Chapter 178 Attack
In the early morning of the second day, after Li Ke gave an order, Ma Liuzhi and Gu Wu led people to the east and west gates, and blocked all the main exits of Dajian Furnace.

But other than that, he did nothing, just stood still and stood at the south gate.

The news quickly spread to the city.

"What? The opponent only besieged but not attacked?"

Also very curious, he still wanted to fight a vigorous offensive and defensive battle at the gate of the city, but now the opponent has not attacked the city for a long time, and it is difficult for him to fight out of the city, so he can only watch the opponent fight the arrow furnace. to fence.

"What are you afraid of? We have enough food and grass, so we don't have to panic if we keep it for a year or two!"

Mei Ji said lightly.

This time the 20 troops came, not only bringing troops, but also a lot of food and equipment.

Being pushed up by Mei Ji, she smiled embarrassingly: "I'm not afraid, let him surround me for three to five years, and we can still eat and drink in the city."

But he still didn't give up: "It's just... the general thought that Li Ke's army is not large. If we go out to attack at night and catch him by surprise, we will be able to repel the Shu army. I can pull out my hand to help the western battlefield..."

Now the Turks are fighting on the western front. It is a battle of aggressiveness and conquest.

On the eastern front, they were facing the Tang people. Even if they won, Songtsen Gampo would never allow them to reach the territory of the Tang Dynasty prematurely.

In this battle to defend the city, firstly, the military achievements were not obvious, and secondly, there was no money to be gained, and also because of the defense of the arrow furnace, there was no interest in it.

It was also for this reason that yesterday Li Ke was agitated and asked to go out of the city to fight. He wanted to end the war on the eastern front earlier so that he could rush to the western front to burn, kill and loot.

Now that Li Ke can only besiege but not attack, he is naturally anxious.Maybe this siege will last until the end of the Western Front War, so he is not very satisfied with the soy sauce from the beginning to the end of this battle.

Therefore, whenever he has the opportunity, he will propose a plan to fight out of the city.

But this plan was once again ruthlessly rejected by Meiji.

"No! It's safe to stick to the city. If you go out of the city rashly, if you encounter ambush, it will be a disaster!"

The proposal was rejected miserably, and Yetuo could only retreat in resentment. Although he was the main general on the bright side, he really didn't dare to contradict the popular man in front of Songtsan Gampo.

Mei Ji explained a few more words, Yao Yetuo and Lang Ri went to the east and west gates to inspect the situation of the city defense, and then went to the south gate to sit in command.

After she left, Ziye Tuocai spat and muttered: "Women are just timid and afraid of getting into trouble. I don't know what Zamp thinks, but he wants her to intervene in the military!"

His muttering was quite loud, and Na Lang Ri could naturally hear it.

But Ye Tuo was not worried that he would inform him, after all, he and Lang Ri were genuine military generals, both under Lun Ke Ri's command.

But Mei Ji is directly under the command of Songtsan Gampo, so she should keep a little distance from them.

"General, Mo Duo said it! He is a celebrity in front of Zanpu, we can't afford to offend him!"

Langri persuaded, then shook his head and left.

The army besieged the city for three days, and during these three days, Li Ke did not move at all.

And in the city, three people were also entrusted, each guarding a tower and keeping an eye on the movement outside the city.

Meiji led the main force to guard the south gate, while Yetuo and Langri led teams of 1000 people each to guard the east and west gates.

In the past few days, he could be regarded as being entrusted to him. He knew that there was no danger at all in the east tower, but he was forced to patrol the tower due to Mei Ji's power.

His heart is on the western front, so the patrol is naturally absent-minded, but it's just a show.

Now, he only hoped that Li Ke's army could attack the city quickly so that he could rush to the south gate and have a good fight with the Shu army.

Maybe when the Shu army is exhausted, he can get a chance to break out of the city and end the war here.

After looking forward to it for three days, I finally hoped that the Shu army would take action.

At noon that day, Yetuo was still basking in the sun on the east tower, doing nothing, but suddenly a soldier came to report and found the direction of the south gate, and the enemy had moved.

The blind man also hoped for hope, he hastily confessed a few words, and rushed to the south gate alone.

He is the general of the army, if there is a fight, he must be there.

Otherwise, with Mei Ji alone, I'm afraid even those soldiers would not be able to suppress her.

Hastily rushing to the south tower, Meiji had already led the guards to look out from the tower, just looking at her serious face, one could tell that the Shu army's actions were serious this time.

Yetuo hurriedly looked down the city, only to see dust flying in the distance, and the overwhelming dust flew into the air. At a glance, he could tell that there was a large army approaching here.

"How's it going?"

he asked hastily.

Mei Ji still looked forward intently: "The enemy army seems to be attacking the city, and I have dispatched a large army to go up the tower to defend!"

She turned her head again: "General Yetuo, it's up to you!"

Ye Tuo spat in his heart, this woman only knows how to stay behind and give directions, if we really want to fight, we have to rely on big men like us.

But of course he couldn't say what was in his heart, he just patted his chest: "Don't worry! Our city wall is as solid as gold, no matter how hard he beats, he won't be able to get in!"

While talking, the Shu army moved forward a lot, and they could already see the formation clearly.

I saw the opponent's hundreds of thousands of troops spread out one word at a time, marching towards the tower with big strides.

The cavalry was in front, the infantry was behind, and there were a lot of siege equipment in between.

"That's... a catapult, and a giant crossbow!"

At this time, the general defending the city, Langri, pointed at the siege equipment of the Shu army and shouted.

Lang Ri was shocked, and sighed: "There is such a huge crossbow, it seems that it is used to attack the tower!"

Yetuo also hurriedly looked over, and there were many people pushing rows of wooden carts approaching the tower in the vast crowd.

On the wooden cart, extra-large bows and crossbows were tied, with long arrows thicker than ordinary spears mounted on them.

"Hey! What a thick arrow! Is this going to be nailed to my tower so that it can climb up the wall?"

It was the first time Yetuo saw such a weapon, and he couldn't help but be amazed.

"General, don't worry! Our city towers are paved with blue stones, and ordinary arrows can't be shot through. The general sees that the huge crossbow should be attacking the defenders on my tower!" Lang Ri said.

"Such a big arrow, even with a shield, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop it!"

Also sighed and sighed.

However, he was not panicked. The number of such huge arrows must be limited and they would not be able to kill soldiers on a large scale.

Moreover, there seemed to be many ballistas, but compared with the hundreds of thousands of troops on both sides, it was not enough.

Even if there is an unlimited supply of giant crossbows, even if the super-large crossbow is fired for three days and three nights, I am afraid that it will not be able to cause real damage to the defenders.

Thinking of this, Yetuo felt relieved again, and he shouted to the soldiers under his command: "Archers are ready, listen to my orders later, let them taste the power of our Turkic arrows first!"

(End of this chapter)

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