Landlord System

Emergency on the front line

Emergency on the front line

After three years in the Western Continent, Mo Yu finally returned to Dinglu City. However, Mo Yu did not stop in Dinglu City. Instead, he hurried to join Zhanyang after meeting Su Shibing in a hurry.The main reason for this is that Mo Yu received the news that the front line was in a hurry. The army led by Zhan Yang was surrounded by an army of zombies. It is very difficult, if there is no backup, Zhan Yang's army may be completely wiped out.So in order to support Zhan Yang, Mo Yu rushed to Vientiane City with all his strength, regardless of the cost.It took Mo Yu a month to arrive at Vientiane City.When he came to Vientiane City, Mo Yu happened to meet the army of zombies breaking into Vientiane City, and Zhan Yang was in a very dangerous situation.So Mo Yu didn't have time to rest, and led the army into the zombie group.

The 30 troops are like locusts crossing the border, and everywhere they go is a mess.The army of zombies couldn't stand the charge of the 30 troops, and soon Mo Yu entered Vientiane City and saw Zhan Yang who was fighting the enemy bravely, but Mo Yu didn't dare to let the soldiers go to help Zhan Yang, because Zhan Yang was surrounded by three Soldiers are not able to deal with level-[-] zombies and level-[-] zombies. The only level-[-] zombies that can be dealt with are Zhan Yang, so there is only Guanglong, but the light dragon shines in the sky, and it can only be Zhanyang himself.

The battle between Zhan Yang and the third-level zombies was very fierce. Three third-level zombies were fighting against Zhan Yang alone. Zhan Yang was a bit powerless, but Zhan Yang did not retreat, because Zhan Yang knew that if he retreated, Vientiane City would be finished, and Dinglu City would follow It's over.

The movements of the three level three zombies were very flexible. Every time Zhan Yang swung his axe, there would always be a zombie harassing Zhan Yang behind him, which made Zhan Yang have to withdraw his axe and return to defense.After this state continued for several times, Zhan Yang changed his strategy. He no longer waved the giant ax foolishly, but spotted a third-level zombie, threw out the giant axe, chased after the giant axe, and ran away. Towards the third-level zombie whose head was cut by the giant axe, after chasing there, Zhan Yang quickly retracted the giant axe, and then blocked the giant ax behind him with his backhand, so that the zombie behind him who was sneaking up on him hit the giant axe by itself, The third-level zombie behind Zhan Yang couldn't brake in the air, so his body was split by the giant axe, and then Zhan Yang lifted it up, and the giant ax cut the third-level zombie in half.After Zhan Yang had dealt with the two level-three zombies, he was about to take back his giant ax to deal with the third zombie, when he saw the third zombie trying to escape.How could this make it run away, so Zhan Yang immediately chased after him, shortened the distance with the third level [-] zombie, aimed and threw the giant axe, and the giant ax just swept across the body of the level [-] zombie, the level [-] zombie The body was split in half like this, and soon the level [-] zombie was dead.

After the third level-three zombie was killed, Zhan Yang's tense nerves relaxed a bit.In the past, Zhan Yang took back the giant ax and turned around, only then did Zhan Yang see Mo Yu standing on the city wall.

Seeing that Zhan Yang completed the Jedi counterattack beautifully by himself, Mo Yu applauded Zhan Yang to show that he is proud of Zhan Yang at the moment.And Mo Yu's applause also drove the fanatics to applaud Zhan Yang. They are now convinced by Zhan Yang who dared to face the third-level zombies alone.


Zhan Yang saw Mo Yu, saw Mo Yu taking the lead in applauding himself, Zhan Yang was very moved, and immediately ran to Mo Yu, looking at Mo Yu with red eyes.

"Well done, Zhan Yang, I'm proud of you!"

Seeing the red circles under Zhan Yang's eyes, Mo Yu knew that Zhan Yang was so moved that he couldn't speak, so he stepped forward to hug Zhan Yang, patted Zhan Yang's back, and expressed his encouragement.

After a hug, Mo Yu let go of Zhan Yang, and after calming down Zhan Yang, he asked about Zhan Yang's situation in the past three years.Generally speaking, Zhanyang and the others have had a hard time in the past three years. In the third month after Mo Yu left, a large number of zombies attacked Vientiane City, which forced Zhanyang and the others to close the city gate and defend Vientiane City. They have to fight zombies, people die every day, the war continues until Mo Yu returns, and there are less than 3000 soldiers left in Vientiane City, if Mo Yu comes one step later, then Mo Yu can only fight for Zhan Yang and The soldiers who died in the Vientiane City saw off.

"Zhanyang, you are all doing a good job. You have stood firm in Vientiane City for three years and bought me an extra year. You are doing well. Then I will lead the madmen to fight the next battle, and you and you who stick to it The [-] warriors who came back to Dinglu City to rest for a month, you all need to relax. Also go back to see sister-in-law, Zhan Yang, how long have you not seen sister-in-law, sister-in-law misses you and thinks of going to Dinglu City every day Looking in the direction of Vientiane City, I look forward to your return. Go back and spend time with my sister-in-law."

After listening to Zhan Yang's narration, Mo Yu decided to let Zhan Yang lead the 3000 people who were still alive back to the city to rest. sister-in-law.

"Master, I..."

"Stop talking, I know what you want to say, you have worked hard, go back! At dawn, I will bring three thousand soldiers back to Nail City, and when you come back, it will be time for us to enter the next city."

At dawn, after Mo Yu bid farewell to Zhanyang, he asked the fanatics to demolish some houses in Vientiane City. He planned to build a Temple of Light here. After all, these believers may have no place to sleep, but they cannot live without the Temple of Light.

The temple in Vientiane City was not directly built by the system, but the system handed over the space capsule of the Temple of Light to Mo Yu. This capsule contains the Temple of Light. As long as Mo Yu opens the capsule, the Temple of Light will be released.

The fanatics moved very quickly. In less than a day, an area had been demolished, just enough to accommodate the Temple of Light.

After Mo Yu opened the space capsule, the Temple of Light suddenly appeared, occupying the entire open space.

After the temple was released, Mo Yu spoke some heart-warming words in front of the temple, and told the group of fanatics that zombies are the mortal enemies of the God of Light, and he asked them not to show mercy or sympathy when they saw zombies, but to kill them directly.

After Fan Fan finished speaking, Mo Yu led the fanatics into the temple to pray.

After praying at night, when Mo Yu came out, he let Guanglong, who had slept all day, shine in the sky, and checked the hidden zombies near Vientiane City by the way.

The result was very good. Last night’s battle cleared all the nearby zombies, so Vientiane City is very safe tonight. That’s it, Mo Yu left some people to patrol the wall, and everyone else went to rest. After all, the rapid march for a month has reached the goal After landing, another high-intensity battle was experienced, and many fanatics could no longer bear it and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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