Chapter 104
Not long after, the three of them arrived at an inn.

Don't let yourself lift your feet up the stairs.He raised his hand and hugged a "thing" rushing out from the innermost part.

Lu Zhao also followed behind and blinked before he could see clearly that the thing that rushed out like a cannonball was a little girl who was not as tall as his legs.

"Brother...where did sister go just now..."

Ying Qingqing almost said the wrong thing, quickly put her fist against her mouth, gave Mo Rang a pitiful look, and felt relieved when she saw that he was not angry.

"Didn't I tell Xiaocha?"

Mo Rang smiled and lifted the girl up high.

After the incident with Xie Yugong, this child was really depressed for a long time.But fortunately, it didn't grow crooked, and it was still a cute and sensible little red flower, but it was a bit clingy.

Ying Qingqing's eyes flickered, "But you guys have been away for too long, I'm here alone... I'm scared."

"Not next time."

Mo Rang rubbed her head, then handed her to Liu Yun behind him.

Liu Yun was still staring at Lu Zhao, who was like a dog skin plaster behind him, and said weakly, "Linghuai, do you really want this kid to follow us all the time?"

"What else, can you drive him away?"

Mo Rang folded his arms and looked at Lu Zhao with a serious face, "In terms of artistic conception, I can't help you much, at most I can just point you the way."

Lu Zhao nodded, "I know."

Mo Rang waved his hand and walked towards his room, the voice came from the gap between the closed doors.

"But it's good to take this time to calm down..."


Close the door, and inside is Mo Rang's private space.

Private space, this is a word that can make people feel safe.

He looked around again, it was a simple and clean house, not luxurious, and a bit dark.

The bamboo curtains were pulled tightly so that no light could penetrate. There was a bookcase opposite the window, and beside the bookcase were simple desks, wardrobes and beds.


Make him feel comfortable.

Mo Rang walked to the table, took out a yellowed book from the space, and saw clearly written on it——"Liangjie Village Chronicle".

After taking out this book, his eyes also changed, sharp as a knife.The color of the eyes changed from dark black to blood red, like the color emerging from the pupils, glowing faintly in the dark room.

"Because there are people following me, I don't have time to analyze it carefully. I just use this time to sort out my thoughts."

He opened the book, and the yellowed paper was opened in his hands, with an earthy color and bloody smell, which could tell the age of the book.You can probably guess the richness of the story behind it.

I saw that the first page of its opening reads - from the second year of Cheng'an to the first year of Jin Dynasty.

Don't turn to the end, the records of the village chronicles stop in the third year of Jin and Yuan Dynasties.

In the third year of Jin and Yuan Dynasties...

This time has happened many times.

It was a year when the starving ghost became a refugee and there was a severe drought in Yunzhou.Even the negative stone ghost king appeared for the first time in this year.

He flipped back, and the sound of flipping through the book rang in his ears.

The handwriting of the village chronicles is all handwritten by the village head, which looks a bit scribbled, and there are typos in some places.

The first [-] sheets all record some daily chores, such as how much grain is produced in the village, or some new farming methods.

Among them, the topography and landforms as well as commercial activities are also recorded very clearly.

Mo Rang had already flipped through this book several times, so he flipped through it relatively quickly.Apart from the terrain, the previous content didn't have much reference value, and his mind was running fast.His eyes flicked across lines of scrawled handwriting, corresponding to countless conjectures in his heart.

According to the corner mark below it, it can be seen that Liangjie Village was calm before the second year of Jinyuan.Nothing weird happened.

But from the second year of the Jin Dynasty, there was first "heavy rain for months, and the howling wind." Then there was "no harvest, and drought again."

Mo Rang frowned, and read the records of the second year of Jin Yuan again, feeling a little unbearable.

The writer's handwriting in that year was particularly scribbled, and the writing was also severely damaged.Pages of khaki-colored paper were curled at the edges, and there were some scorched marks or traces of being stained by water.

"It rained continuously for months, and there were few dry places on the ground. They rushed to the village in an embrace. The fields were destroyed, the roofs were flying, and the villagers had nowhere to escape. The moon was looking up, the sky was cloudy and there was no rain, the wind was howling, and people were panicking. There was an elder in the village who died suddenly overnight. When he died, his face was blue and gray, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his body was bony, as if he had been sucked dry by a ghost overnight. I asked for an autopsy , was not poisoned, and the cause of death is unpredictable."

There is no blood all over the body, has Liangjie Village been in a ghost since so early...

According to Mo Rang's understanding of evil spirits.They always like to create panic first. When humans panic to the extreme, it is the most delicious time to eat.

Probably since then, the village has stepped into the abyss of extinction step by step.

It ended up being what it is now, a playground for ghosts.

"On August [-]th, at dusk, the villagers wanted to do something for the elder. Because of the strange cause of the elder's death, they wanted to bury him early. On the way to the coffin, the elder came back to life..."


I'm afraid it's not possessed by evil spirits.

"After the elder woke up, it was as if he was alive. There was nothing wrong with it. However, ghosts continued in the village. In front of him, there was a child crying at night in Xicun, and I took people to go there. I was shocked to see his whole family died suddenly, and the husband and wife stared at each other. There were neighbors behind. Fainted during the banquet, woke up and bit more than a dozen people, ran to the field and died."

"People were panicked, so I sent people to invite Wu Zhu to perform the ceremony. Halfway through the ceremony, the candle flames went out instantly, the smoke trembled like wind blowing fallen leaves, and Wu Zhu bleed to death from his seven orifices."

This village chronicle was about to be turned over, and Mo Rang's face became even more ugly.

Because he knew that these people didn't want to go out, or didn't want to escape from Liangjie Village.

But there is no escape at all!

There is no reason to let go of the food you get. Evil ghosts know this truth better than humans.From the night when the first elder died, the evil spirits have been eyeing the village.

The ghost king's force field covered the village, playing tricks on this group of people from above.Seeing them collapse, like domestic animals, they roared unwillingly before dying.

Love and friendship are nothing in front of evil spirits.They completely subverted all this with their strength, and turned Liangjie Village into their game field.

It wasn't until the third year of Jin and Yuan Dynasties that the evil ghost who ran out of the underworld first finally gathered all his blood and energy, and also released the stone-bearing ghost king who crushed Liangjie Village.


"If I'm not mistaken, there is a huge seal under Liangjie Village...or in other words, it is the closest connection to hell."

Mo Rang pondered: "Heaven is everywhere, and it is indeed a rule that powerful evil spirits can be sealed in the underworld. However, if Liangjie Village itself is such a special existence, then the sacrifice of blood and energy Sacrifice can break the seal for a short time, allowing the powerful ghost king to emerge from the ground."

——During the catastrophe in the third year of Jin and Yuan Dynasties, Liangjie Village was the starting point of everything.

He also seemed to understand.Why did he appear in that wilderness when he woke up?
Because he was the one who crawled out of hell.

He was sent back to the human world by the system.It will naturally appear in the place where the two worlds are most closely connected.

——The wilderness that breeds malice.

(End of this chapter)

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