Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 149 Physical Training

Chapter 149 Physical Training
Back at the company, Lu Fei parked Koenigsegg in the underground garage.

Then I drove my 10,000+ domestic car to Fenghua College.

"Lu Fei!"

As soon as Lu Fei entered the academy, he heard someone calling him, and when he looked back, it was Su Xue.

Smiling, Lu Fei nodded at Su Xue.

"What a coincidence, do you have class today?"

Su Xue brushed her hair and asked with a smile.

Lu Fei hurriedly turned his head away, and hummed lightly.

"Why don't you dare to look at me, afraid that if I eat you, you will fail?" Su Xue looked at Lu Fei's dodging eyes, pretending to be angry.

Lu Fei smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, I always feel that you are a student and I am a teacher. It is a bit awkward to stare at you."

He was telling the truth, seeing Su Xue's appearance, any man would be tempted, Lu Fei was no exception, but when he thought that he was a teacher and she was a student, a deep sense of guilt came over him.

This instinct made Lu Fei a little guilty, so he avoided Su Xue's eyes.

The two chatted casually, and Lu Fei came to class [-].

After not seeing each other for a few days, he felt that the students in his class were different, each one seemed to be a different person.

Lu Fei clearly remembered the first time he came to this class. Apart from the very special names of the students in this class, the most memorable thing for him was their mental outlook.

All listless, looking at the mental outlook that does not belong to their age group at all.

That expression is a bit like... a bit like the girl I like being chased away by others.

Lu Fei felt that this change might have something to do with punishing running. After all, exercise can make people refreshed and more energetic.

It seems that we need to punish him twice more in the future. It is very important to have a strong body when playing games, otherwise we will have to go to the hospital sooner or later.

"Students, today we teach defense."

Lu Fei manipulated the display screen, and after a while, a model of a room was constructed, and he highlighted the key points while explaining.

"Chen He, dictate what I just said."

Chen He stood up and looked at the screen blankly.

He was busy reading extra-curricular books, and didn't hear what Lu Fei was talking about at all. When he was called up suddenly, he was stunned.

"What? Can't tell?" Lu Fei walked to Chen He's desk and took out a math book from under the desk.

"How many times have I told you that it is forbidden to read extracurricular books during class time. If you don't listen to it, go out and run 1000 meters on the playground." Lu Fei said in a deep voice.

"Ah...?" Chen He didn't expect it to be so serious.

"Ah what? Grind again, add another 1000 meters."

Chen He ran out quickly.

Lu Fei was very satisfied.

"Shen Teng, please dictate what I'm talking about."

Shen Teng was also dumbfounded.

Lu Fei repeated his old trick and took out a history book from under his desk.

"Read these useless extracurricular books all day, get out."

After asking questions one by one, it was Lu Fei's turn to be speechless. Most of the people had only a half-knowledge of what he said, and few of them could answer directly.

Lu Fei got angry, and the consequences were serious.

"Everyone is there, gather at the playground."

The sun is very strong today, and it is summer again. One can imagine the degree of difficulty of running 1000 meters on the playground.

Lu Fei specially got a parasol and a chair by the way, and sat on the side leisurely, supervising.

"Take care of me and be lazy in class, so I have to make up for it here."

Holding a glass of iced juice in his hand, Lu Fei took two sips.

"Chen He, what eyes do you have? You should feel relieved that I have worked so hard to bask in the sun with you." Lu Fei said loudly.

Chen Hesheng has nothing to love, how did he meet such an excellent teacher, drinking fruit juice, sitting on a recliner, holding an umbrella, the key is to let Liu Yifei fan him by the side, what does that mean?
"Teacher, I protest, you are oppressing human rights." Huang Bo protested.

"Yes, why are we running against the sun while you are drinking ice water and fanning yourself?"

Lu Fei smiled and put down the juice in his hand.

"Good question, let me tell you, because I am better than you, I am your teacher, and I am the master of this game, do you understand?"

All the students looked like their scars had been uncovered, with their heads bowed.

"You don't have any skills, and you still have such a big temper? When you were looked down upon by others, where did your temper go?"

"Tell me about human rights now. This is a world where the weak are prey to the strong. It's not a paradise. If you don't make progress, you are doomed to be eliminated. If you don't want to be looked down upon in the future, give me some ambition."

Chen He gritted his teeth and continued running.

The people behind also gradually followed.

Lu Fei smiled in satisfaction, took out 200 yuan from his pocket, and said to Liu Yifei who was at the side: "Go and ask the owner of the store to send you a hundred bottles of salt soda."

In the teaching building, many teachers and students saw this scene.

"Hmph, this Lu Fei is too much. On such a hot day, he even asked the students to run on the playground. This is the e-sports academy, not the sports academy. No, I have to tell the dean." A rather young man said indignantly .

"Mr. Liu, why bother? How Lu Fei teaches has nothing to do with you, so there's no need to get angry."

Known as Mr. Liu, he obviously didn't buy it. He was originally a veteran teacher of Fenghua College, joined a well-known team in Haishi, and taught at Fenghua College at the age of 20. Now he is 26 years old and has taught six ideas.

Whether it is long or short, six years is enough to change a person's heart.

At the beginning, Mr. Liu was also a passionate young man with original aspirations. With his enthusiasm, he came to Fenghua College. Later, he was lucky. The class he led had a graduation rate of 80.00%, creating the self-built Fenghua College. The miracle since school.

This honor has always been what he is most proud of, but despite this, he is only an intermediate e-sports instructor, and there is still a gap between Lu Fei's senior e-sports instructor.

This made Mr. Liu extremely unbalanced. He admitted that Lu Fei's technical level was higher than his, but in terms of teaching experience, he thought that Lu Fei was far from himself.

So much so that he was very upset when he saw Lu Fei, and wished that this guy would be kicked out of the High Court earlier.

"How can this kind of person become a teacher in our college? The students will not be able to bear it if this continues."

The students around said that Teacher Liu was right, which made Teacher Liu more firm in his inner attitude.

"No, I'll go to the dean now." Just as he turned around and was about to leave, he happened to meet Su Yu who was walking towards him.

Su Yu was followed by an unusually beautiful girl, who was none other than Su Xue.

Seeing Su Xue, Teacher Liu was overjoyed. Su Xue is the flower of their Fenghua College, the dream lover of many male students, and of course he is also his favorite.

"Hehe, so it's Teacher Su, what is your relationship with Su Xue...?"

"Oh! She is my sister." Su Yu said lightly.

Mr. Liu looked at Su Xue in the eyes, how could he escape Su Yu's fiery eyes, he is famous as a sister-protecting madman, and anyone who wants to hit his sister must pass him.

"Teacher Su came at the right time. Look at this Lu Fei. What kind of handjob is he doing? He even asked the students to run on a hot day. Isn't this a joke?"

 Lu Fei began to pretend.hey hey hey
(End of this chapter)

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