Chapter 29 The Golden Army Enters the City
In the parallel world, Zhao Ji and Zhao Heng left the interface of the heavens and worlds together.

At the door, Taichang Shaoqing Li Gang begged to see him. When he saw His Majesty, Li Gang's face was full of seriousness,

"Your Majesty, the calamity of the Jin people this time is entirely caused by Cai Jing. Tong Guan deceived His Majesty. Now the Jin people are under the city. Li Gang begs Your Majesty to go up to the tower and inspire the soldiers!"

"Shut up, you old thief, why are you so calm? What if Your Majesty goes to the city gate in person and gets hit by the golden man's arrow?"

"That's right, Li Gang, what should I do if I've been shot in the dark? I didn't tell you to enter the palace to fight. Now the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin have just arrived, and the south gate has not been closed yet. Get ready to drive quickly. I'm going to Jiangnan!"

"Your Majesty, you can't go. The Six Divisions of the Imperial Army, everyone is going to fight to the death. Now the outcome is uncertain, how can Your Majesty leave?"

Li Gang knelt on the ground, his face full of sincerity, Zhao Ji didn't pay attention to him, kicked Li Gang away, and had to run away by himself.

He took his son Zhao Heng's hand and walked out of the palace. At this time, the tens of thousands of forbidden soldiers knew that the Jin man was under the city. His Majesty didn't want to stick to it, so they shouted loudly together.

"Your Majesty, please listen to Taichang Shaoqing's words!"

"Your Majesty also asks to deal with the treacherous official Tong Guan, Cai Jing!"

Tens of thousands of people roared together, mixed with the sound of the horns of the Jinmen outside the city, making Song Huizong's legs and feet weak.

Tong Guan and Cai Jing were domineering, and the imperial guards were not used to seeing them for a long time. Now, taking advantage of the chaos, they didn't know who was the first to strike first, and Cai Jing immediately fell into a pool of blood.

"What do you want to do? Mutiny? I, I will not be the emperor anymore. Li Gang, if you want to resist the Jin people, just talk to the new emperor Zhao Heng in the future!"

Zhao Ji saw blood all over the ground in front of him at a glance, almost fainted and limp, Zhao Heng was also dumbfounded, he didn't expect the throne to be on his head in a daze.

"From today onwards, you are the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty. I have gone to rest in the harem. If you have anything to do, don't bother me!"

Zhao Ji had no guts at all, and now he was even more so. With a few eunuchs, he strode towards the harem.

Halfway through, when he thought about today's events, he was guessed by that strange man named Nie Feng, and suddenly he felt extremely resentful in his heart.

"Zhao Ji: Nie Feng, you monster, how much silver did you take from the Jinren? Haha, let me be the number one king of death in China. Let me die in the North. It is absolutely impossible! Haha, haha!"

On Shuilanxing, Nie Feng was completely speechless, and his good mood for upgrading to the second-level VIP was gone.

"Nie Feng: Zhao Ji, I would like to remind you one last thing. My videos are all about the historical real world. If you want to change history, you have to change yourself first. Remember, remember, there are tens of millions of people in Song Dynasty who can use it for you! "

Nie Feng tried his best, but in exchange for Zhao Ji's abusive website icon of the Heavens and Myriad Worlds.He couldn't help but patted his head, knowing that the tragedy of the Song Dynasty might be unavoidable.

Parallel world, on Bianliang City.The new emperor, Zhao Huan, who was forcibly put on the city wall by Li Gang and the Forbidden Army soldiers, was now as pale as a piece of paper.

Below the city, the [-] Jin soldiers had hideous faces, shouting and roaring with their maces and hatchets in their hands, looking extremely frightening.

Although there were many imperial guards, everyone was so frightened by the aura of the Jin people that their legs softened.

The State of Song puts more emphasis on culture than military, and the soldiers in the army often have no military pay for half a year on weekdays. Now that a strong enemy is under the city, who is willing to fight to the death.

The cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin shot a volley of arrows under the city, and the heavy infantry climbed up the city wall with ladders. The first trial attack, Bianliang was in danger of falling.

