Datang: From exiled prince to eternal tyrant

Chapter 146 The Reincarnated Rat Spirit

Chapter 146 The Reincarnated Rat Spirit

"Your Majesty the Great Prince Nivala, Foreign Affairs Commander Sangjidu, have met His Royal Highness the King of Shu!"

The person who came was a short and thin middle-aged man, about 35 years old, he was born with a rat head and eyes, and he had two long mustaches that dragged down to his jaw. He looked quite like the reincarnation of a rat spirit.

As soon as this person came in, he put his hands on his chest and saluted deeply.

Li Ke'an sat above him, drinking the tea specially made by the King of Shu's Palace, and leisurely watching the rat spirit Sang Jidu.

Your Majesty the Prince...

Hearing the title, Li Ke's heart moved. What did the prince of Nibhara send this person here for?
Are you looking for cooperation?Well, when so...

Li Ke already had a plan in mind.

He stretched out his hands and said politely: "I have had contact with you in the Nivala Kingdom. Before that, there was a second prince called Ni or something. This king even made a deal with him!"

He purposely made the relationship between himself and the second prince less familiar, so as to see what kind of plan the eldest prince was up to.

Hearing Li Ke's words, the mouse spirit narrowed his eyes with a smile, and added, "It's called Nidu, that's our second prince, in our country of Nibra... um... not so... hehe . . . not very well liked by the king . . . "

He looked hesitant and spoke very tactfully, but in fact he still exposed Nidu's bottom completely.

Li Ke secretly laughed in his heart, he deliberately "Oh?", then frowned and said: "He also said that he is the most favored prince of your Niboras!"

The mouse spirit "hehe" laughed twice, shook his head and denied: "No, the military and political power of my Nibra country is all under the control of the eldest prince Mosang. When will it be the turn of the second prince?"

"I see……"

Li Ke paused, then asked again: "Then why did your eldest prince send you to my Tang Dynasty?"

The mouse spirit's eyes lit up, and he stepped closer, and after a few dry laughs, he whispered, "To tell you the truth, Your Highness, the eldest prince is very interested in the silk cloth that His Highness King Shu offered. Where is our eldest prince doing business?"

Li Ke pretended to be thinking, and frowned again: "But... I have made a deal with the second prince before. Although the second prince didn't speak very well, he still acted kindly, and he didn't miss a penny of the money. He I also made an agreement with me in advance that I will purchase goods from me again in the future..."

The mouse spirit said again: "This...His Royal Highness the King of Shu probably doesn't know something. All the power of our Nipura Kingdom is in the hands of the eldest prince, and the second prince has no money and no soldiers. I'm afraid he won't be able to do this business for long. Shu If Wang wants to cooperate for a long time and do business with our eldest prince, he will earn more..."

Li Ke lowered his head in thought, he put on a look of embarrassment on purpose, thought for a long time, and finally shook his head: "This... I'm afraid it's not good, this king and the second prince have already agreed, and breaking the appointment rashly, I'm afraid it's against the rules of."

Without waiting for the mouse spirit to speak again, Li Ke added: "If the eldest prince wants to cooperate, it may be inconvenient..."

Seeing Li Ke's refusal, the mouse thought for a moment, and then glanced to both sides: "This... I hope His Highness stays away..."

Li Ke waved away the people around him, leaving only Gu Wuyi standing beside him, pointing to Gu Wu and explaining: "This is my confidant, if you have anything to say, just say it..."

The rat spirit nodded, and took another step forward, with flattering eyes: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu does not know that the eldest prince and the second prince have always had conflicts. What the eldest prince means is that as long as the second prince can win the business , is also willing to pay some price..."

He took out a small brocade box from his bosom again, opened it slightly and handed it forward: "Small, I hope His Highness the King of Shu will accept it with a smile!"

Li Ke glanced at it, and the jewels in the brocade box flew out, filled with pearls and agates, and his eyes couldn't help but feel hot.

This eldest prince is generous, willing to spend his money.

But Li Ke would naturally not agree. The eldest prince has a close relationship with Tubo, so cooperating with him would not violate his original intention?
His mind was spinning, and he had already thought of a countermeasure.

If he categorically refuses, I'm afraid that the eldest prince will think of other ways to target the second prince. It's better to drag the mouse spirit here first, to leave a little hope for the eldest prince, and to buy more time for the second prince.

Thinking of this, Li Ke coughed twice, frowned and said, "What do you mean? Is this king short of this jewel?"

When he spoke, his tone was not heavy, and he still had a smile on his face. He glanced at the brocade box from time to time, showing a gesture of reluctance.

That mouse spirit is not a fool, after looking at Li Ke, the flattering smile on his face became even wider, he rolled his eyes, and then added: "This thing is a little short, I can't get it out... But the eldest prince explained After that, as long as our cooperation is negotiated, there will naturally be more thanks in the future!"

Li Ke didn't speak, and kept raising his eyebrows pretending to be thinking. He deliberately acted extremely entangled, and from time to time he would glance at the brocade box, as if he was greedy for money.

"This allow me to think about it..."

After being silent for a long time, Li Ke finally raised his head. He didn't say anything to death, leaving some room for the mouse spirit's imagination.

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "You can temporarily stay in my post station in Chengdu Mansion! Let me give you an answer in two days..."

After finishing speaking, he winked at Gu Wu and asked Gu Wu to send the mouse spirit out.

But the mouse spirit was not in a hurry to leave, he hesitated for a moment, and finally got angry and left the brocade box in his hand.

"Before he left, the Eldest Prince said that he admired His Highness the King of Shu very much and was willing to make friends with His Highness the King of Shu. This box will be left here with the King of Shu. It is for the sake of the friendship between our two countries. As a gift. As for the business, our eldest prince has another big thank you!"

As he spoke, he bowed again, and slowly retreated away.

Li Ke snickered in his heart, and deliberately looked at the brocade box in front of the retreating mouse spirit, showing that he couldn't put it down for the jewelry.

When the rat spirit left completely, he breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and smiled wryly.

Although this box of jewelry was still worth some money, he would not covet it.

He deliberately acted like he was greedy for money and profit, just to give the rat spirit more hope and let him stay in Chengdu for a longer time.

Now that he can neither accept it nor reject it decisively, the best way is naturally to act out a dilemma, keep that rat spirit in Chengdu, and give the eldest prince more expectations.

Of course, if the eldest prince is willing to spend more money on him, he, Li Ke, will naturally accept it half-heartedly.

If you spend more time and money, the second prince will have one more chance to win the power of Nibala, which will be very beneficial to his plan to harass Tubo.

(End of this chapter)

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