Landlord System

Chapter 132 Little Zombies

Chapter 132 Little Zombies

The secret passage is not very wide, and only two people can barely stand side by side, but this secret passage is very long, and the end cannot be seen from the entrance of the secret passage.Su Shibing and Zhang Yan walked carefully for almost 100 meters in this secret passage before they saw an iron gate at the end of the secret passage.

Su Shibing and Zhang Yan came to the iron gate. Su Shibing signaled Zhang Yan to open the iron gate, and he was ready to attack.

After Zhang Yan received Su Shibing's order, he kicked open the iron gate.

With a bang, the iron door was kicked open.

After the iron door was kicked open, Su Shibing saw the situation behind the door. There was a secret room behind the door. There were boxes in the secret room. No zombies were seen for the time being.

"It's safe down here, Xiao Zhang, you can go up and tell the lord that he can come down!"

After carefully checking the secret room, Su Shibing confirmed that it was safe, and then asked Zhang Yan to go up and notify Mo Yu to come down.

Soon Mo Yu was notified and came down.

"Wow so much gold, rich!!"

After Mo Yu got down, he saw a few big boxes opened, revealing the gleaming gold inside, and immediately shouted in surprise.

"My lord, this gold is only a small part of this secret room. There is also such gold in the box there."

When Zhang Yan went up to call Mo Yu, Su Shibing opened all the boxes and found that they were all gold.

"Wahhaha, there are so many boxes, how much gold is there, it's gone, it's really gone! Well, you go out and help me guard it, and I'll put the gold away."

When Su Shibing said that these boxes were all gold, Mo Yu was very happy. After laughing for a while, Mo Yu asked Su Shibing and the other three to go out, and he asked the system to collect all the gold in this secret room. All recycled.


After the system recovered the gold, it told Mo Yu the recovered value, which made Mo Yu very happy.This wave came out and made a steady profit. With at least 3 trillion yuan in revenue, the Dinglu City renovation plan can be carried out.

However, Mo Yu was not satisfied with this, he also wanted to find more valuable things, so as to avoid such embarrassment in the future.

After collecting the gold, Mo Yu walked out of the secret room, and said to Su Shibing and the others: "I have emptied the gold here, let's go! Go find another one." After speaking, Mo Yu took the lead to leave this place. Secret passages.

When Mo Yu left the secret path, what Mo Yu didn't know was that there was a special zombie waiting for Mo Yu and the others to come out on the girder of Wang's Bank.

The zombie was tiny, with the body of a four-year-old child.But this zombie is not as cute as a four-year-old child. On the contrary, it is very ugly, with pus all over its body, scars everywhere on its face, one eye is blind, and the other is not blind, but it is white. Dead fish eyes.

The reason why this little zombie is here is because it smells the smell of strangers. This smell fascinates it, unlike it is inhaling the smell of its own kind.

Yes, this little zombie will suck the blood of zombies of the same kind. It is a special zombie. The first and second level zombies are its usual food, and the third level zombies are its prey, so there is a place for it, first and second level The number of zombies is very small, and most of them died after being sucked by it and did not have time to replenish it.And the third-level zombies are even less, because as long as it is a city it has visited, the third-level zombies will predict the danger in advance and escape.

This Linhai City is the fifth city this little zombie came to. It has eaten all the zombies in the first four cities, causing a large number of zombie deaths and food shortages. That's why it came to Linhai City to find new ones. food.But it never expected that when it came to Linhai City, it would smell the smell of strangers, so it chased after the smell to the bank, and lay in ambush on the beam of the bank, waiting for the prey below to come out.

And the prey it is waiting for is naturally Mo Yu and the others.

Mo Yu didn't know that zombies would ambush them, so he didn't let Su Shibing and the others be on guard, so he walked out of the secret passage carelessly, and when he wanted to get out of the bank, Mo Yu suddenly felt something staring at him, so When he looked up, he saw the little zombie. As soon as he saw the little zombie, he saw the little zombie pounce on him at a very fast speed.

Before Mo Yu had time to react, he was thrown down by the little zombie, and the moment he was thrown down by the little zombie, Mo Yu felt in a trance and soon fell asleep.

The cause of Mo Yu's coma was the fault of this little zombie.This little zombie can attack mentally. As long as it is a target it looks at, it will attack the target mentally, making the target unconscious, so that it can easily hunt the prey.

After Mo Yu was fainted by this little zombie, the little zombie wanted to bite Mo Yu's neck.But before it could bite, it felt a stabbing pain in its back, as if it had been hit by something.It doesn't know what it is, but no matter what it is, as long as it hurts itself, it will be wiped out.So the little zombie let go of Mo Yu, turned around to see who was so bold to hit him, and saw Xia Shiqi when he turned around.

It turned out that after Xia Shiqi left the secret passageway, he saw Mo Yu being thrown down by a monster, and the monster was about to bite Mo Yu's neck.Seeing this scene, Xia Shiqi immediately took out his laser gun and fired at the monster's back.But this shot didn't hurt the monster, it just made the monster, the little zombie, feel the sting.

The little zombie got angry, and the consequences were very serious. Soon Xia Shiqi also met the same fate as Mo Yu, that is, he was knocked down by the little zombie's mental attack.

After knocking down Xia Shiqi, the little zombie wanted to pounce on Xia Shiqi's body, wanting to suck Xia Shiqi's blood, but before it pounced on Xia Shiqi's body, it was hit by the laser gun again.

And it was Su Shibing and Zhang Yan who came up behind Xia Shiqi who shot the little zombie.

Su Shibing and Zhang Yan have been following Xia Shiqi. After Xia Shiqi came up, they also followed. As soon as they came up, they saw a monster about to pounce on Xia Shiqi. Before they had time to think, Su Shi Bing and Zhang Yan immediately shot the little zombie.

The little zombie was hit by the lasers from two laser guns at the same time, and suddenly felt severe pain all over his body. He immediately gave up on Xia Shiqi, turned to look at Su Shibing and Zhang Yan, and wanted to face them at the same time Launched a mental attack, but before it started attacking, Su Shibing and Zhang Yan's laser guns kept firing, making it too painful to concentrate on attacking.

Helpless, it had no choice but to give up its attack on Su Shibing and Zhang Yan, turned around and escaped from the bank, a temporary strategic retreat!

(End of this chapter)

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