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Chapter 3 Battle Reversal

Chapter 3 Battle Reversal
Lin Muyu saw the gangster leader Li Xunle open his posture, and then waved his arms, clenched his fists, and showed off the strong muscles in his hands.

After all, Lin Muyu is different from Li Xunle. Although he has great strength, he does not have any martial arts moves.

But Li Xunle has a lot of kung fu, and the posture he pulls out is also very good-looking, and not only good-looking.

Immediately, Li Xunle attacked Lin Muyu, and his moves were sophisticated, so he looked like a Lianjiazi.

Although Lin Muyu didn't know martial arts moves, his body's sensitivity and reflexes were excellent. He immediately avoided Li Xunle's attack.

Not only that, Lin Muyu is still looking for Li Xunle's flaws, as long as he finds a flaw, Lin Muyu can catch him, once caught by him, with his strength, Li Xunle must be able to drink a pot.

Seeing her son fighting with the gangster Li Xunle, Xiaoxiao was also very nervous. When she saw a pile of dog shit not far from the door, her stomach turned.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but twitched when she thought that her son would eat dog shit after losing.

Suddenly Xiaoxiao remembered that there was still some black sesame paste in the kitchen, and couldn't help but feel moved.

So, Xiao Xiao immediately ran into the kitchen, made the black sesame paste, added some small pieces of rock sugar, and added some flour.

Xiaoxiao mixed the flour and black sesame paste together, then added rock sugar and mixed thoroughly. Stirring again, the mixture was very even and it looked dark.

Now the prepared black sesame paste is added with flour and rock sugar, and it is rolled into a ball. It is black and a little hard, and it looks like a pile of black dog shit.

After Xiaoxiao prepared the black paste, she immediately took it outside the house, scooped up the pile of shit, and then put the black sesame paste on the ground.

Now everyone was watching the battle between Lin Muyu and Li Xunle, and no one noticed the small movements, and Lin Muyu and Li Xunle didn't even know about it.

Now the ball of black sesame paste looks like a pile of black dog shit no matter how close it is or far away, no one noticed that Xiao Xiao dropped a pile of black dog shit.

After Xiaoxiao finished doing this quietly, he watched the competition between his son and Li Xunle. Judging from the current situation, not only did the two of them not have a winner, but no one suffered a loss.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Li Xunle still has the upper hand. Li Xunle is now making moves again and again, while Lin Muyu is dodging again and again, and he is hiding in a bit of embarrassment.

Indeed, after all, Lin Muyu has no kung fu, only good strength, and no moves. Under Li Xunle's repeated attacks, he can't dodge if he wants to.

Therefore, in fact, Li Xunle did take the initiative as soon as he entered the stage, and his moves were so sophisticated that it was difficult for people to find a flaw.

Lin Muyu's advantage lies in his strength, and his advantage has to be close to Li Xunle, and he has to grab his body to be effective.

But now Lin Muyu not only failed to find Li Xunle's flaws, but was also forced into a panic by Li Xunle.

If Lin Muyu's body was not flexible enough, she would have been defeated by Li Xunle long ago.

But even so, Lin Muyu was still punched by Li Xunle. Fortunately, his body was strong enough, and he was not seriously injured. It was only a slight injury, and Lin Muyu resisted it with his youth and strength.

Seeing her son being punched, Xiaoxiao felt very distressed, thinking that her son really couldn't beat the gangster leader Li Xunle, but fortunately she also replaced the pile of shit while no one was paying attention, and was defeated in a short while, eating that shit was also a big deal. Not so unpalatable.

However, after being punched, Lin Muyu suffered a little loss, but he was not defeated, and his body became more flexible.

Originally, Li Xunle's combat experience was much richer than Lin Muyu's. Now, after a fierce battle between Lin Muyu and Li Xunle, they have basically figured out Li Xunle's routines.

In this way, Lin Muyu was not so embarrassed to avoid it, and let him see a small flaw in Li Xunle.

However, Lin Muyu did not take action immediately. He still wanted to find a big flaw. To deal with Li Xunle, he couldn't do it like he had to deal with Zong Huan. He had to succeed with one blow, otherwise, he would definitely be counterattacked by Li Xunle.

But now, Li Xunle also felt very strange, he also did not expect that this idiot was not only strong, but also so flexible in body, he really underestimated him.

Therefore, Li Xunle stepped up his attack, and the attack became more and more fierce. Every move was ruthless, hitting Lin Muyu back again and again.

Although Lin Muyu was beaten back one after another, he was in a good mood. Not only was he not annoyed at all, but he also had a smile on his face.

Seeing his son being beaten in such a hurry, Xiaoxiao actually laughed, and couldn't help becoming nervous again, thinking that his son finally became smart, capable, and capable, so he won't be stupid again now.

Now not only Xiao Xiao has such thoughts, but also the onlookers, especially Lin Cui, who is also very worried that her brother will become a fool again.

Of course, Lin Muyu didn't laugh because he was stupid, but because he stepped back one after another and found a big flaw in Li Xunle.

He found that although Li Xunle's offensive was fierce now, he was only attacking blindly and had no stamina to defend.

In this way, as long as Lin Muyu avoids the sharp edge, he can fight close to him, and once the two of them fight close to each other, Lin Muyu will have an absolute advantage, because he has great strength, and he is still strong. Infinity.

Sure enough, after Lin Muyu backed up a few steps one after another, after avoiding Li Xunle's serial attacks, there was a big gap in his back, that is, an empty door was exposed.

And Lin Muyu has been observing for a long time, and now he will naturally not miss such an excellent opportunity to counterattack.

Immediately, Lin Muyu rubbed his body and hugged Li Xunle's waist in one fell swoop, and did not let go of this hug.

When Li Xunle's waist was hugged, he couldn't move, he couldn't use his strength, even if he had the most powerful moves, he couldn't use them.

Therefore, Li Xunle had no choice but to struggle hard, but his strength was still not as good as Lin Muyu's, and it was impossible to break free from Lin Muyu's hug.

Lin Muyu is now holding Li Xunle's waist tightly with both hands, no matter how he struggles and attacks his body, Lin Muyu just won't let go.

Suddenly Lin Muyu yelled again, and lifted Li Xunle up all at once, all the way above his head.

As a result, the battle situation has changed tremendously. Just now, Li Xunle had the upper hand, forcing Lin Muyu to panic and retreat one after another. Now, Lin Muyu hugged him and lifted him up. As long as Lin Muyu If the fish falls to the ground again, it will definitely fall out.

(End of this chapter)

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