Chapter 49 System Rewards
Everyone knew very well that Gao Shilian brought up the riots again at this time, in order to prevent officials from the DPRK and China from speaking for Li Ke.

But everyone has to admit that Li Ke is on the opposite side of everyone in the matter of rioting.

The same is true for Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui. Both of them belong to the great Tang family and belong to the gentry group.

Of course, they can fight for reason on the court, speak for Li Ke, and strive to push Li Ke to the crown prince.

But the consequences of doing so may be shooting yourself in the foot.

God knows, will Li Ke lead the mob to destroy their lair one day?
After being reminded by Gao Shilian, everyone stopped temporarily.

Even Fang and Du, who had previously supported Li Ke, had already died down and stood silently aside.

They have already made up their minds, at least they must find out Li Ke's true thoughts first, and get a guarantee from him to ensure that their family's interests will not be impacted by those rioters.

Now that the ministers in the court had reached an agreement, Li Shimin had no choice but to give up, dispelling the idea of ​​making Li Ke the crown prince.

This was supposed to be a court meeting in which the Shu royal party won a complete victory, but Changsun Wuji cleverly played tricks, and Gao Shilian provoked on the spot, suppressing Li Ke's outstanding achievements, and only ended up with an ending that will be discussed later.


Two days later, Li Ke, who had been in a coma for several days, finally woke up.

When Li Ke got up in a daze, there was only the little eunuch guarding the room, and he was dozing on the table.

Li Ke stretched himself, and was about to get out of bed to find something to eat, when suddenly, the system beeped.

【Ding!The system determined that the host defeated the Turks in the Battle of the Weishui River, and the system awarded 15 points. 】

【Ding!The system judged that the host killed Jieli Khan in the Battle of Weishui, and the system rewarded [-] points. 】

"It's points again, so there's nothing else?"

Li Ke sighed, but then the system's voice came again.

【Ding!The system judged that the host successfully rescued the siege of Chang'an and rewarded [-] points of ruling power. 】

【Ding!The system judged that the host took the lead and defended the people with death, rewarding a lot of people's hearts. 】

[The system has adjusted the attributes of the host according to popular opinion, please check it by yourself. 】

The sound of the system came again.

【Name: Li Ke】

[Right of rulership: 90 (Blessed by Chengdu City, more than [-] points can be successfully upgraded to a king-level host.)]

[Brave: 109 (normal person's brave value is 25)]

[Influence: 100 (the ability to incite people's hearts)]

[Charm: 120 (can make a territory of 120 million people absolutely loyal)]

[Skill: Mind detonation (can detonate the negative emotions of the audience within (charm*[-]) during the speech, making them crazily obey the host's orders within the same number of days of influence.)]

[Skill: Peace of mind (the control of the people's heart of the city increases the number of people's hearts with the same charm value, and unlocks the upper limit, the city with more than [-] people's hearts will never betray, and the citizens will fight to the death for the host.)]

"Huh? The charm value has increased so much, and now I can completely grasp the hearts of the people in the city."

Li Ke opened the system mall in doubt. Due to the rise of dominance, the system mall has some new things.

There are some new materials in the shopping mall, the prices of food and weapons have been further reduced, and there are more technologies such as refining steel, building ocean-going ships, and gunpowder techniques.

"Ocean-going battleship? Gunpowder?"

Seeing these options, Li Ke was overjoyed. With these technologies, he can make more powerful weapons. With gunpowder, he can make/guns and shells. Once he can make ocean-going ships, he can take them with him. Datang's army went on an expedition to the ocean to open up new territories in other places.

But looking at the prices of these things, Li Ke couldn't help being speechless. The cheapest gunpowder technique costs 100 million points. His points are currently being used to promote production and provide weapons for his soldiers. There are no extra points to buy these technologies. .

But Li Ke is not in a hurry, there will always be points, and when he accumulates enough points to equip his troops with hot weapons, then his troops will be invincible.

He continued to look down, and at the bottom, there were two new product options, and the price was not expensive.

"Papermaking and Printing!"

Papermaking and printing, both of which are technologies that Datang currently has, but obviously, Datang's papermaking and printing techniques are very primitive, and the technology provided by the system is far beyond the current level of technology.

Li Ke was overjoyed when he saw these two technologies. This is a technology that can change the entire pattern of the Tang Dynasty.

If from now on, he can provide the cheapest paper and print the best books, then all the scholars in Tang Dynasty will depend on him.

In the current Tang Dynasty, reading is still a very expensive thing. Almost all scholars are from wealthy families, and people with mud legs cannot afford to read.

Once Li Ke can make those poor families afford to study and participate in the imperial examination, the entire court will no longer be controlled by those gentry families.

At the same time, these scholars received Li Ke's favor, didn't they all become his disciples?

After that, didn't Li Ke's status in Shilin suddenly rise?

After a quick look at the price, these two technologies together require 40 points.

Li Ke previously had 34 points, but due to the supply of production and weapons for the soldiers, it has already consumed half of it, leaving only a little over 20 points, but today he added 25 points, adding up to 45 More points, it is enough to buy these two technologies.

But Li Ke thought for a while and held back.

At present, it is still necessary to reserve enough points for future production.When there are more points in the future, you must buy all these skills!
Just after he came out of the system mall, Li Ke heard a thin voice.

"Oh, Your Highness, King Shu, you're awake!"

The great eunuch Wang De came in from the outside, he ran to the bed and bowed to salute.

"How did I get here? Where's the father?"

Li Ke waved his hand and signaled Xiang De to get up.

"Your Majesty is still discussing matters with the courtiers, and ordered this old servant to come and visit His Majesty!"

Wang De said respectfully.

He kicked the little eunuch who was still napping and scolded him out. Then he looked around again, then he came to Li Ke's side, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Your Highness, you have made a great contribution this time. Your Majesty is very satisfied with you!"

Wang De's voice was very low, and his posture seemed to be talking about some secret news.

Li Ke knew that he still had something to say, so he waved his hands and said, "Just say what you have, don't beat around the bush!"

Wang De nodded slightly, and then moved closer to Li Ke.

"Two days ago, the Holy Majesty planned to discuss with the ministers how to bestow rewards on His Highness. The two Prime Ministers, Fang and Du, admire His Highness's deeds of heroically killing the enemy and protecting the Great Tang!"

He boasted at first, which has already made Li Ke aware of it.

"You don't have to say nice things, just talk about the result!"

Li Ke said unhappily.

(End of this chapter)

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