Chapter 180

Just as Mei Ji was looking out from the building, she heard the sound of breaking porcelain pieces around her.

Immediately afterwards, she saw countless porcelain jars being thrown up by the catapult.

"This... what is this?"

Meiji was curious.

But she soon noticed that something was wrong, because she could tell from the smell in the air that the porcelain pots were filled with kerosene.

"The opponent wants to attack with fire!"

Mei Ji hurriedly ran towards the bottom of the tower, she shouted to Ye Tuo.

At this time, Mei Ji gradually believed that Li Ke was for real this time, and that he really wanted to attack the city head-on.

The Tubo people seldom use kerosene to fight. They don't have the craftsmen like the people of Tang Dynasty who can dig out kerosene from the ground.

But ordinary soldiers still have some understanding of this kerosene.

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, kerosene had been used in warfare in the Central Plains.The people on the plateau have long understood the power of kerosene from several battles.

Fire oil is extremely precious, so when Meiji saw Li Ke using fire oil, she concluded that his attack on the city was definitely not a way to lure the enemy.

Of course, she didn't know that the kerosene, which was extremely precious to her, had long been mined by Li Ke in large quantities and was considered a conventional weapon.

As the giant arrow with flames flew up the tower again, the kerosene on the ground was quickly ignited.

The fire quickly spread and burned the entire tower into a sea of ​​flames.

From time to time, Tubo soldiers could be seen being ignited by the kerosene on their bodies, and then burned to the ground rolling and writhing.

These soldiers wailed miserably, but no one could save them.

Because at this time, the Tubo defenders had retreated one after another to avoid the fire.

"Quick! Retreat quickly and block the gate of the city!"

No matter how difficult it is to hold the tower, he immediately ordered a retreat and left the tower alone.

And Mei Ji quickly pointed to the gate of the city, ordering Yetuo to pay attention to the gate of the city.

Since there was a fire on the city tower, the Shu army was naturally unable to climb the tower, so the focus of the attack should be at the city gate.

"No! General, the opponent is still ascending the city!"

Soldiers are already shouting.


Yetuo let out a cry of surprise, and looked at Mei Ji again.

Meiji thought for a while, and then thought that the Shu army set fire to cooperate with the ascent of the city.

Anyway, they are still on the city wall, and the fire cannot burn them.By the time they climbed up the city wall, the fire would have almost subsided.

But... With such a big fire, the city walls were burned hot, could the Shu army still climb up?

She immediately ran to the top of the city tower, found a place where the fire was less intense, and poked down through the gaps in the arrow stacks.

At this time, the Shu army was still climbing up with the help of the ladder, but they were climbing while holding the shield, and the speed was not fast.

They seem to be wearing heavy leather gloves on their hands to aid in climbing.

Seeing this, Mei Ji realized that the other party had been prepared and was not afraid of high temperatures at all.

It is much easier for them to drive the defenders away with fire oil, then climb up the tall buildings, occupy the high ground, and then attack inward.

"What a good Li Ke, he really has some tricks up his sleeve!"

Meiji cursed loudly, and she immediately shouted to Yetuo: "Don't retreat in a hurry, let's avoid the fire and retreat to the stairs. Wait for the fire to die down, and then secure the tower!"

"Damn it! How come this Tang Dynasty has so many evil ideas! If you want to fight, then fight hard, what are you doing with these tricks!"

Yetuo cursed again and ordered the soldiers to avoid the fire.

At this time, the city tower was still filled with fire, and the smoke and dust were billowing. All the soldiers kept retreating until they reached the stone ladder to avoid being burned by the smoke.

But the space of this stone ladder is too small, it can only carry a few hundred soldiers, and most of them have retreated under the tower at this time.

Yetuo and Meiji also retreated to the rear, watching the fire on the tower.

"Now... we can only wait for the fire to subside, and order the soldiers to climb the tower as soon as possible to seize the high point..."

Mei Ji sighed.

In a siege battle, the high point is very important. If the opponent is allowed to occupy the tower, then they can only retreat again and retreat to the inner city gate to guard it.

In that case, the advantage of tall buildings is gone, and the two sides can only face each other head-on.

Meiji watched intently the fire above the tower, feeling extremely anxious.

"General, it's not good!"

"The enemy is coming!"

At this time, the soldiers under her command were shouting from behind, and Mei Ji could hear her surprised voice.

She hurriedly turned her head and walked over, just when she heard Yeto ask, "Where did the attack come from?"

Yetuo was looking around in a daze at this time, looking at the various towers.


He bowed his head again.

"'s not's the east...East City Gate!"

The soldier hurriedly said: "The enemy army has come in from the east gate, I'm afraid that side can't hold it now!"


Before she could wait, she screamed in alarm, Mei Ji had rushed up in two or three steps, and grabbed the soldier by the collar: "East City Gate? Why did you come in through the East City Gate?"

Ye Tuo also shouted loudly: "Didn't we cut down the iron bridge at the East Gate?"

There is a big river at the gate of the east city, without a bridge, the other party will never be able to cross the river.

"Could it be...a warship?"

Meiji tentatively asked, but she immediately denied the guess by herself: "No! If you go up the building by boat, the speed will be much slower, and the warship is coming from a distance, the gate of the city should have been on guard..."

"Bridges..." The soldier said with a sad face, "There are many bridges... They crossed the river on the bridges, and soon arrived at the gate of the city..."

What he said was unclear, but Mei Ji could already understand, the other party must have temporarily built a bridge.

It's just...the river is more than ten feet wide, how can it be so easy to build a bridge?

She didn't think about it anymore, and immediately ordered: "Yetuo, you guard the main entrance, and I will take Lang Ri to the east gate to have a look!"

With that said, she immediately called Lang Ri, who was still stationed at the city gate, and led the [-] original defenders in the city to the east.

Along the way, Mei Ji was anxious. What she was most worried about finally happened.

Li Ke led his army to attack the city from the front, but he was able to spare his troops to build bridges and cross the river in the east.

The east gate is not as strong as the south gate, there is only a row of low walls one foot high, and the gate is also dilapidated.

And because troops had to be deployed to guard the south gate, there were very few defenders on the east side.

Once the Shu army successfully crossed the river, it would not take a moment for them to enter the city.

Sure enough, following the winding path to the east of the city, Mei Ji already saw that two armies were fighting in front of her.

The defenders on their side were beaten and retreated, and they could not resist the offensive of the Shu army at all.

Not far from the east city gate, there are constantly Shu troops rushing in.

Meiji felt a chill in her heart, and sure enough...the Shu army came in anyway.

"Quick, go over and take back the city gate!"

Langri had already drawn his scimitar and led his troops forward.

When the two armies met, Mei Ji was useless. She stared blankly at the city gate ahead, where the Shu army was pouring in continuously...

"Li expected, he succeeded..."

"I'm on every possible guard against you...I can't even guard against you!"

(End of this chapter)

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