The Peerless Villain of Martial Arts

Chapter 95 Pixiu Demon Soul

Chapter 95 Pixiu Demon Soul
This night, the blood pool is no longer abnormal, and everything seems to be at peace. Li Chenzhou calmly absorbs the essence of the medicated bath, and constantly strengthens his physical strength, while the true spirit is also greedily sucking the medicated bath. The purest essence keeps growing, and there is a ray of light between the breaths.

This reassured Nie Xiaoqian a lot, and she watched the movement in the blood pool from time to time to observe Li Chenzhou's situation.

"It's useless, little girl. Even if something happens, we can't help him. We can rely on ourselves. Since he chose the medicinal bath method, he must have a bottom line in his heart. In other words, is this young boy A reckless person must be sure, otherwise he would not come here to take a medicated bath, and I think the elixir he swallowed before the medicated bath was Qingxin Dan, a fifth-grade elixir."

"The fifth-grade elixir can increase the probability of the last moment, and with the special blood pool at the holy tower, the probability of success will increase by a few percent, so there is no need to worry, the danger will not be too great." Patriarch Tian said lightly, a gleam of light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

With his eyesight, he can see everything clearly.

Nie Xiaoqian nodded, but she still couldn't help feeling a little worried.

On the second night, the blood pool began to tremble, and even standing outside could feel the terrifyingly high temperature in the blood pool. From time to time, there would be a little hot wave roaring out, which was shocking.

"Old Ancestor, is the young master okay? I see that the blood pool is starting to tremble." Nie Xiaoqian asked anxiously, her autumn-like eyes kept watching the changes in the blood pool, and she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Jie Jie, the youngsters are already in danger now, and the demon spirit of Pixiu has come out. This is the most terrifying murderous intent contained in the medicine bath." Patriarch Li Tian smiled lightly, without any worry in his eyes. The Eucharist is his confidence in Li Chenzhou.

How could it be so easy for the divine body, which monopolizes the destiny of the human race, to die early?
In the pool of blood, a thrilling battle took place.

Li Chenzhou's true spirit is solemn and solemn, sitting cross-legged in the mid-air, while the huge Pixiu demon spirit keeps roaring, the aura of the peak of the king is undoubtedly revealed, the terrifying breath actually makes the blood waves in the blood pool keep rolling, every time the blood waves beat When it came to Li Chenzhou's body, it was accompanied by scorching pain.

"Sure enough, before this pixiu demon soul actually makes a move, its strength far exceeds that of the wild elephant in the wild elephant's medicine bath. If it does, its power may shock the sky." Li Chenzhou said to himself, but his mind remained clear and calm. .

Pixiu had a stalemate with Li Chenzhou for a while, seeing that the heat wave couldn't do anything to Li Chenzhou, a trace of violence flashed in the eyes of the beast, this kind of demon soul has no intelligence and acts entirely on instinct.

Pai Yao suddenly moved, roared up to the sky, and instantly appeared in front of Li Chenzhou with a huge body, and slapped it with a paw, with a powerful momentum, and slapped Li Chenzhou's true spirit with extremely strong hostility and killing intent.

The true spirit suddenly radiated a glow all over the sky, and a thin protective cover instantly appeared around Li Chenzhou, which surprised Li Chenzhou. Maybe this is what Fang Jinlan said about the blood pool that would increase his chances of success in medicinal bathing. thing.

The protective cover is blood-colored. Although it is thin, it will have a feeling of invincibility. The outer layer of the protective cover has circles of runes that circulate continuously. The runes are simple and cumbersome, with an aura that seems to come from ancient times. .

Pixiu's paws slapped on the blood-colored protective cover. What shocked him was that the seemingly powerful blood-colored protective cover did not move at all, as if these were just itchy.

Seeing this, Pixiu couldn't help being even more angry. In his eyes, it was just a layer of paper, and one claw was not broken. Pixiu's mouth began to swallow, and a ball of light kept growing in Pixiu's mouth. Condensed a mass of breath that made Li Chenzhou feel palpitations.

"Are you going to get real?" Zhenling murmured, and suddenly saw that the real spirit emitted a glow, which merged into the blood-colored protective cover, and began to increase the thickness of the protective cover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally increased. The speed stopped, but it also grew to a finger width. Before, it was almost as thin as a cicada's wing, but now it is a full finger width.

This is definitely a major leap, a full increase of more than ten times.

But this is also the greatest power that the true spirit can provide at present, and there is no way to provide it if there are more true spirits.

In the end, the ball of light, which was originally half the size of a human, suddenly began to shrink violently, and there was a terrifying breath overflowing, showing its sharpness between hesitation and exhalation.

Li Chenzhou frowned. The ball of light finally shrunk to the size of a fist, but the power contained in it was really terrifying. Just seeing the ball of light made Li Chenzhou's scalp go numb. If he carefully felt the power contained in the ball of light, , I'm afraid it's not as simple as just a numb scalp.

"Maybe this is also a chance." Li Chenzhou narrowed his eyes and looked at Pixiu not far away. He could feel that every time Pixiu exhaled, although the ball of light would grow a little bit, the same Pixiu would also decline a little bit. After all He is not a real Pixiu, he is just a demon soul, a demon soul without intelligence.

If you grasp the opportunity well, you may be able to suppress Pixiu when Pixiu spits out the ball of light, while he is weak, but the premise is to resist the bombardment of the ball of light. If you can resist, then you have a good chance of winning. Then the chances of winning are naturally not.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Li Chenzhou's heart. If he just sits and waits to die, then it is definitely not Li Chenzhou's style, and he has to think of other ways.

At this moment, Li Chenzhou's brain is running at high speed, thinking about what can save this situation. After all, if he sits and waits for death, the chance of winning may be at most [-]%, so he must come up with other methods.

"I don't know if the ban of heaven is useful in this. If it is useful, you can let the ban of heaven protect the protective cover, and the ban of heaven can pass through everything within three breaths, so maybe you can use the ban of heaven to wrap the protective cover, and then activate it The spiritual power is rushing towards Paixiu." Li Chenzhou murmured, a white light flashed in his hand suddenly, Li Chenzhou was very surprised when he saw the white light appear, this is the ban of heaven, if it is practical, I am afraid he does not have any martial skills and heaven Banned comparable.

Li Chenzhou thought of this method, and he was no longer anxious. He sat on the spot calmly and carefully stared at Pixiu who was not far away. The breath made Li Chenzhou startled.

"Since you are going to come to the big one this time, I will also bet with you." Li Chenzhou said gloomyly, a hint of madness flashed in his eyes, since you are going to go to the big one, then I will bet with you.

Let's see if you die first or I, Li Chenzhou, die first.

(End of this chapter)

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