-transformed, it is just a joke in the face of absolute strength.

After Zhao Gao retreated, Wu Batian broke another piece of porcelain angrily. At this time, the servants in the house did not dare to breathe, for fear of offending the angry leader of the Yulong Gang, so Wu Batian pulled it away. After passing a good-looking maid, she started to raise her hands up and down.

Li Chenzhou grew up too fast, which exceeded Wu Batian's expectations. He originally thought that at least he had been in office for these years, so he didn't have to worry about Li Chenzhou's backlash. At that time, Wu Batian understood that he couldn't suppress Li Chenzhou, a dragon.

After a while, Wu Batian breathed a sigh of relief, and the maid consciously tidied up and left. "Go and call the young master." Wu Batian rubbed his forehead, and began to worry about his son Wu Ming's future. If he wins the fight with Li Chenzhou, then naturally his son will be fine. If he loses With Li Chenzhou's temperament, it is estimated that anyone who is close to him will inevitably die.

Not long after, a young man with a pale face and sloppy footsteps came in. He was the son of Wu Ming Yulong Gang. A warrior of the ninth rank, in this life, at most, he will reach the lower rank of innate. His body has long been hollowed out by wine and sex. Compared with warriors of the same rank, he is much weaker.

"Father, why did you ask me to come? By the way, Jing Wufan, the son of Jing Fuhu from the Tiger Gang, and I fell in love with an oiran from a brothel at the same time. Father, if you give me 10 taels of silver, I will call him Jing Wufan." It's embarrassing." Wu Ming said carelessly, without the slightest feeling that the weather in Anle Mansion was about to change.

Wu Batian sighed, if his son was one-tenth as ruthless as Li Chenzhou, he wouldn't have to worry. Although his son didn't live up to expectations, Wu Ming was always his son.

Wu Batian took out a token from his body, the pattern of the token was very beautiful, with two words Shuntian written on it, he stuffed the token into Wu Ming's hand and said in a deep voice: "Ming'er, take your This token goes to Shuntian Mansion to find the government. A headhunter there once received my favor. You may be wronged if you go there, but at least you don’t have to worry about life danger. Holding this money will make you happy for the rest of your life Happy to be a rich man." Wu Batian gave Wu Ming another bundle of banknotes.

"If dad is fine this time, dad will pick you up right away. If he doesn't pick you up, you will never go back to Anlefu in this life." Wu Batian sighed and looked at Wu Ming stubbornly, as if he wanted Wu Ming Ming's appearance was engraved deep in his heart, and Wu Batian's tiger eyes flashed a soft meaning and said gently: "Let's go to Minger, don't look back, keep walking and go to Shuntian Mansion to find that catcher."

Even though Wu Ming's nerves were at the top, he felt something was wrong at this moment. He felt that Wu Batian seemed to be explaining the funeral.

"Father, what's the matter? Is it that the group of youngsters from the Tiger Gang are about to start a war with our Fish and Dragon Gang? See, I'll go later, pick off Jing Wufan's head and give it to Dad." Wu Ming said angrily. Although he is a dude, he respects his father very much and does not allow anyone to insult his father.

"No, tomorrow is probably more serious than the war between the Tiger Gang and us. If you want to blame, you can only blame your father and I for raising a tiger. If you were decisive at that time, you wouldn't have to leave your hometown." Wu Batian regretted it very much. He knew earlier that Li Chenzhou should have been chopped up with a knife, so that there would be no such things, but where in the world can he take the medicine for regret.

Looking at the city wall of Anle Mansion, Li Chenzhou couldn't help feeling a little emotional. This trip to Lanruo Temple was also very rewarding. Feeling the warmth of the jade pendant hanging around his neck, Li Chenzhou gently touched it. This jade pendant is Nie Xiaoqian's hiding place Because she hasn't broken through, she is naturally extremely afraid of the sun, so Nie Xiaoqian is in this jade pendant.

(End of this chapter)

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