Chapter 124 Getting Married
"Ah? The noble daughter of the eldest grandson's family? What happened to her? Did she pass away?" someone asked.

"Bah! You bastard, don't dare to talk nonsense!"

The shopkeeper turned pale in shock, and quickly explained: "It's the eldest grandson girl who is going to marry, so these young talents are desperate to get drunk because they can't marry the eldest grandson girl!"

"The eldest grandson girl really looks so good-looking?"

This time it was not the shopkeeper's turn to explain, someone had already said before him: "It is said that he was born as beautiful as a flower and could conquer a country!"

"I've seen that grandson Yan, she was born...that's so beautiful! Every time I think about it, we can eat more meat!" Someone salivated and praised.

"If anyone can marry such a beautiful woman, it will really be a worthwhile life!"

"Huh? The shopkeeper, which family's son is it that married the eldest grandson girl!"

The shopkeeper of the restaurant just raised his chest at this moment, clasped his hands into fists, and raised his head toward the sky: "It was married to His Royal Highness King Shu of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Oh... no wonder... such a beautiful girl, only our Highness Shu Wang is worthy of it!"

Everyone nodded their heads one after another, and all lamented that His Royal Highness King Shu is a hero in the world, indeed worthy of this unparalleled beauty in the world.

"Then why are these crooked melons and dates crying here? Compared with His Highness King Shu, what are they worth?"

Everyone spurned these people again, calling them "toads who want to eat swan meat" and "knowing how to measure".

For a while, the whole Chang'an was laughing and talking about this matter.


Li Ke has been detained in the palace for the past few days and is not allowed to go anywhere.

It's not that there's anything bad about it, it's just that the wedding is approaching, Concubine Yang is worried that he will go out to mess around again, so she keeps him by her side, and she can't go out until she is married.

His marriage has been announced to the world, and it seems to be a foregone conclusion.

But Li Ke was in a good mood. Ever since he met the eldest Sun Yan that day, he felt that this political marriage was not that bad.

Changsun Yan looks as beautiful as a flower, and her character doesn't look bad.

Every time he thinks of her lively, charming, and sometimes shy appearance at that time, Li Ke always looks forward to what kind of scene it will be like when such a girl becomes his concubine.

Na Cai, Najib and other tedious etiquettes have been completed one by one, and then only the wedding ceremony is left.

In the inexplicable expectation, Li Ke finally changed into a red outfit and rode on a tall horse.

It was a very busy day, and Li Ke was sweating profusely as he was pushed and pushed around by the eunuchs and maids who arranged the etiquette.

But a lot of hard work paid off, and he finally took Changsun Yan into his palace.

Because his fief is far away in Sichuan and Shu, the imperial palace is used as a place to hold big gifts.

On this day, famous officials from all over Chang'an came to the palace to congratulate Li Ke and Changsun Yan for their wedding.

After all, one is the prince who is in full swing, and the other is the beloved daughter of Xiangguo who has power over the government and the people. The combination of these two people has to be given face by all officials.

Li Shimin and Concubine Yang, as the elders of the high hall, laughed from ear to ear all day long, and the eldest grandson Wuji even changed his usual aloof attitude, drinking several cups in front of all the officials, and shedding hot tears.

Officials of the King's Party of Shu also presented big gifts one after another and came to congratulate in person.

The King of Qin's battle-breaking song was played, and the magnificent dance started again. This is the most famous dance music in the Tang Dynasty. This music is played every major festival.
Li Ke had already drank a lot, he was already tired today, and with the effect of alcohol, he was a little dizzy.

"Come... come...His Royal Highness the King of Shu...Old Cheng I...I a cup!"

Cheng Yaojin once again came to Li Ke's side with a glass. This was the fifth time he came to toast.

Li Ke quickly waved his hand: "Cheng...general...we've had a drink today..."

"What? Did you drink too much?"

Cheng Yaojin patted Li Ke's shoulder heavily with his big palm-like hand: "No... I... I didn't drink too much..."

As he spoke, he put the wine glass into his mouth again, and grinned again: " didn't drink too much!"

"You...Your Highness...have to drink..."

Li Ke wanted to escape, but he was dragged back immediately. Cheng Yaojin kept staring at him with scarlet eyes, urging him to drink.

The generals next to him also booed one after another, and someone raised a wine glass, ready to greet him again.

Li Ke's chest was full of alcohol, and he complained endlessly.

Even if Lu Bu's martial spirit was possessed, he wouldn't be able to withstand such a wheel-and-wheel battle like these old men!
In the end, Li Shimin couldn't bear to see it, and stepped forward in person to replace Li Ke.

There was Li Shimin in town, and Li Ke finally escaped. At this moment, he still had a sliver of reason in his mind, so he hurriedly thanked him, and left the venue.

With the support of the eunuch, he finally walked back to his own hall.

Opening the door of the hall and walking to the two bedrooms, he saw a fiery red.

The whole bedroom was wrapped in red silk and red brocade, which looked extraordinarily festive.

Li Ke let go of the eunuch, closed the door, and walked in.

Before entering the room, I vaguely saw a red-robed woman approaching.

Li Ke was suspicious, shouldn't the eldest Sun Yan be waiting in the bedroom under the cover of Feng Guanxia? Why did she run out?

"His Royal Highness the King of Shu, you drank too much... go in quickly! Miss is still waiting!"

Li Ke remembered this voice, it was the little maid of Changsun Yan.

Li Ke nodded quickly, and with the help of the maid, he walked into the inner room.

The door inside was also closed, at this moment, only he and Chang Sun Yan were left in the room.

Li Ke's heart moved, he shuddered, and became slightly sober.

He shuffled to the side of the bed, rubbed his eyes, and looked for Changsun Yan.

The bride was dressed in red, which blended with the red tent and red quilt on the bed, Li Ke could hardly tell the difference when he was drunk.

"Damn it... Who gave the design the color... How can I find someone..."

Li Ke cursed secretly, but it caused a "puchi" laughter from the bedside.

Only then did Li Ke look at the head of the bed, only to see Chang Sun Yan sitting there.

At this moment, she was wearing a wedding gown intertwined with red and gold, with a phoenix crown and Xiapei covering her head, and she was sitting upright on the head of the bed, motionless.

Li Ke walked over and touched her lightly.

Changsun Yan's body was still trembling a little, she shrank her body back further, further away.

Seeing that she was still silent, Li Ke pushed her shoulder again: "Miss Changsun..."

He suddenly remembered that this was his concubine, and he couldn't shout so loudly anymore, so he changed his words again: "Yan'er!"

This sound made the eldest Sun Yan's delicate body tremble, and Li Ke could see her raising her hands and putting them down again.

Li Ke breathed out, calmed down, and simply sat next to her, so that she could no longer shrink back.

Sitting side by side, Li Ke stretched out his hand to find her hand, and when he found it, he squeezed it up vigorously and held her hand.

Changsun Yan's hand seemed to want to break free, but finally slowly let it go, letting Li Ke handle it...

(End of this chapter)

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