Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 204 Teacher Bullet Attacks Again

Chapter 204 Teacher Bullet Attacks Again

Xiaorou was lying on the bed, unable to fall asleep. When she thought of Lu Fei living on the street because of herself, she couldn't help but wanted to go out.

This time, Xiaorou directly asked about the hotel where Lu Fei was staying, and only then did she sneak around by herself, touched the garage, and slipped out.

After Lu Fei learned that Xiao Rou would come to find him, he opened a room for Xiao Rou in advance, and then ordered some food before returning to the room and taking a nice bath.

Soon Xiaorou came. Lu Fei took Xiaorou to her room and was about to go out when Xiaorou called him.

"Tonight, you can sleep here." Xiaorou said shyly.

"I mean, you sleep on the floor!"

Seeing Xiaorou's cute appearance, Lu Fei walked to Xiaorou's bed, lifted the quilt directly, scared Xiaorou immediately, and shrank to the head of the bed.

"You...what do you want to do?" Xiaorou felt her face was hot, and her heart was beating non-stop.

"You let me sleep on the floor, you have to give me a quilt, right?" Lu Fei laughed.

It was only then that Xiao Rou realized that she was thinking wrongly.

The two simply ate something, said a few words about their ideals in life, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Lu Fei got up early, took a look at Xiaorou who was still asleep, explained a few words to the waiter, and left the hotel.

Xiaorou slept so comfortably this time, she didn't open her sleepy eyes until noon.

Found that Lu Fei had already left, and saw a note left on the table when he was disappointed.

"I have told the waiter for breakfast, remember to eat."

Xiao Rou held the note in her hand and put it on her chest, showing a sweet smile.

When Lu Fei returned to Haishi, he first went to the club.

I haven't been here for several days, and I don't know how Xiaomeng's strength has improved.

Lu Fei walked into the club out of curiosity.

At this time, Xiaomeng is leading the dream team, playing passers-by.

Lu Fei came behind them silently and did not disturb them.

For Lu Fei, the map is not familiar anymore.

He could tell at a glance that Xiaomeng and the others were located in City Y.

And just as he was about to rush to the building, Lu Fei looked at the small map. From the footprints shown on the small map, he was basically sure that there were three enemies in the building.

The building is a typical high-rise building, and the space is large enough, there are many windows around, and the rooms are densely packed. It is a place where many old Yinbi like to stay.

Lu Fei knew that there was a knack for rushing to this kind of building, and many great masters knew this knack.

He vaguely remembered that in the professional league, he rushed to this kind of building and completed a one-on-four.

Although there are differences between Peace and Jedi, the building structure and gameplay are similar.

This kind of building cannot be directly hardened. If a team of people sticks to the stairs, it will be difficult to attack.

The correct way is to listen to the footsteps and guess the floor where the enemy is the largest.

Then, run to another building and throw mines at the enemy's floor, which is the most direct way.

Another method is to use the rooftops of other high-rise buildings to come to the roof of the enemy's floor and fight down from above.

This uses psychological tactics. Many people guarding the building will only pay attention to whether there are enemies coming up from downstairs, and few people will pay attention to upstairs.

If neither of these two works, there is another way. Every time you go up a floor, first throw a Molotov cocktail to explore the way. It is simple and crude.

In fact, there is no best way to attack a building, only the most suitable way, like now, with three people, and under the premise that the situation is unknown, try not to blindly hard steel.

Lu Fei looked at the situation in front of him. The most suitable way is to use the tall building next to him, jump to the top of the enemy's building, and rush down from the top of the building.

Sure enough, Xiaomeng did what he thought, attacking from the top of the building, and soon the three enemies were eliminated instantly.

After this team was wiped out, the poison circle began to spread, and they had to leave and move to the next safe zone.

Soon the safe area was refreshed again, and it was actually in the air raid shelter. Lu Fei looked at the remaining number of people, there were still ten people, excluding Xiaomeng and the others, there were still six, and they were not yet in the top five.

It seems that this plate of chicken is stable.

With Xiaomeng's strength and this number of people, it's not a problem to win this plate of chicken.

Soon there will be only one player left, four against one, in this situation, there is no suspense, no doubt about it.

"Boom bang bang."

The gunshot rang out, and Nightmare was instantly knocked down.

"Fuck, is it so fierce?"

"I'll go, this last person is a bit bluffing."

"I saw him, behind the stone."

"Bang bang bang."

"Fuck, what kind of god is this? Two shots to the head."

At this time, the nightmare also fell.

The Dream Demon was outflanking from the left side while holding the AWM, while keeping an eye on the stones in front of him. He was confident that as long as the enemy appeared, he would definitely send him home.

"Did you show your head? Kneel down for me."


The Dream Demon raised his gun and dropped it.

"My r, what's the situation? How is this possible?"

The Dream Demon couldn't believe it, he actually fell down.

Lu Fei's eyes exuded different brilliance, some were excited, some were excited, and some were shocked.

The strength of this player actually made him feel the pressure.

Just like Xu Hua who faced the five-star killing god back then.

But this person is not Xu Hua.

The four big ones have now become one against one, and Xiaomeng is still alive alone.

"Nimma, is this person cheating? Is he so strong?"

"This person is a real master, and his reaction ability and technique are beyond our comparison." Xiaomeng analyzed: "I think he started with a four-star killer."

"I'll go, four-star killing god? Can't beat it, can't beat it."

Xiaomeng knows her own strength, she is close to the two-star killer, but she is really not enough to face the mysterious opponent of the upper four-star killer.

"Let me do it."

Master (coach) are you here?
Lu Fei said with a smile: "If I don't come again, you will be beaten four times, and the five-star killer is not something you can deal with."

The Dream Demon smiled and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Seeing Lu Fei is like seeing hope. No matter how awesome he is, can he beat Peace No.1?
"Give me the phone, and I'll call him."

Xiao Meng handed the phone to Lu Fei, and sat beside Lu Fei.

She really wanted to know, who was more powerful between this five-star killing god and Lu Fei.

"You are no match for this person." The sound of bullets sounded in Lu Fei's mind.

"Teacher, do you know this person?" Lu Fei asked curiously.

"I don't know, I can detect his level of strength, the peak of the killing god."


Lu Fei took a deep breath, killing the gods at the peak, this is the most awesome existence besides the sky-defying section.

Originally, Lu Fei thought that this person was just a five-star killing god, so he activated the four-star killing god experience card by himself, and then used the swimming dragon technique, so he should be able to compete with him.

Now it seems that I think too much.

The strength of the killing god peak is definitely not something that body skills and four-star experience cards can make up for.

What should we do now?Accidentally, pretending to be big.

"Hey, master, why don't you make a move, my apprentices are watching, if you lose, it will be embarrassing."

Bullet said indifferently: "I knew that if there was the first time, there would be the second time. Well, I haven't met a decent opponent for a long time. The peak of the killing god is weak, so let's make do with it."

(End of this chapter)

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