"Soldiers, we are all citizens of the Song Dynasty. We must not let the Jin people rush into the city. Follow me and beat the Jin people down!"

Taichang Shaoqing Li Gang, with fluttering white hair, led the forbidden army who dared to fight, and rushed to the top of the city where the golden man had climbed.

Zhao Huan's face was full of horror. Seeing the Song army fighting to the death, everyone rushed towards the tall and ferocious Jin army as if they didn't care about their lives.

On the city wall, blood flowed like a river for a while, and next to the corpses of every golden man, there were three or four corpses of loyal soldiers from the Song Dynasty. , and then the Jin people were knocked down the city wall.

"Okay, okay, Li Gang did a good job, and when the golden man retires, I will let you take the position of prime minister!"

On the city wall, Zhao Huan's face was full of joy, and he shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty, you must stick to Bianliang. The emperor dies in Sheji, and the people cannot be poisoned!"

Hearing the praise from the emperor in front of him, Li Gang didn't show any joy on his face. He was old after all, and his internal organs had been injured by the hammer just now.

After Taichang Shaoqing said a word, with a wow, several mouthfuls of blood spewed out of his mouth, and fell on the city wall. The Song army and the forbidden army all burst into tears.

Under the city wall, Zong Han, the great general of the Jin Kingdom, was about to withdraw his troops and choose another day to fight again when he saw that the attack was going badly.

"It looks like today is the day to attack and destroy the Song Kingdom!"

After Zong Han finished speaking, he drew out the scimitar in his hand, and the sound of horns among the golden cavalry sounded again.

"What to do, what to do, what should I do!"

Li Gang died in battle, and the Jin people were about to attack again. Song Qinzong was scared to death.

Behind the emperor, Guo Jing, an alchemist with a deer-headed rat face, suddenly became agitated, with pea-eyed eyes on his face.

"Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry, I will invite the Sixth Heavenly Soldiers in the sky to help Your Majesty right now!"

"Six Ding Liujia Celestial Soldiers?"

"Yes, I will do it right away, but when I do it, no matter what, please don't move around!"

After Guo Jing finished speaking, his hand whisk shook like a fairy.

"Then it's all up to the master!"

Zhao Huan calmed down a little, and saw Guo Jing draw out the sword in his waist, muttering something in his mouth.

"Liu Ding Liu Jia, the Heavenly Soldiers come to help, where is the Lei Department?"

Guo Jing pointed his sword, and Zhao Huan's heart jumped wildly. On the city wall, except for the Song army who did not dare to move, there was no thunder department anywhere.

"Your Majesty, there were some disturbances in the city just now, let's see what I do!"

Sweat dripped from Guo Jing's face, he swung his long sword for a while, and asked again, where is the Leibu, and there is no one on the city wall.

At this time, the infantry of the Jin Kingdom climbed up the tower again, and the Song army did not dare to move, and several of them were cut down by the Jin people in an instant.

Zhao Huan was afraid that the heavenly soldiers would not come, so he didn't dare to talk too much. He watched Song Jun die a lot, but he didn't even dare to run.

Seeing that more and more golden men had climbed the city wall, they didn't care about Guo Jing, so they yelled together and ran down the city wall.

Guo Jing pointed his sword a few times in succession. Where there were any heavenly soldiers, he rolled his eyes and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but was blocked by several golden men.

With the swing of the big axe, Guo Jing, whom Zhao Huan regarded as a god in the sky, instantly died on the city wall.

At this moment, Zhao Huan dared to move his body and ran towards the palace desperately. He went down to the street of Bianliang, turned around and saw that the Jin infantry was opening the city gate, and no Song army came to stop it.

In a moment, the city gate of Bianliang opened wide, and the whole earth seemed to tremble. Fifty thousand gold cavalry poured into Bianjing like a tide.

Zhao Huan's legs were weak, and he couldn't stand still no matter what, he fell to the ground, and desperately crawled towards the streets and alleys. Halfway through the climb, he was dragged back by one leg.

"You are the new emperor of the Song people, right? From now on, there will be no Song country in the world!"

Zong Han's face was full of joy, and he lifted Song Qin Zongdao upside down with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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