Chapter 72 Chang'an Gossip
Chang'an, Duke of Qi's mansion.

Changsun Wuji and Gao Shilianzheng were sitting in the hall, both dressed in regular clothes, enjoying tea and chatting leisurely.

The relationship between the two of them is very close. Gao Shilian was originally the uncle of Changsun Wuji. After the death of Changsun Wuji's father, Gao Shilian took the eldest grandson Empress and Changsun Wuji to his home to raise him.It can be said that the eldest grandson brothers and sisters were raised by Gao Shilian.

"Since Cheng Qian arrived in Liangzhou, he has sent several letters, saying that the climate there is dry, sparsely populated, and far less comfortable than Chang'an."

Changsun Wuji took a sip of his tea, and chatted with Gao Shilian about family matters.

"Hey! That child was too spoiled since he was a child, and he is out of luck!"

Gao Shilian sighed: "We still expect him to compete with Li Ke for the crown prince, but judging by his appearance, how can he defeat Li Ke?"

"Uncle, don't worry!"

Changsun Wuji smiled and said: "I have contacted the Longyou officials and asked them to help as much as possible, and I will definitely be able to help Chengqian make some achievements!"

Although Changsun Wuji is the core figure of the Guanlong Group and his status is higher than that of Gao Shilian, he still respects Gao Shilian when chatting in leisure time.

Gao Shilian frowned and said: "It's just... that Li Ke is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has many tricks and tricks, so we have to guard against him!"

He looked up at Zhangsun Wuji again: "The eighteen people, have they all been sent out?"

Changsun Wuji nodded: "Yes! They have already been dispatched, and I have told them to try their best to cause trouble for Li Ke! It is best to disturb the Shu land all day long and let Li Ke be busy with it."

"It's best to cause a big chaos in Shu!"

Gao Shilian gritted his teeth and said, what he meant was to add some stain to Li Ke's political achievements.

Right now, the two princes are competing. If something goes wrong in Shu, Li Ke's chances of successfully seizing the heir will be greatly reduced.

"Don't worry!" Changsun Wuji rolled up his sleeves and said with a leisurely smile, "As soon as these people take office, they can immediately cause trouble for Li Ke. Our people are in charge of most of the Shu land. Chaos, isn't it easy?"

Gao Shilian nodded, then frowned again, with worry on his face: "But... what if Li Ke finds another chance to get rid of these people?"

"Impossible..." Changsun Wuji shook his head, and said calmly, "The disturbance of the people has been quelled. In a short time, he will never dare to use the same means to deal with court officials again..."

Raising his hand to hold the teacup, Changsun Wuji went on to say: "As long as these people take office, Li Ke will be hard to deal with them. After all, they are officials of the imperial court, appointed by the imperial court and backed by the imperial court. Li Ke does not have the courage to do so Then, again and again, attack local officials."

Li Ke was behind the design of the chaos among the people, and this was already a tacit secret among the people in the court.But if you do this once, it will be fine. If you do it too much, it will cause a backlash.

After all, the officials in the DPRK and China are all the gentry class, and if Li Ke kills the gentry, he is against the entire official class.

Gao Shilian thought for a while, and finally nodded.

But he thought for a while, and then suddenly asked: "These people... can take office safely?"

What he naturally meant was to ask Li Ke whether he would assassinate these officials before they took office.

Changsun Wuji waved his hand: "I have sent soldiers to escort me all the way, Li Ke won't have a chance..."

"Besides... he really found a chance to do something, but as long as he leaves a little clue, we can use this matter to make a big fuss and impeach Li Ke!"

Changsun Wuji was extremely confident. He sent these people on the road to Shu, and he declared that these people would definitely cause trouble for Li Ke.

Even if Li Ke killed these people halfway, it would bring him great trouble.

Once something happened to the official who was appointed, Li Ke, the lord of Shu, would be the number one suspect.

"My lord, it's not good!"

Just when Changsun Wuji was feeling confident, housekeeper Sun Sheng came to report the news: "Oh no, all the people we sent out are dead!"

This news is really bad news. When Changsun Wuji and Gao Shilian heard it, they were shocked and said: "What's going on?"

Sun Sheng bowed and said, "I heard that the boat capsized on the canal. None of the eighteen people survived!"


Changsun Wuji and Gao Shilian stood up in shock. They were just saying that Li Ke would never dare to kill people on the way, and they were immediately slapped in the face by reality.

"Have you checked? Is it really capsized?"

Changsun Wuji asked loudly.

Sun Sheng nodded: "It has been reported to the local government that all eighteen people were drowned. There are no traces of man-made damage at the scene!"

His heart was shocked, and Changsun Wuji almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

After standing in a daze for a long time, he slowly sat back on the chair, muttering: "Impossible...this must be Li Ke's tricks in the dark!"

As if convinced by himself, Changsun Wuji stood up again before his butt was hot: "It must be him! It must be him!"

"Order to go down, ask the people below to thoroughly investigate this matter!"

Before he finished his order, Sun Sheng added: "The local official belongs to us, and he has gone to salvage, saying that he has recovered many corpses!"

"Is there really no evidence left?"

Changsun Wuji still did not give up and asked.

Sun Sheng shook his head: "There are no traces left at the scene, the official ship has been burned to nothing but a skeleton. The bodies of eighteen officials have also been salvaged. Most of them were entangled in water plants, and then drowned in the river... ..."


Throwing the tea cup on the table, Changsun Wuji stood up: "This must be the conspiracy of that boy Li Ke!"

He firmly believed that it was Li Ke who secretly sent people to kill these officials.However, there is no evidence to prove that this matter came from Li Ke.

After all, Li Ke is the prince, even if the eldest grandson Wuji is a big boss in the court, there is no way to sue him based on his feelings and guesses.


After taking a hard look at the case table, Changsun Wuji quickly ordered: "This matter must be thoroughly investigated! Let Li Ke know what will happen if you offend my Guanlong Group!"

The Guanlong Group was very busy here, and Li Shimin also received the news in the palace.

"It happened like this. These officials were drinking and having fun on the boat. As a result, the cabin leaked, causing all these people to fall into the water. Later... they all died for no reason!"

Wang Dezheng is reporting to Li Shimin.

After listening to Wang De's words, Li Shimin bowed his head and pondered for a moment.

After a while, Li Shimin raised his head again, he smiled coldly, and said, "Good death, these people want to take over Ke'er's territory, but they deserve to die!"

"Your Majesty, should we investigate this matter?"

Wang De said respectfully.

Li Shimin shook his head: "We don't need to investigate, I know that someone is impatient and wants to find out the truth of this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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