Chapter 191 Take Your Head
Meiji had confronted Li Ke face to face in Dajian Furnace, so she naturally knew that it was Li Ke who spoke at this time.

When she thought of Li Ke, Mei Ji could not suppress the fear in her heart. She wanted to straighten her legs to stop them from shaking, but she couldn't.

Li Ke was the most terrifying existence she had ever seen.

Mei Ji once relied on her innate charm ability to scare the Nivala king around, but Li Ke promoted the second prince, who had no sense of existence in the country, to be the next Nivala king. king.

At this point, Li Ke still didn't give up, and he personally manipulated the coup, driving the king out of power and supporting the second prince.

In this way, Mei Ji was assigned by Songtsan Gampo to stabilize Nidhara's mission, which was regarded as a failure.

Back in Tubo, Meiji was ordered to fight Jianlu for defense. She has an army of 26, strong city defenses, and the natural danger of Dadu River.

But with such a huge advantage, Li Ke easily broke through the city with the same force.

Moreover, he killed and wounded more than [-] arrow furnace defenders with almost no effort.

Now Meiji is guarding the Yak River, but Li Ke cleverly tricks her into crossing the river and launching a surprise attack.

Now she wants to take advantage of Li Ke's attack and entrust the army to escape back to Yupen City, which is almost the most humble way to get by.

But Li Ke had even anticipated this step in advance, and appeared on her way back to the city like a ghost.

Although she hasn't seen Li Ke's figure yet, nor has she seen a single Shu army, Mei Ji already knows that she can't escape this time.

At this time, the sound of Dudu's horse's hooves sounded, and Li Ke came down from the hill.

He is still riding a white horse, wearing a red robe, still looks like a bright star, his brows are like swords, and he is extremely chic.

But in Mei Ji's eyes, this handsome figure is like a devil, making one's heart tremble.

"Miss Mei Ji, we meet again!"

Li Ke chuckled, and turned slightly in Mei Ji's direction.

This was an ordinary polite gesture, but Meiji's body trembled involuntarily as if her mind had been hit hard.

She could already feel that her whole body was breaking out in cold sweat, and her fine hairs were standing on end.


She could no longer control her legs and sat down on the ground.

"You... who are you?"

Ti Namuzhen frowned, pointed at Li Ke and asked.

Li Ke looked at him and said with a smile: "You are the guard of Yupen City, Ti Namuzhen?"

Ti Namuzhen raised his head sideways, snorted lightly: "It's the general!"

He turned around to look at the collapsed Mei Ji, thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "Are you... Li Ke?"

Li Ke leaned Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand on his shoulder, and said leisurely, "That's right, it's my king!"


Ti Namuzhen obviously didn't expect Li Ke to appear here, he was shocked, and then quickly clenched the long knife in his hand.

"Let... release the arrow!"

He hastily waved again, commanding the generals behind him.


Li Ke raised his hand and stopped talking.

This call to stop had an effect surprisingly, the opponent's archers all stopped their movements.

Li Ke continued: "Ti Namuzhen, I will give you a chance to lead the army to surrender now, maybe you can save your life. Otherwise..."

He put down Fang Tian's painting halberd again, sat upright, and said threateningly: "This king can take your head in a moment!"

This sound was so powerful that it hit the ears of all the Tubo soldiers.

Li Ke is now facing an army of 15 alone. Everyone should find it ridiculous when he said this.

But at this moment, everyone couldn't laugh because they somehow believed that Li Ke had this ability.

"'t speak so arrogantly here! You..."

Ti Namuzhen was so angry that his face turned purple, his chest heaved and he gasped heavily: " little yellow-haired boy, how dare you be so arrogant, look at my Tubo sharp arrow!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand behind him again, signaling his subordinates to shoot arrows at him.


"Come on!"

At this time, from the front, side, rear, and all directions of the city defenders, countless Shu cavalry rushed in.

These cavalry came extremely fiercely, their horseshoes galloped, and the dust was blown up.

The overwhelming dust blocked the sight of the Tubo people, and they couldn't see exactly how many people there were on the other side.

But listening to the shocking shouts of killing and the sound of horseshoes, there must be a lot of cavalry.

The Tubo people were completely panicked. They couldn't care less about shooting Li Ke anymore. They raised their long weapons and looked in all directions blankly.

Tinamuzhen was also completely panicked, he only felt that there were cavalry from the Shu army in all directions, and he was completely surrounded.

He froze for a moment, then turned around to look for Li Ke, but Li Ke was nowhere to be seen.

Just now Li Ke was still talking to him leisurely in front of him, but at this moment it seemed as if he had disappeared.

After a second look, he saw a flash of red and interlaced lightning in front of him.

The red ones are robes, and the white ones are horses.

Between the interlaced red and white, there is a bright light shining faintly.

That was the cold light of Fang Tian's painting halberd.

This ray of light approached quickly, and quickly passed to Tina Muzhen's side.

Before everyone had time to react, they saw the brightest cold light flashing past Ti Na Muzhen.

Then, the red-robed white horse turned in another direction and turned away from them.

The Tubo people were curious, but suddenly they heard the deputy general scream loudly: "General...general!"

Looking up at Nati Namuzhen again, everyone was shocked immediately, and then felt that their livers and gallbladders were torn apart.

Nati Namuzhen was still sitting on the horse just now, but after the cold light flashed, he was no longer complete.

To be precise, his body is still intact, but his head is no longer there.

Instead, there was a round blood hole on the neck, and thick and sticky blood was flowing out.


Some people could no longer stand and collapsed.

In an instant... take your head...

Li Ke actually did what he said...

Is he... a man or a ghost?
But at this time, the white horse returned to its place, Li Ke was still wearing a red-robed halberd, with a little blood on the halberd, and in his other hand, he was holding Ti Namuzhen's head impressively.

The sound of the Shu army charging was still loud, and the cavalry charged quickly, and soon approached the Tubo defenders.

At this moment, the defenders of the city all had pale faces and trembling hands and feet.

With such a posture, how could they withstand the charge of the cavalry?

I saw the cavalry rushing through the crowd quickly, and the Tubo army was quickly scattered by the cavalry.

After that, these Tubo people were swept by the protruding spears of the cavalry and fell to the ground one after another.

For a while, these Tubo people scattered and fled in all directions.

But they had nowhere to escape, for cavalry came from every direction and blocked every direction.

In front of the Black Water Bridge, it quickly turned into a purgatory field...

(End of this chapter)

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