Chapter 141 Cui House
"It's obvious that His Majesty is training Li Ze as the crown prince!"

"Not to mention Li Ze's strength, even according to the rules, the eldest son of the emperor should inherit the throne. What's more, Li Chengqian is not as good as Li Zeshu in terms of ability, physical condition, or relationship with his majesty and empress. Times!"

"And coupled with the guilt that His Majesty felt towards Li Ze himself after being separated for many years, it is obvious that this Li Ze will always be countless times stronger than Li Chengqian in any aspect!"

Hou Junji's face was very gloomy, he stared at the ground absentmindedly, muttering to himself.

Completely unaware of what's happening outside.

"Nowadays, it's clear that Li Ze has been assigned a complete county, just to give Li Ze a chance to govern the people and his officials, or a little exercise."

"This time, Your Majesty must have completely decided to train Li Ze in the way of officially training the crown prince..."

"Li Chengqian, Li Chengqian, if only you were a few years older!"

Hou Junji secretly sighed a long time in his heart, and finally he gradually broke free from his trance.

But at this moment, it was Cui Yuan's turn to get nervous.

Cui Yuan was also the same as Hou Junji, half leaning on the back of the chair, his eyes were a little lost.

"How many people is there in that county?" Cui Yuan spoke slightly, his tone full of fatigue.

Cui Liang recalled a little bit, and then said: "It is said that those people in Du Village were victims of smallpox when they heard that Li Ze had a cure, so they fled to Du Village. Since Li Ze took over, those victims have not They did not return to their hometown, but settled in Du Village, and the population has basically not declined."

"At that time, the estimated population was more than 30. In my opinion, it was probably close to [-]."

"Hiss—" Hou Junji immediately sat up straight, gasped suddenly, and looked at Cui Yuan in horror.

The whole person's brain went blank.

What does a county with 20 people mean?
It is equivalent to half the imperial city!
The resident population of the entire Chang'an County, excluding the sergeants and traveling merchants, is only 30 million. He is a Du village and a small doctor. How can he have such resources?
"No...he is not some little doctor!"

"He is the eldest son of the emperor! He is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! He is... the next emperor, the next His Majesty!" Hou Junji's pupils trembled violently, and cold sweat broke out all over his body. Obviously, the current Crown Prince Li Chengqian will not be here in the future. He must be dethroned!
We must find a way to kill all of this in the infancy, and we must not just watch Li Ze take away the position of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

But Cui Yuan was not clear about this, and he was indeed very puzzled.

"Why did Your Majesty appoint such a brat as a county magistrate? And the establishment of a large county with a population of 30 to [-] people is located around Chang'an City. Wouldn't His Majesty's imperial city be subject to possible threats at all times if such a big hidden danger threaten?"

"Besides, he is just a young man who has not yet been crowned. Now he is in an official position with the title he has received, which is obviously not suitable for such a boy in his teens..."

Cui Yuan rubbed his chin silently, his face full of grooves formed a mountain between his eyebrows, which was heavily pressed in Cui Yuan's mind.

"Go to Lu's mansion and call me Lu Yuanzhu!"

Cui Yuan waved his hands at several servants with a very solemn expression, and they bid farewell to Cui Yuan and Hou Junji, and walked quickly towards the outside of Cui's mansion.

Half an hour later, Cui Yuan, Lu Yuanzhu, Hou Junji, and several other members of their group gathered at Cui Yuan's house.

After the food and wine were served, Cui Yuan immediately dismissed the attendants and called Cui Liang and others to come forward.

"My lords, I have called you here today, there is an important matter."

Cui Yuan knocked lightly on the table, and everyone stopped the noise of greeting each other, and the whole hall suddenly became silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Cui Yuan's face.

Hou Junji, who knew about it, had a serious expression on his face.

Cai Yun beside him leaned over and whispered: "These people are probably just Cui Yuan's henchmen, that's all. Once Li Ze's identity is exposed, we will be unable to resist. If we unite with the Cui family and the Lu family , the strength of these two big families, let alone Li Ze, even if it is His Majesty, I am afraid they will not take it seriously."

"If General Hou wants to stabilize his status as the head of the country, and doesn't cut off the influence of these families, even if His Royal Highness Prince Li Chengqian ascends the throne in the future, if these big families are willing, the next emperor will be under the hands of these families. Puppets, coupled with the indecision of His Royal Highness, wouldn't it be easy for them to control them?"

"If we want to weaken their respective powers, the only way is to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, let Li Ze, His Majesty the Emperor, and their big families fight each other, and they can only reap the benefits when they are all seriously injured! "

After Cai Yun finished speaking, he quietly took half a step back and stood quietly behind Hou Junji.

And Hou Junji stroked his beard thoughtfully, and then nodded slightly.

Cui Yuan raised his head slightly, conscious of Cui Liang who was standing under the hall.

Cui Liang nervously rolled up his sleeves, saluted everyone, and said nervously: "Recently, I found out that Li Ze bought some ironware for smelting and spent them in a bookstore. The big price paid for the money for three scholars who had never met before."

"Later, he took all the servants and left Chang'an City. Before that, he went to the palace to meet His Majesty. His Majesty even went to Li Ze's mansion in person. He must have discussed the resettlement of those victims."

Before Cui Liang finished speaking, Lu Yuanzhu suddenly said: "Is it possible that Master Cui is looking for me because of the fact that Li Ze's son was granted the title of county magistrate?"

"I have also heard about those scholars. It was the three copyists of my Lu's Bookstore who accidentally overturned the ink and stained the original, making them lose money. The store beat them on the street. Li Ze, my son, who spent thousands of dollars to rescue some strangers, this old man really underestimated him!"

"After what Lu Gong said, Li Ze'er is not so unbearable, on the contrary, it's a little bit, which makes me feel admirable!" Zhang Qing on the side laughed a few words.

Cui Yuan, on the other hand, looked at everyone with a gloomy expression.

"My lords, don't play tricks at this time!"

"How many meaningless things has Little Li Ze done since the moment he first entered the court?"

"The old man guesses that the boy knows that he is a mediocre doctor, and it is difficult to achieve a big deal; and you think about it, in the past few days, he was a doctor for the court officials and did what they called a physical examination; The position of a county magistrate, and those few scholars who bought it with his own hands, it seems that this son, you must not underestimate him!"

Cui Yuan leaned out his skinny body slightly, looked at the guests in the hall with a very solemn expression, and said: "These disciples of the old man have also found out that the small characters have cost tens of thousands of dollars recently to let them The servant surnamed Cheng went to several bookstores and bought a lot of books!"

"In my opinion, that kid is probably trying to develop his power in the court to limit you and His Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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