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Chapter 45 "Young Master, Please Stay Away, My Lady Is Inviting!"

Chapter 45 "Young Master, Please Stay Away, My Lady Is Inviting!"

Lin Chaoyu was overjoyed when he saw a large pile of beef piled up in the room, one piece after another, and dozens of jugs of good wine.

With these things, they can slow down this winter.Immediately, Lin Chaoyu asked people to pack up the beef and good wine and transport them back to the cottage.

Lin Chaoyu searched the room again, but found no other good things, and Lin Muyu disappeared.

Lin Chaoyu searched everywhere for a long time but couldn't find Lin Muyu, so he couldn't help but feel lost.

Lin Chaoyu wandered around the town for a long time before returning to the cottage, still thinking about Lin Muyu.

However, Lin Muyu had already left the town.Lin Muyu also left some beef and dozens of jugs of wine after seeing that the people in the cottage hadn't settled down all winter.

After Lin Muyu left the town, he went all the way north, traveling during the day and staying at night, and arrived in Zhongzhou City within a day.

When you arrive at Zhongzhou City, you will not be far from Dadu.Zhongzhou is also a big city. After Lin Muyu entered the city, he first found an inn to stay.

This inn is called Ruyi Inn. Lin Muyu saw that the inn had a good name, so he stayed here.

The service of this inn is still very considerate, as long as the guest has money, it is very polite and considerate service.

Lin Muyu still has more than 3000 taels of silver, which is not short of money.You can't go out without money.

Lin Muyu stayed in the inn for one night. When she got up the next morning, she planned to go north to Dadu, but seeing the bustling scene of Zhongzhou City, she decided to stay here for a day. Anyway, Dadu is not far away now.

Lin Muyu strolled around the street, it is indeed very prosperous, the street is also very lively, there are all kinds of people from all walks of life.

Lin Muyu was walking on the streets of Zhongzhou City, and when she saw those selling gadgets, she thought of Fang Xiaoyu again.

When Fang Xiaoyu and Fang Xiaoyu were in Xiangyang City before, the scene of the two shopping together came to mind again.

Lin Muyu was strolling while reminiscing about the past, when he suddenly saw another booth with a candy maker.

Immediately, Lin Muyu thought of the sugar figurine he and Fang Xiaoyu made in Xiangyang City, thinking of the lifelike sugar figurine, he couldn't help but smile.

Lin Muyu stood in front of the stall for a while, and the uncle who made the sugar figurine immediately said, "My lord, let's make a sugar figurine."

"No." Lin Muyu waved his hand and walked forward again.

Suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from the front, and there were many people there. It was really lively.Lin Muyu also walked over and saw that there were people gathered there.

As soon as Lin Muyu arrived, he heard someone say: "The Li family is looking for a son-in-law in the street today, and I heard that his eldest lady is a great beauty."

"That's right, I came to line up early in the morning. I heard that Miss Li's family is going to throw hydrangea in person on the Cailou today." A man in his 30s said excitedly.

Lin Muyu heard these people talking for a while, and finally understood, it turned out that the Li family was recruiting relatives, and it was interesting to throw show balls in the street to recruit relatives.

Lin Muyu also stood in the crowd and watched.

"Coming, coming, the eldest lady of the Li family is coming out." Someone said in surprise.

Sure enough, after the sound of gongs and drums, a beautiful woman appeared on the Cailou.This beautiful woman was about eighteen or nineteen years old, and she was as beautiful as a flower, and the people who were watching and waiting were in a commotion.

Those bachelor men pushed forward desperately, hoping that Miss Li's show ball could be thrown at their heads, or they could grab it.

Tossing a show ball to recruit relatives is also an ancient ritual of recruiting relatives, which was popular as early as the Tang Dynasty.

Once the show ball is thrown, no matter which man grabs it or throws it on anyone's head, this man will marry this lady, and he will not regret it.

However, no one will regret such a good thing.Now the floor below the color building is full of people, they are all young men, and there are also old bachelors in their 40s and [-]s who want to try their luck and see if they are lucky.

Lin Muyu just stood outside and watched, and didn't squeeze in, and there was a crowd of people inside, all of them raised their heads and looked up at Miss Li's family on the Cailou.

The eldest lady of the Li family stood on the colorful building and looked down, looking from the left to the right, and from the front to the back.

The young masters below, as well as some old bachelors also followed the eyes of Miss Li's family. Miss Li's eyes turned to the left, and they also turned to the left. Miss Li's eyes turned to the right, and their eyes followed. To the right.

Miss Li's beautiful eyes searched around like a radar, looked around, and finally turned her gaze to the outside, and locked on Lin Muyu again.

Miss Li's gaze moved over, and just met Lin Muyu's gaze. Lin Muyu couldn't help admiring in her heart, she was really a great beauty, and she looked at him with spring eyes, and couldn't help feeling in her heart move.

After the eldest lady of the Li family locked the target, she raised the show ball and was eager to try it. However, she tried several times but was not sure to throw it to Lin Muyu.

After all, Lin Muyu stood a little far away and was always on the periphery. Miss Li's family couldn't cast so far even if she wanted to.

As a result, Miss Li's family became a little anxious.The eldest lady of the Li family made gestures to Lin Muyu one after another on the Cailou, asking him to come closer.

However, Lin Muyu didn't squeeze into the crowd, and he didn't understand Miss Li's gestures, and he didn't come to recruit relatives, he just passed by, just to see the excitement.

But now, the young miss of the Li family held up the show ball as if to throw it, and the people below started making noise, staring closely at the big red show ball.

However, the eldest lady of the Li family held it up for a long time, but she didn't let it go. She kept looking at Lin Muyu, and Lin Muyu also met her eyes several times.

The men in the audience were a little anxious when they saw that Miss Li was holding up the show ball and kept refusing to throw it. Someone said loudly: "Miss, throw it quickly, throw it quickly, throw it towards me."

However, the young lady of the Li family still did not abandon the show ball, she had already set her sights on Lin Muyu, but Lin Muyu was not in her show ball shooting range.

Therefore, Miss Li's family called out again to temporarily cancel the activity of recruiting relatives.

The sons and elders below, as well as the old bachelors, were noisy again. Some people had been waiting in line for several hours. They finally waited until Miss Li came out, and now she stopped throwing show balls.

The eldest lady of the Li family glanced at Lin Muyu again, and then walked out of the Cailou.Those waiting men made noise for a while before they dispersed.

Lin Muyu walked forward again, but just as he turned around, he suddenly heard a voice calling him: "My lord, please stop, my lady is here to welcome you."

Lin Muyu was taken aback when he heard the voice, and then saw a young lady who looked like a maid walking towards him.

The maid quickly came to Lin Muyu, bowed to Lin Muyu again, and said, "My lord, please come with me, my lady is here to invite you."

(End of this chapter)

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