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Chapter 54 "A Good Horse Indeed"

Chapter 54 "A Good Horse Indeed"

The bully Zhang Ju was at a loss when he saw his men lying on the ground rolling, and looked at Lin Muyu in disbelief, thinking he was dreaming.

But Lin Muyu laughed.Not only did he defeat Zhang Ju's subordinates, but he also gained a large wave of positive and negative emotional points.

All the onlookers here have contributed positive emotion points, which are +100 points, and +80 points are constantly getting in, especially Zhang Ju has the most negative emotion points, and he contributed +1950 negative emotion points at one time. This is Lin Mu. Fish has gained the most negative emotional value in a single transaction so far.

Soon, Lin Muyu found that the positive and negative emotional value exceeded 5000 points, and was immediately happy. He didn't expect that a bully would gain so much.

At this moment, there was another sound of horseshoes, galloping from far to near, and soon arrived in front of everyone.

There are more than 20 people in this team. They are a team of guarding soldiers, subordinate to the admiral of the Nine Gates, and the leader is a general.

Zhang Ju was overjoyed when he saw this team of people coming, and the bewilderment just now disappeared without a trace, because he knew this person, not only did he know him, but he was also a subordinate of his relatives and high officials.

Zhang Ju then stepped forward and said to the leading general: "Uncle Liu, my nephew has been bullied, you have to decide for me."

The general was going to ride his horse to bypass the crowd, he didn't want to meddle in his own business, these matters are not in his hands, the yamen of Shuntian Mansion are in charge.

But Zhang Ju jumped out to stop him, so he couldn't ignore him, he was an acquaintance after all.

General Liu Shen glanced at Zhang Ju, and saw Zhang Ju's subordinates being knocked to the ground. He was also secretly surprised. He didn't know who was so bold.

Liu Shenjiang immediately asked Zhang Ju: "What's going on? Don't you usually bully others? Why are you still being bullied?"

Zhang Ju couldn't help but blushed, this time he lost face, so he said: "That kid has some martial arts skills, he robbed my horse and injured someone, Uncle Liu has to make decisions for my little nephew."

Zhang Ju pointed at Lin Muyu while talking, General Liu Shen also looked at Lin Muyu, and said, "It's him, the one who robbed your horse and injured you?"

"That's right, that's right." Zhang Ju said hastily.

"In broad daylight, you dare to snatch people's horses, and even dare to hurt people's lives. Is there any law? Serve with bows and arrows." General Liu Shen looked at Lin Muyu and said sharply.

A group of soldiers following him immediately drew their bows and set up arrows, and immediately aimed at Lin Muyu. As long as General Liu Shen gave an order, they would shoot random arrows, and Lin Muyu might be shot like a hedgehog.

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene immediately became tense, and the onlookers were even more frightened, and they all moved aside for fear of being injured by the arrows.

Lin Muyu was also taken aback, he didn't expect that things would change like this, he suddenly remembered that when he was in Liusha County, those county government officials chased and killed his family of three, and they had to live in the rivers and lakes. After living in Dadu, is it possible that the same situation will happen again now?
Although Lin Muyu was surprised, he didn't panic, and immediately raised his whole body's true energy, ready to use Ti Yunzong's light work to deal with these bows and arrows at any time.

When the atmosphere was extremely tense and on the verge of breaking out, Li Min immediately said a few words to his driver.

Li Min's coachman came out immediately, walked up to General Liu Shen, and suddenly took out a sign and flashed it.

When Liu Canjiang saw this sign, he was surprised at first, then the coachman said a few words to Liu Canjiang, Liu Canjiang asked people to put down his bow and arrow, and left soon.

Zhang Ju didn't know what was going on, and he didn't see the driver's sign, he was still shouting from behind: "Uncle Liu, why did you leave?"

General Liu Shen looked back at Zhang Ju, said nothing, and left quickly.

Lin Muyu also knew that Li Min's coachman was out of the siege, and became more and more curious. He felt that Li Min's identity was very unusual, and even the officers and soldiers were afraid of his coachman.

Zhang Ju was about to say something more, but Li Min's coachman suddenly punched him out, hitting Zhang Ju on the jaw, causing his mouth to bleed, and several front teeth were broken.

After Li Min's coachman punched Zhang Ju, he took out the sign and showed it in front of him.Seeing this sign, Zhang Ju's face immediately changed, and suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat, his whole body was soaked in sweat in the cold weather.

Zhang Ju couldn't care about the knocked out tooth or the pain in his mouth anymore, so he jumped on his horse and ran away. When his followers saw their master leaving, they hurriedly got up from the ground and rode away as well.

Those onlookers were also very surprised.

Of course, Lin Muyu would not pay attention to the thoughts of these melon eaters, he still rode on that fierce horse.

Li Min suddenly said to Lin Muyu: "Brother Lin, what a horse, what a horse."

Lin Muyu also smiled, stroked the horse's golden hair with his hand, and said, "It is indeed a good horse."

"Brother Lin, do you still want to eat?" Li Min said again.

"No, Brother Li, let's go back to the wine shop." Lin Muyu said.

Although Lin Muyu now knew that Li Min's identity was very unusual, he didn't ask any questions.

"Okay, please, Brother Lin."

"Brother Li, please."

Lin Muyu didn't dismount, and rode directly back to the wine shop. Since Zhang Ju didn't want this strong horse, he wanted it.

Li Min was still in the carriage, and after they left, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed.

When they returned to the winery, it was getting dark, Li Min also left the winery, and Lin Muyu started making wine again.

This time Lin Muyu decided to make a thousand altars of good wine, but he still didn't need much effort to make wine, and he didn't need any equipment, as long as he had a wine jar.

This courtyard is big enough, and only two rooms are needed for a thousand altars of wine.

The winemaking speed of the system is extremely fast. With Lin Muyu's thought, those well water entered the system, and the system quickly produced jar after jar of fine wine.

These wines are still so fragrant and delicious.

It only took Lin Muyu an hour to make a thousand altars of thousands of miles of fragrant wine.

Lin Muyu looked at the rows of fine wine produced by the system, and smiled again. A thousand jars of fine wine can be sold for 3000 taels of silver. If they sell quickly, he can make [-] jars of fine wine a day.

However, it is easy to make so much wine, and it is impossible to sell that much wine if you really want to sell it.However, regarding this point, Lin Muyu didn't take it seriously. Opening a wine shop was just a temporary idea. His real purpose was to sneak into the palace as soon as possible and get Qianweixiang as soon as possible. This is why he came to Dadu all the way Purpose.

However, when he was in the restaurant, Li Min agreed to take him to the palace, there must be a way to do this, it must be reliable.

Lin Muyu walked back and forth in the courtyard, thought about some things, and started practicing again.

(End of this chapter)

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