Chapter 99

"Okay, stop arguing, I will train everyone strictly according to this training method in the future, if there is any dissatisfaction, then you get out, if you get out, then deal with it as a deserter, the fate of deserters, I think you all know ! Then, whoever refuses to accept it, stand up!"

Seeing a group of people making a lot of noise, don't mention being furious again, and the soldiers on the scene immediately quieted down.

"Then, what, don't mention it again, I'll leave it to you! I'm leaving!"

Since Mo Zaiti knows the details of modern military training, Mo Yu will not stay here, and go back to see if Zhan Yang has woken up.

"Master, go slowly!"

Mo Yu left the barracks amid Mo Zaiti's send-off.

After leaving the barracks, Mo Yu returned to Mo Mansion, and immediately went to the guest room to see if Zhan Yang was awake.However, when Mo Yu came to the guest room, he found that Zhan Yang, who had been in a coma, had disappeared, so Mo Yu hurriedly exited the guest room, saw a servant, and came over and asked, "I ask you, what is lying here?" Why is that person missing?"

"Come back, young master, after that man woke up, he went out with Team Zheng."

After the servant was questioned by Mo Yu, he answered Mo Yu's question honestly.

"Get out? Where did you go?"

After listening to the servant's answer, Mo Yu was puzzled, why did Zhan Yang go out just after healed his amnesia, and he was still with Zheng Xin.

"Master, I don't know!"

The servants don't know where Zhan Yang and Zheng Xin are going, after all, he has been busy and rarely pays attention to the situation here.

"Well, okay, I see, you go to work!"

The servant didn't know, so Mo Yu could only let the servant go and let him do the work.

"What the hell are these two doing? Forget it, don't care, since Zhan Yang has returned to Mo Haicheng, he will definitely come to find himself." Thinking this way, Mo Yu went to the hall to wait for Zhan Yang and the others to come back.

Mo Yu spent more than an hour boringly playing tablet games, Mo Yu finally saw Zhan Yang and Zheng Xin come back.

"Zhan Yang, Zheng Xin, meet the lord!"

After Zhan Yang and Zheng Xin entered the hall, they saluted Mo Yu at the same time.

"You are this?"

Seeing Zhan Yang and Zheng Xin salute, Mo Yu was a little confused. After all, he had never saluted like this before. What happened today?
"Master, I will regard you as my lord from now on, so I will do this great gift whenever I see you!"

Zhan Yang and Zheng Xin made eye contact with Mo Yu's question, and Zheng Xin answered it.

"Master? No, I said what happened to you today? Can't you call me the young master before? Why do you call me the master?"

This is all about what, making black question marks all over Mo Yu's face.

"My lord, you have two cities, Mohai City and Dinglu City, and you are planning to attack the mainland. It is inappropriate to call you the young master. I discussed with Zheng Xin, Director Xiao, Yi Yang and Mo again. From now on, I will call you the lord, and from now on, I hope the lord can lead us to kill zombies and take back the territory that originally belonged to my human race."

Seeing Mo Yu's doubts, Zhan Yang came out and explained to Mo Yu.

"This~ I'm not used to this kind of address. You will still call me the young master in the future. I am just a rich man and should not be called the lord. Killing zombies and taking back my human territory, I don't need you to tell me, I will do it. "

Mo Yu is not used to the title of lord at all, and the title of lord represents a kind of identity and a kind of responsibility. Mo Yu feels that he is not ready to accept this identity yet.

"No, my lord, I can no longer call you young master. This title is no longer appropriate. You are the lord above ten thousand people. If you call you young master again, it will be equivalent to Mo Haicheng and Dinglu city." There is no backbone, and these two cities will not be easy to manage in the future, so my lord, you still accept this title."

Hearing that Mo Yu still asked them to call him the young master, Zheng Xin became anxious, so he hurriedly said.

"Oh! Alright! Alright! Whatever you want! Anyway, it's just a title. By the way, Zhan Yang, tell me, where have you been this month?"

After listening to Zheng Xin's words, Mo Yu could only accept it helplessly.After accepting this title, Mo Yu asked Zhan Yang where he had been for a month.

"Back to the lord, the little one went back to his hometown with his father, and after paying homage to his mother, he went to Donghai County."

Hearing Mo Yu asking about his whereabouts for a month, Zhan Yang didn't want to answer, but he still said something briefly.

"Donghai County, why go to Donghai County?"

Donghai County is not far from Dong'an County. Although it is very close to Dong'an County, the two places are very different. One is located in a crater, the other is located on a high mountain. The land of zombies in Dong'an County and the land of living people in Donghai County.Yes, there are still people living in Donghai County. This is mainly because Donghai County is populated by people with high military power. With these people, it is impossible for zombies to enter Donghai County, not to mention that Donghai County is located on the top of a mountain. , It takes a day to go up the mountain, the mountain road is not easy to walk, and there is no place to hide, so if the zombies want to attack Donghai County, if they can't get in one night, they will definitely be burned to death by the sun the next day, even if they even have three levels. Zombies dare not be exposed to the sun in the high mountains where Donghai County is located, because the sunlight there is too strong.

As for why Mo Yu knew Donghai County, it was because Mo Yu had seen game anchors mentioning this Donghai County.However, now Mo Yu wants to know, Zhan Yang's father has turned into a zombie, why did he take Zhan Yang to Donghai County?
"My lord, can I not speak?"

Donghai County is Zhan Yang's sad place, where he lost his father, so he doesn't want to mention Donghai County.

"Then, okay! Don't talk about Donghai County, then can you tell me why you lost your memory before, and why did you appear in our Mohai City?"

It can be seen that Zhan Yang was a little sad after he brought up Donghai County, so Mo Yu didn't insist on asking about Donghai County, but asked why Zhan Yang lost his memory before.

Hearing Mo Yu's question again, Zhan Yang thought for a while before answering: "Master, let me tell you a story. The story goes like this. After I came down from Donghai County, I wanted to come back to you. , on the way, I met a beautiful woman, this beautiful woman was being chased by a group of zombies, so I saved her, saved her, I wanted to turn around and leave, but where did I know that beautiful woman The woman begged me to take her with her, and said that she would be my woman, so I was moved, and I took this woman back to Mohai City. The journey was safe and nothing happened, and we arrived soon By the sea, after finding a small wooden boat, we started rowing towards Mohai City. Everything was fine at first, but who knows, at night, because I was too sleepy, I asked the woman to watch the situation on the sea, Then I fell asleep. After I fell asleep, the woman didn't know what happened, but she took a wooden paddle and hit me on the head hard. After knocking me out, she threw me into the sea, completely ignoring my life. If it wasn't for the fact that not long after she threw me into the sea, I was rescued by the people on the passing boat and brought back to Mohai City, maybe I would never see you again, my lord."

 Yesterday, because I was too busy, the code word was too late, so I had to post it this morning, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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