Chapter 63 Metamorphosis
The black cauldron kept trembling and moaning, emitting a strong and blazing glow. Li Chenzhou had been sealed in it for more than an hour, and the lid of the cauldron would be shaken from time to time, and then fall down tightly to cover the mouth of the cauldron. The blood-red medicinal liquid Splashing, the rich fragrance clears the mind.

When Nie Xiaoqian swallowed the spirit withered vine, she broke into the innate realm. She did not attract the thunder disaster. This is because the ghost cultivator is very slow in practice, and God will give him an extra way of life. .

Because the ghost cultivator is a soul body, he is most afraid of something as masculine and powerful as thunder.

Suddenly, a wild elephant seemed to break through the cauldron cover, roaring continuously, its huge feet kept trampling, fierce flames raged, just like a real wild elephant breaking out.

It is huge. Compared with Li Chenzhou's true spirit, the wild elephant is undoubtedly several grades larger. The wild elephant keeps colliding with the cauldron, and sometimes roars at Li Chenzhou's true spirit.

Whenever Nie Xiaoqian wants to build a solid cauldron, she thinks of what Li Chenzhou said before entering the cauldron: "Maybe there will be visions later, don't panic, let him develop."

"Not good, this wild elephant is going to attack the young master."

The Brutal Elephant roared up to the sky, trampled wildly with its huge feet, and ran towards Li Chenzhou with a terrifying murderous intent in its eyes without the slightest intelligence. Every time the Brutal Elephant stepped on it, the cauldron cover would tremble unceasingly, as if it was about to break away from the cover.

Li Chenzhou's true spirit is majestic, sitting cross-legged on the spot, his body exuding a shocking glow, he is immersed in a strange state, as if isolating the world, constantly tempering the medicinal liquid, every drop of medicinal liquid is a talisman Wen, slowly integrated into Li Chenzhou's treasured body, turned into runes, emitting infinite brilliance, nourishing himself.

His whole body sprayed with divine brilliance, turning into streaks of traceable rays of light, densely packed, like giant beasts roaring, as if they wanted to break through the world.

The black and golden wild elephant rushed over, was entangled by dense light rays, turned into strands of light, and merged into the light. The light was connected to Li Chenzhou's treasured body, which could be seen clearly.

The light was slowly absorbed by Li Chenzhou's precious body, and every time he exhaled, the light would become dimmer.


The wild elephant is struggling crazily, it is roaring, it is screaming, it wants to escape from the shackles of the light, but it is useless, the light entangles the wild elephant tightly, making it useless except for roaring loudly .

"This vision is amazing." Nie Xiaoqian exclaimed, she seemed to be able to see the fierce fight between Li Chenzhou and the wild elephant.

The wild elephant trembled, and the roar shook people's eardrums. It was originally a phantom, but its current voice was truly terrifying and daunting.It was fighting for the last time, it stood up suddenly, roared in its mouth, and stepped on Li Chenzhou with its huge feet. This was its desperate blow.

Li Chenzhou stood still, like a solitary boat, drifting with the waves in the turbulent sea. At this moment, his precious body suddenly emitted a blazing and bright glow, and a huge figure suddenly condensed behind him.

The figure stood there as if it was a world of its own. The figure couldn't see clearly, his hair was shining brightly, and he was wearing terrifying and simple runes. These runes seemed to be his armor, invincible.

Just when the elephant's giant feet were about to step over, the figure moved, and a punch was thrown out, bursting out endless streams of light. This punch had an aura of supremacy, and it was smashed by thousands of ways.

The wild elephant screamed, it felt a breath of death coming towards its face, it was powerless to reverse the situation, this fist shook the wild elephant into countless rays of light and merged into Li Chenzhou's treasured body.

In the end, everything calmed down, and the cauldron cover was tightly sealed, sealing the cauldron, and the outside world could no longer see the scene inside through the gap.

Nie Xiaoqian breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that Li Chenzhou had passed the most dangerous time, and the next step was to refine the medicinal power with all his strength.

Ding inside.

Li Chenzhou's dual gods are in play at this moment. He turns into a ruthless devouring machine. He devours everything when he encounters light. Like a ruthless machine, he keeps looking for light to devour. Text, deeply imprinted in the body.

And Li Chenzhou was also uncomfortable. The red liquid was tumbling, but never dried up. Out of impurities, repeated so.

This is a terrifying process, very violent, this kind of pain can kill some warriors who are not firm-willed alive!
The red liquid medicine is not simply to cleanse the treasure body, but to rush into the body in an outrageous and unreasonable manner, and the impact is like crushing bones and meat. It is common for the meridians to be unable to bear it.

Li Chenzhou clenched his teeth, his precious body was solemn, and he actively attracted the torrent of red medicinal liquid to wash himself. From the outside to the inside, the whole body glowed. Although the pain was unbearable, he could clearly feel the strength of his own body.

The red blood, domineering and violent impact, nearly shattered its internal organs, but in the end it was nourished by the medicine, and there was an amazing glow. As for the broken bones, they were repaired in the end, making them more solid and white And the bright, golden blood is faintly mixed with some blue blood, which is the effect brought about by the real fusion of Li Chenzhou's twin gods.

Although Li Chenzhou had a double divine body before, if you look closely, you will find that Li Chenzhou's blood is almost all bright gold, with only a little bit of blue that cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye. This is the reason why the holy body completely suppressed the real spirit body.

This situation does not exist for Li Chenzhou at this moment. He has successfully integrated completely. With the passage of time, his dual gods will truly tend to a balanced state. Advantages will crush warriors of the same level.

This will make Li Chenzhou's understanding of the double divine body more profound, and his cultivation speed has increased by many levels. He is a single-attribute warrior, and he is also known as the most powerful innate holy body.

When morning came, Li Chenzhou opened his scarlet eyes. He had already completely refined the medicinal liquid in the medicine cauldron. Impurities.

Frowning, Li Chenzhou smelled his body. Although it was soaked in impurities, it exuded a delicate fragrance. This smell was extremely pleasant, not strong at all.

"I can now clearly perceive the transformation of my body. If I fight with me who has not taken the medicine bath, I can knock down the previous me with three punches. My physical strength at this moment is at least twice what it was before. Then That's 200 million catties of force." Li Chenzhou muttered to himself, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, the benefits this time brought to his body were unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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