Chapter 54

"Fathers and folks, the price of salt has skyrocketed recently. Today, the Holy One is well aware of the hardships of the people. From now on, the Royal Salt Shop will distribute some refined salt to everyone for free every day to help everyone tide over the difficulties. Each family can bring a small cloth bag to receive it for free. Salt!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Fellow folks, recently..."

In the streets and alleys of Chang'an City, there were many boys holding a gong in their hands, beating the gong frantically, and shouting loudly at the same time.

The news that the royal salt shop distributed refined salt for free spread throughout the huge city of Chang'an.

People living in various cities and towns ran out one after another, watching dozens of children running and jumping in the streets, beating gongs and shouting.

In an instant, the streets were crowded with people and the noise was incomparable. Ever since the smallpox, Chang'an City has hardly been so lively.

Various voices continued to come from the bustling crowd. Some people questioned and some were amazed.

More is unbelievable.

The dense crowd stood on both sides of the street, watching the children running and jumping in the middle of the road, discussing:

"What? His Majesty distributes salt for free?"

"real or fake?"

"Salt? The one with six thousand coins a bucket?"



When the crowd was still in a daze, suddenly one person shouted loudly: "What are the folks still doing in a daze! Go and have a look first, and you will know if it is true or not!"

After finishing speaking, the man asked the child for a while, and then quickly ran towards the city.

Immediately afterwards, a huge crowd almost filled the entire street.

"Boom——" The trampling sound of the crowd was like a howling wind. Although the speed was not fast, it rolled up the dust on the road, as if swept by a hurricane.

It was like a million troops rushing thousands of miles, shaking the ground so much that it trembled again and again.

The bustling crowd moved towards the Royal Salt Shop like a tide.

"Hiss...Your Majesty wants to distribute salt for free? That's a bucket of salt worth [-] Wen! this news true?" An ordinary citizen in Chang'an City named Deng Xuan followed his friend Liu Yan, and followed him. The crowd moved around, gasping for air in amazement.

The crowd of followers of the two walked towards Yansi side by side, like a solitary boat in the middle of a big river.

Liu Yan patted Deng Xuan on the shoulder and said, "Hey, brother, will I still lie to you? But His Majesty won't send us much. The salt each person can get is enough for two meals a day. It looks like there is a little surplus of rice, but if it is mixed with salt water for disinfection, I am afraid it will be too tight."

A passer-by named Qiu Mao heard the two chatting, so he answered, "Hey! This brother is absurd! There are at least 10 people in Chang'an City. If each person distributed a pinch, this is a huge number, which is unimaginable. Ah! Your Majesty is truly a sage through the ages, and we are so lucky to have such a wise king!"

While speaking, Qiu Mao bowed his hands over the imperial city with reverence, as if Li Er was floating above the imperial city.

At this time, Jia Yi, a businessman behind the three of them heard the words, and also stepped forward quickly and said: "I heard that His Majesty has also suppressed the price of salt at [-] Wen a bucket, and the current price of salt has dropped to [-] Wen." It's unbelievable for a bucket, but in the blink of an eye, the salt fell so fast!"

"Yes, yes! Hey! It's here!" Looking at the mighty crowd not far away, Qiu Mao suddenly raised his head and saw a huge door plaque in the distance, with three large characters written on it: "Royal Salt Shop!"

And what caught the eyes of the four people at the same time was the mighty line of thousands of people in front of them.

Everyone lined up at the entrance of the salt shop looked expectant, and everyone poked their heads out to look inside the shop.

"Where did the salt come from, Your Majesty?"

"Could it be the imperial salt that His Majesty ate himself?"

"Hiss... It is our honor to eat the same kind of salt as His Majesty!"

"Speaking of how much salt His Majesty is going to distribute to us, don't ask for more, just a pinch is enough. During this period of time, the price of salt has skyrocketed to [-] Wen. My family hasn't tasted salt for a long time."


Liu Yan listened to the noisy discussion in the crowd, subconsciously looked behind him, and there were more and more people queuing up.

The long line of people behind them couldn't see the end at a glance.

From the other end of the line came the shopkeeper's shout: "Don't worry, don't worry! Everyone has a share! Everyone, don't worry!"

The shopkeeper poked his head out of the house and shouted towards the window, while the second hand at the bottom hurriedly handed out salt to the people for free with a small spoon.

At this time, one person held a huge wooden barrel, squeezed out from the crowd with difficulty, immediately put the wooden barrel on the ground with a "Boom!", knelt down towards the salt shop and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty! "

However, when the people lined up in a long line saw the fine salt with white beard like snow and fine sand, they all showed horror:

"Is this thing salt? Why is this salt like snow?"

"Hiss... is there such salt in the world? My God!"


When one person saw the snow-white salt, he immediately thought that it might be the salt that only the emperor is entitled to eat, and quickly moved himself: "Could it be the salt from His Majesty's palace? Your Majesty, in order to let us eat salt, did not hesitate to put the salt on the table." Take out your royal salt and share it with me, thank you, Majesty Long En!"

On the one hand, the man still cupped his hands in the direction of the imperial city.

In that line of long-growing dragons, all the people began to shout loudly: "Thank you, Your Majesty Long En!"

"Thank you, Majesty Ron."

The common people worshiped again and again in the direction of the imperial city, their eyes full of reverence.

Its momentum was like thunder, and could be clearly heard several squares away.

I have to say that brain supplementation is really scary.

But it was also because of the shouts of these people that almost every city knew the location of this royal salt shop.

Li Er, Fang Xuanling and the others hid in the streets far away, seeing the voice of the long queue of people suddenly prostrating towards the imperial city and shouting to the emperor, Li Er's eyes showed a look of complacency.

Although the salt came from his son, these people remember him!

My good son has established such a lofty image for me in the hearts of the common people.

Just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xuanling behind him squinted his eyes and stroked his beard happily: "Your Majesty is wise, the people are indeed as His Royal Highness said, and they are very grateful for your kindness."

"Hahahaha! You are my son! I don't know what that old fox like Pei Ji is doing." Li Er complacently looked towards the crowd, seeing the expressions of gratitude and reverence in those eyes, he couldn't help but be very happy. Yan Dayue.

While some people are happy, others are sad.

People's joys and sorrows don't make sense, Pei Ji only thinks they are noisy.


With a loud noise, the table in Pei Ji's study was overturned again, and the porcelain on the table was smashed to pieces.

"Li Er, you bastard! You are so angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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