Datang: From exiled prince to eternal tyrant

Chapter 106 Battle Formation Charge

Chapter 106 Battle Formation Charge
The battle started, and the two sides quickly launched a charge.

Li Ke lined up [-] heavy cavalry at the front to withstand the opponent's first round of offensive.

The heavy cavalry wore plate armor, had notched round shields, and held conical dragoon spears, charging at the enemy.

This dragon cavalry spear is four to five meters long and can extend three meters from the horse's head, which is much longer than the opponent's weapon.

Relying on the advantage of this one-inch length, the heavy cavalry formed a formation, cleared the way in front, and was responsible for breaking up the opponent's formation.

Behind the heavy cavalry is the main infantry force. These troops are in groups of ten. Four of them are responsible for holding shields to resist. Three halberd bearers are responsible for dealing with the opponent's horses. The halberd has a hook on the side and sweeps downward. It can sweep down the opponent's horse, and the remaining three people are armed with chopping axes, ready to deal a fatal blow to the fallen enemy at any time.

Finally, there are [-] light cavalry. These cavalry roam on both sides of the infantry, resisting the enemy's charges against the infantry on both sides, and supporting various battle lines at any time.

Li Ke rushed to the front, his Lu Bu fighting spirit had been awakened, and his whole body was full of blood at this moment.

Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd behind his hand, he drove his horse hard to kill the enemy general as quickly as possible.

The opposite coach was not stupid, knowing that this battle was not sure of victory, so the two coaches shrank to the back.

Li Ke ignored him and rushed directly towards the opponent's highest-ranking general.

As soon as they met, he first killed the two soldiers who slashed their halberds at him, and then he rode his horse and rushed to the leader of the Turkic soldiers.

With a sweep, he slashed at the opponent's general, but the general was a bit skilled, and he blocked it with a long axe.

He might have wanted to block Li Ke's slash with the long axe, but what he didn't expect was that Li Ke was far stronger than him in strength.With a little effort, Li Ke took out the long ax in his hand.

The general was stunned for a moment, there was nothing in his hand, just when he was about to hit his horse and escape, Li Ke stabbed him with a long halberd, hit him in the side, and picked him off the horse.

At this time, Turkic soldiers had surrounded him, trying to surround Li Ke.

Li Ke didn't panic in the slightest, with a sweep of his halberd, he knocked down four or five soldiers, and jumped out of the encirclement.

Then he rushed back and forth several times, killing more than a dozen high-ranking enemy generals, and the heavy cavalry behind him had rushed over.

Li Ke beat his horse and retreated, leaving the main battlefield to his heavy cavalry.

He charged first, in order to disturb the enemy camp, frighten the courage of these aliens, and lay the groundwork for the charge of the heavy cavalry behind him.

Therefore, when he rushed to kill before, he picked the opponent's senior generals to attack.The purpose is to kill those generals who can command the layout and prevent the opponent from responding and commanding their own heavy cavalry formation.

This heavy cavalry phalanx charge is extremely powerful, and it can penetrate the opponent from three meters away.

As for the aliens, their morale was already extremely low, and when they were disturbed by Li Ke, they were even more chaotic.

At this moment, when he was attacked by the heavy cavalry again, he was immediately scattered and had no power to parry.

The heavy cavalry, like tanks, crushed them, and everywhere they went was covered in blood.

And those aliens who were not charged by the spears had already dispersed to fight on their own.

The light cavalry and infantry camps also approached and attacked these aliens who were fighting independently.

At this time, Li Ke had already cruised to the side, and together with the light cavalry, rushed towards the enemy troops who had been scattered to one side.

On the main battlefield, Ma Liuzhi held a rattan shield in one hand and a steel knife in the other, commanding the infantry phalanx behind him.

As a general, he has always taken the lead.People in the side formations carried heavy shields to resist the cavalry, but Ma Liuzhi only carried light rattan shields because he wanted to command the battle.

But this does not prevent him from fighting the enemy bravely. The steel knife in his hand is not only a command flag for commanding the soldiers under his command to move and deploy, but also a sharp weapon for cutting the enemy's horse legs.

After being crushed by the heavy cavalry for a round, the enemy no longer has the momentum and speed to charge and kill the infantry.Therefore, under the leadership of Ma Liuzhi, these infantry can still maintain a good formation and cannibalize the enemy's cavalry efficiently.

In terms of offensive efficiency, the infantry on the grassland is of course no match for the cavalry. Rao Li Ke's infantry is all elite troops, but they need to be in groups of ten, and they can only defeat one or two cavalry at a time.

But the infantry formation is stable, and the opponent can't do anything to these infantry.

Besides, there are still a large number of light cavalry rushing to kill at any time to support the infantry phalanx, so the opponent is completely at a disadvantage.

Seeing that the momentum was good, Li Ke roared loudly, urging the generals to maintain their formation.

Then, he rushed to the front and led the charge of the heavy cavalry.

Although the heavy cavalry is mighty, they need to be commanded and led. If they charge too far, they will easily fall into the enemy's siege.And it will also bring danger to the infantry camp behind you.

Li Ke used himself as the commanding flag to command his troops to maintain a stable formation and not to give the brave and powerful prairie cavalry a chance.

Occupation is developing more and more in a direction that is beneficial to him, Li Ke is determined, he is impassioned, roars loudly, and then leaps to the side to kill.

Running wildly all the way, swiping the halberd all the way, he no longer remembered how many people he had killed, nor how many weapons had been cut on his golden armor.

His left shoulder was hit by an axe. Fortunately, the armor was thick enough to resist the damage of the axe.But this one still caused him a heavy setback on his shoulder, and the pain was unbearable.

But Lu Bu's fighting spirit revived and his blood boiled. He seemed to suddenly feel no pain, and he even had a hundred times more killing energy.


On the battlefield, all the Shu troops saw their commander looking up to the sky and roaring, the roar shaking the heaven and the earth.

As soon as he lifted the halberd, he grabbed the end of the halberd with his right hand, and then desperately urged the horse to gallop.

While running, he threw the long halberd out, at this time the long halberd protruded out of his right hand for a long time, and swept away from a distance.

Normally, when sweeping like this, people can't use their strength, and the halberd that is swept out will be blocked immediately.But Li Ke was born with supernatural powers, holding only the end of Fang Tian's painting halberd, he was able to sweep the halberd so that no one dared to get close to it.

Because as long as anyone is within ten feet of him, he will be chopped off by Fang Tian's painting halberd, and his flesh and blood will be separated.

No matter how thick your shield is, no matter how thick your armor is, it will still be hard for Li Ke's full strength.

The generals became more and more courageous as they fought, and the more they killed, the more passionate they became. For a while, the entire battlefield became a show for the Shu army.

"Hurry up and withdraw the troops, run away!"

At this time, the coalition forces finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Nage Shuliang and Duomo Shengxiong frantically shouted at their lieutenant general, telling him to order his subordinates to evacuate.

They could see clearly from the side that their troops had no chance of defeating the enemy.

Since you can't defeat the opponent, and let your subordinates die, that's not cruel, that's stupid.

Of course Ge Shuliang and Tuo Mo Shengxiong are not stupid.

"Mingjin retreats! Withdraw first!"

(End of this chapter)

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