Chapter 91 Old Ancestor
Li Chenzhou stepped into the inside of the holy tower at a fast pace. There was no one guarding the outside of the holy tower, because the holy tower has a barrier, and no one can break through the barrier unless it is powerful.

The moment he stepped in, Li Chenzhou only felt a ray of light sweep across his body, then the light dissipated, and Li Chenzhou just stepped in.

This is to confirm your identity. Even if you have the token of the Holy Son, it will not help. This light can tell whether you are the real Holy Son. There are only a few people who can step into the Holy Tower Cult at any time. All over the world.

Just these few people, others are not eligible to enter the holy tower, unless you have made great achievements.

The interior of the holy tower is very simple. It is a big and small blood pool full of blood, and there is nothing in other places. It is not as huge as Li Chenzhou imagined. It seems that this blood pool is the only thing in the holy tower.

"It's so different from what I imagined." Li Chenzhou said with emotion.

"Young master, can I come out? I feel that if I practice in the holy tower, I will get twice the result with half the effort." Nie Xiaoqian's voice came from the jade pendant, full of extreme desire.

"Don't panic, I'll check if there is any outside breath seeping out of some of the holy towers." Li Chenzhou said, and then the holy body suddenly erupted, and the terrifying coercion gradually radiated, and the source of this coercion was the door. With an invincible enchantment, Li Chenzhou was testing whether the breath would radiate.

He was afraid that Qing Tianxia would realize that, after all, Guixiu was a spiritual body detested by warriors.

When the breath of the holy body touched the barrier, the breath was suddenly bounced back, which made Li Chenzhou a little happy. Sure enough, the inside of the holy tower can isolate the breath.

"Don't worry, Xiaoqian, the holy pagoda can really block the breath, and the ghost energy of your ghost cultivator can be blocked." Li Chenzhou smiled lightly.

Then with a flash of white light, Nie Xiaoqian Shi Shi ran out of the jade pendant, with long hair tied up in a bun and beautiful white clothes, just like a person walking out of a painting.

"My lord." Nie Xiaoqian saluted with a smile.

"Xiaoqian." Li Chenzhou learned the salute in a dignified manner.

Nie Xiaoqian smiled, her smile was all over the country and the city, and the flowers and branches trembled.

"Hey, young man, are you the holy son of this generation of Moon Worship Sect?" A voice that seemed to come from hell shook Li Chenzhou's mind.

The moment Li Chenzhou heard these words, he subconsciously pushed Nie Xiaoqian behind his back, and the holy body suddenly exploded, which was countless times stronger than when Li Chenzhou fought Lin Haoyu.

This is Li Chenzhou's real strength, which is close to the peak of transformation.

Only at this time, Li Chenzhou released his true power without any scruples. Before Li Chenzhou fought, he never exposed the power of his holy body. He only fought with his body, which could not exert the universal power of the holy body at all.

"Which is the strong man? Since he is a strong man, why hide his head and show his tail." Li Chenzhou's hair stood on end, and his breath was terrifying.

From this voice, he felt a strong aura, which was very powerful, and his aura was like a lonely boat in front of this aura, drifting with the current.

At this moment, every cell in him was trembling, fearful, and howling, as if he felt the crisis of life and death.

"Interesting, is the Innate Eucharist?" The old man's stern voice seemed to have no place to speak, and his voice resounded in every space.

"I'm sorry senior, it's the junior who disturbed the senior's cultivation, so the junior will withdraw now." Li Chenzhou's eyes flickered, and he pulled Nie Xiaoqian and prepared to go out.

But the moment he just took a step, he only felt a powerful force coming to him, making his body unable to continue to make unnecessary movements, his muscles trembled, and he couldn't bear this force.

Soon the golden blood slowly flowed down from Li Chenzhou's broken skin and dripped on the ground.

"Hey, that's right, the innate holy body, golden blood, can suppress ghosts and gods." The old man smiled sternly, his voice sounded like a ghost seeking his life from hell.

"Senior, I don't know where this junior has offended you. If you have offended me a lot, please forgive me. If you need anything, you can tell this junior." Li Chenzhou gritted his teeth and said, his body trembling, which is the expression of extreme pain.

The aura of the old man was pressing on him, making every cell in his body howl, as if he was about to lose weight.

"Jie Jie, the younger generation looked up at me."

Suddenly Li Chenzhou felt the aura that was pressing on him dissipate, and every inch of his body cells gave out joyful calls.

Li Chenzhou breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head, and saw a scene that shocked him endlessly.

An old man in a black robe was tightly locked by a huge black iron chain, which ran through the luteal bone and the most important brows of the warrior.

The iron chain exuded endless divine brilliance, tightly locking the old man, and runes continued to circulate on the iron chain, extinguished, rose again, and extinguished.

"How is this possible?" Li Chenzhou said in a daze, with such an iron chain piercing his body between the eyebrows, how could he survive.

"Jie Jie, young man, do you want to try the feeling of the iron chain made of meteorite running through the bones of the lute and between the eyebrows?" The old man laughed hoarsely, without any pain.

After a long time, Li Chenzhou came back to his senses. It is not uncommon to survive through the lute bone. An ordinary mortal can survive being pierced through the lute bone by an ordinary iron chain.

But this one runs through the center of the eyebrows, you must know that the center of the eyebrows is the most important place for a warrior, when the cultivation base reaches a certain level, the heart is not as important as the center of the eyebrows, where your soul resides.

"Dare to ask senior's name?" Li Chenzhou cupped his fists respectfully. This old man was too scary and too weird.

"Jie Jie, I have forgotten my real name. I only know that thousands of years ago people called me Patriarch Cracking Heaven." The old man's cloudy eyes showed a trace of reminiscence, which was very complicated.

"I don't know who imprisoned Patriarch Lietian here?" Li Chenzhou asked a question carefully, trying not to talk about the pain of the old man, otherwise who knows if this patriarch will go crazy and just use his aura to suppress himself into patties.

This aura is too strong, Li Chenzhou feels that no one in the world can match this aura.

"Jie Jie, who can imprison my Ancestor Cracking Heaven in this place? Hmph, no one in the world can imprison me. I'm here to atone for my sins." There is also an unspeakable sense of guilt.

"Atonement is not like this. Make yourself like this, I can feel your vitality being swallowed by this iron chain." Li Chenzhou expressed his doubts, the iron chain made of meteoric iron is too It's too weird, not only has the cultivation base of the rune ban, but also has a kind of suction, which keeps sucking the vitality of the ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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