Datang: From exiled prince to eternal tyrant

Chapter 197 Deep into the Valley

Chapter 197 Deep into the Valley
After integrating the army, Li Ke led his troops to march westward. This time, the soldiers pointed at the city of Medog, and the Khan tribe had to be dealt with in the middle. Naturally, he had to be more prepared.

Marching on the plateau is naturally more difficult, but fortunately there are a large number of tanks to help transport troops and baggage.

Along the south bank of the Xiang River, the army marched all the way. After four days, they arrived at the foot of Nawoluo Mountain.

"Hey! This nest is too steep!"

Following Ma Liuzhi's yelling, Li Ke also looked west.

Looking from the east side of this Woluo Mountain, the high mountain looks straight up like a knife, and it is connected into a piece. The whole land is divided into two pieces of different heights by the mountain like a fault.

"This is the north side..."

Gu Wu leaned over, turned his back to Xianghe, and pointed to the south: "Go straight south from here, and then walk a few dozen miles, you will reach the valley, and then go south, you will be on the south side of Woluo Mountain mountains."

Li Ke asked: "Is this piece of land facing south flat?"

Gu Wu nodded: "That's right! The road is smooth, we have chariots, and we can kill the valley in an hour."

Ma Liuzhi leaned over: "Then let's get closer and go directly to the entrance of the valley, and camp there to rest. Wait until tomorrow morning, go straight in!"


Gu Wu has already shook his head: "The entrance of the valley is often visited by people from Wohan tribe, if you get too close, you will definitely be discovered..."

Li Ke thought for a while, and said, "That's right! They know the surrounding terrain, if they launch an attack suddenly, we'll be in trouble..."

It is better to leave some buffer zone. Li Ke then ordered the sentries to go to garrison and keep an eye on the movement of the valley.

When the army was stationed in camp, Li Ke and the other three also looked into the distance to discuss tactics.

The Wohan tribe knew the terrain of the valley very well, so it would be unwise to fight them in the valley.

Li Ke still wanted to lure the main force of the enemy out and start fighting in this open area.

But this is just his wishful thinking, Li Ke is not sure whether the other party will come out.

But he still wants to try: "I will bring the cavalry over tomorrow and try to lure them out. At that time, Ma Liuzhi will lead the infantry to ambush at the entrance of the valley, and wait for their army to come out, then outflank them from behind!"

Ma Liuzhi nodded and agreed.

The three of them worked together again and assigned deployment tasks to each other.

Early the next morning, when the weather was clear, Li Ke led the cavalry all the way south, approaching the valley.

This time the main purpose was to lure the enemy. He didn't lead many people, only [-] light cavalry.

Considering the unknown situation in the valley, he needed to reserve some energy to deal with the enemy. He did not walk fast this way, and it took about an hour and a half before he reached the entrance of the valley.

This mountain stretches all the way, and when it reaches this valley, it slowly descends, forming a gap just here.

The valley is so deep and open that you can't see the edge at a glance.

Li Ke was facing the valley and looked to both sides.

Inside the valley, the mountains on the north side are extremely gentle, which is quite different from the mountains on the east side seen earlier.

Looking to the south, you can also see a gentle mountain from a very far distance. It must be four or five miles away, and the south side of Woluo Mountain is also extremely gentle.

Li Ke shook his head secretly, fighting in this valley, the geographical advantage on the opposite side is too great.

As long as they can't defeat them, the Wohan tribe will only need to retreat to the mountains, and their cavalry will be completely useless.

Even if infantry go up the mountain to chase them, they may not be able to catch up with these tribesmen who have lived in the deep mountains for a long time.

Sighing lightly, Li Ke ordered the cavalry to pay attention to the movement on both sides, and rode their horses to the valley.

It is said to be a valley, but actually going deep into it, I just think it is a large plain between two mountains.

Because the area of ​​the valley is too large, and the mountain is not steep, the cavalry can gallop freely in it.

Li Ke walked all the way, paying attention to the high mountains on the north side, fearing that the other party would hide in the mountains and come in ambush.

After walking for about a mile, Li Ke already vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Footprints are everywhere here, and there are occasional remnants of bonfires on the mountain.

Come to think of it, there should be frequent activities here.

But now at a glance, there is no one around, and it is empty.

Li Ke paused, raised his hand backwards, and signaled the cavalry to stop.

"You wait here first, and I will go to investigate alone!"

He gave an order, ignored the cavalry's obstruction, and rode forward alone, waiting and watching.

The terrain is flat and open all the way, with occasional shrubs and short trees on the mountain on the right. Looking further up the mountain, you can see tall trees.

Li Ke looked to the right while walking, the mountain on the north side was covered by a dense forest, if the Wohan tribe was lying in ambush on the mountain, when his army arrived...

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't help tightening the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand.

He seemed to be able to feel someone ambushing on the mountain, but he couldn't really see it because of the cover of the dense forest.

Li Ke deduced it in his mind, if the Wohan Department was indeed ambushing, then they would definitely not show up now.

There is only one person, and these tribesmen must feel that they are sentinels who have come to investigate.

They had to wait for themselves to pass through safely and go back to lead the army before they would violently attack and attack themselves.

Fortunately, the mountain was not steep, and the dense forest was some distance away from him. If the opponent planted boulders and other things in the mountain, his cavalry should have time to turn around and escape.

Besides, the valley was wide enough, even if the opponent surrounded and blocked him from the rear, he might not be able to block his way of retreating.

Li Ke looked at the high mountain on the north side again, and some huge boulders could already be seen piled up on the mountain.

He settled down in his heart, and then looked forward for a certain distance, then pulled the horse, turned around and returned leisurely.

All the way back to the cavalry unit, those cavalry generals all showed sobs.

"Your Highness, you are back! If something happened to you in front, how can we explain it!"

The generals all rushed forward to greet them, sighing.

Li Ke smiled and comforted everyone.

He straightened the horse's head again, and said to the crowd: "There may be ambushes ahead, let's move forward slowly and try it out for a while. If there are enemies ambushing, we remember to turn around and retreat in time."

He also ordered everyone not to fight when encountering the enemy. As soon as they found someone cutting off their rear, they should immediately detour south to avoid the enemy.

This valley is four or five miles wide, and it is absolutely impossible to completely seal it off.

He believed that the other party would not be so stupid as to spread out one word and completely block the valley.In that case, the troops dispersed in various places will inevitably be insufficient, and other cavalry can break through the obstacles at will.

Li Ke also transferred several prestigious cavalry generals to the rear of the army, so that when they escaped, someone would control the route.

As for himself, he led the army forward and led the troops forward slowly.

The army moved forward leisurely, and moved forward for another mile.

After walking so far, he couldn't wait for the ambush that Li Ke was expecting, so he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

A few more steps forward, and he would be out of the boundary he was probing.

Li Ke was frustrated, did he make a mistake in his judgment just now?
(End of this chapter)

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