Chapter 139 New Farm
Changsun Yan is Li Ke's real princess, she wants to accompany the inspection, and Li Ke naturally agrees.

He took her and the little maid into the carriage together, and the three of them went together to their own farm.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the development of the farm is related to the outcome of his struggle with the gentry group. Li Ke is naturally the most concerned about the development of the farm.

"Wow! Even here, the road is paved with concrete!"

After getting off the carriage, Changsun Yan immediately called out.

She looked at the clean roads everywhere, and was very surprised in her heart.

In her impression, the manor should be a mess, with dirt everywhere, and sweaty farm laborers everywhere.

But in Li Ke's farm, the roads are paved with cement, and when you walk inside, the plowed fields are arranged squarely and neatly, which makes you feel comfortable.

Li Ke led her to continue walking deep into the forward farm, exploring all the way.

Along the way, Changsun Yan became a curious baby and kept asking.

There are so many things here that she has never seen before.

The Quyuan pear that can be pulled by human power alone, and the curtain shed that is built on the field...

Each of these novel things really opened the door to a new world for Changsun Yan.

The more she looked at it, the more surprised she felt, and the more she looked at it, the more strange it became.

Why can so much fresh knowledge fit in Li Ke's head?
Are there really such learned and talented people in this world?
"Huh? What is that?"

At this time, she discovered something new, it was a big disc, which was constantly rotating with the wind.

Li Ke smiled: "That's the waterwheel on my farm."

"Water wheel?"

Changsun Yan was stunned: "Don't waterwheels need to be stepped on by people?"

Her childlike innocence was still intact, and she ran over excitedly: "Yan'er is going to step on it!"

But when she got closer, she couldn't find the human-operated wheel, and turned around again: "Why is this water wheel different from the one I usually see?"

Li Ke looked at her with eyes like looking at a fool: "Who said that the waterwheel must be stepped on?"

Changsun Yan was taken aback for a moment, and she looked at the water wheel again, which was pumping water into the fields in a gurgling manner.

She couldn't help wondering: "People don't step on can there be water?"

Li Ke smiled and pointed to the sky: "God!"

Seeing Li Ke's mysterious look, Chang Sunyan was completely confused.

She looked up at the sky, there was nothing but blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

She asked: "Can God still help His Highness pump water?"

Li Ke nodded confidently: "That's natural!"

"I don't believe it! Your Highness must have lied to Yan'er!"

Changsun Yan got closer and searched around.

Li Ke is clever and weird, he must have hidden the other parts of the waterwheel somewhere else.

Changsun Yan hugged the waterwheel and walked around in a big circle, trying to find the person who stepped on the waterwheel.

But after looking around for a long time, his legs and feet were so tired that he still found nothing.

"Oh! Your Highness!"

There is nothing to do, she can only use the last trump card.

Walking up to Li Ke and pulling his hand, Changsun Yan continued to act coquettishly, clamoring for him to tell her how the water truck pumped up the water.

This trick of hers has always been effective, and as soon as she used it, Li Ke disarmed and surrendered.

He led Chang Sun Yan to the big disc, pointed to it and said, "Here! This is the key part of the waterwheel, the windmill!"


Chang Sunyan didn't understand.

Li Ke went on to explain: "This windmill can use the power of the wind to pump water for my waterwheel. As long as there is wind power, pulling this windwheel can store power for my waterwheel. As long as it accumulates enough strength, it can Pump up the water!"

After listening to Li Ke's explanation, and staring at the windmill for a long time to study, Changsun Yan finally realized that what Li Ke just said about relying on God actually meant this.

The wind in the sky is helping to pump water. Isn’t it relying on God to pump water?
Chang Sunyan couldn't help being stunned.

"What's wrong?" Li Ke stepped forward.


With a long sigh, Changsun Yan said: "I really don't know why you can come up with so many strange things!"

Turning around at this time, she saw that Li Ke was still stroking her thigh, and she couldn't help but think of what he said earlier, that her leg was bruised.

"Do you really don't need to see a doctor?" she asked distressedly.

Li Ke has always been physically strong and strong, now seeing that he is also in pain, Zhang Sunyan can't help but feel worried.

Li Ke shook his head and pointed to his thigh: "It's not a problem, it's just a small bruise. For some reason, it may have hit the corner of the table from drinking that day!"

Seeing what Li Ke said, Chang Sun Yan felt relieved.

She recalled that day when she was exhausted by him who was so drunk, she couldn't help but blame: "See if you're still greedy for drinks..."

"Ah! That day... Yan'er and Hua Rui put a lot of effort into carrying His Highness to the bed!"

At this time, Hua Rui's little maid also nodded at the side: "Yes, yes! His Highness slept soundly that day, no matter how hard Miss bites, she can't wake up!"


Li Ke rolled his eyes, and he pointed to his thigh again: "You can't bite my leg, right?"

"No! Don't listen to Hua Rui's nonsense!"

Changsun Yan was so ashamed that she hid back. That night he secretly kissed Li Ke and was caught by the girl Huarui. She fooled her and said that she was biting Li Ke. She didn't expect to be told by this empty-headed little girl. Come.

She quickly changed the subject: "If it was Yan'er who bit it, then there should be teeth marks!"


Li Ke touched his thigh again: "There is no tooth mark, I think this king misunderstood you!"

"That's right! Yan'er didn't do it!"

Changsun Yan thrust out her chest, shivering like a victorious rooster.

But she froze for a moment and froze in place.


She vaguely remembered that she couldn't move Li Ke's body that day, and she seemed to have...

Li Ke was still touching his thigh at this time, the bruise was not too painful, but occasionally a little sore and swollen, so swollen that he couldn't help rubbing it.

Changsun Yan came over with a blushing face again, she stared wide-eyed, and greeted delicately: "Your Highness, does it still hurt? If it hurts, Yan'er will rub it for you..."


Ni Borna Kingdom, the Grand Prince's Mansion.

The majestic Prince's Mansion was crowded with officials, big and small, all of them gathered around the couch in the main hall of the Prince's Mansion with respectful faces.

And on the couch, lay a fat middle-aged man with a mustache.

"Eldest Prince, I heard that the second prince is going to Datang this time to do business with Datang. If he can make a deal with Datang, then he will turn around completely!"

The fat prince with a mustache sneered, and looked up at the person who had spoken before.

"That trash of Nidu, what kind of business can he do with Datang? With the mighty Tubo in the middle, does Datang value his exorbitantly expensive spices?"

The eldest prince originally had a fat and broad body, but his voice was so shrill and thin that it sounded chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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