Chapter 26 Tang Yushi Disappeared
"Your Majesty, you have not awarded the reward for the research and development of the waterwheel by Tang Yushi. The common people are already discussing it."

The empress' eyes turned cold.

All the censors have bright eyes and are eager to try.

At this moment, the empress said: "Come here, let Tang Can enter the palace and receive the reward!"

By the way, let this idiot issue a military order for the 50 taels of military expenses, so that I can't beat him justifiably in the future!

Another thing was that the censor of Suzhengtai was noisy, which made her a little upset.

Russian hectares.

The eunuch who delivered the decree went and came back again, with a flustered expression: "My lord, Tang Yushi is not at home, and his whereabouts are unknown now."

The empress' expression changed slightly!

His eyes fell directly on Shangguan Wan'er beside him.

It's easy to talk about other things, just be afraid, Tang Can, an idiot, made his temper run away!

Shangguan Wan'er understood, and immediately left from the side door, mobilized the spider web, and searched for Tang Can.

In the hall, all the officials had different expressions.

Xie Anshi's face sank like water, and Gao Yuanyi had a bad smile.

"This Tang Can has no law in his eyes, it's really intolerable!"

"There is such a scum in Suzhengtai, it really shames me!"

"Should be expelled from officialdom as a warning to others!"

"Bah! If you have the ability, you can build a waterwheel like the Yushi of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Everyone knows how to call!"

"A few days ago, when the dog thief Hou Feng was in the court, why didn't you talk!"

"Bullshit Qingliu, gangster is just the same!"

"You are bold! You are rebelling! Forming a party for personal gain!"

There was a lot of noise, and the empress looked even worse.

However, she didn't have a seizure.

Firstly, she didn't have a vase to smash easily, and secondly, she had to wait for the reply from the spider web.

After waiting for a while, Shangguan Wan'er still hadn't come back, but there was more and more noise in the hall.

"Pass the decree and withdraw from the court."

The empress said coldly, got up and left directly.

The hands in the sleeves were trembling slightly.

All the officials in the hall were stunned for a moment, until the figure of the empress was about to disappear in the Dragon Palace, and then they realized that they knelt down and saluted one by one.

Oqing, the Manlu Palace.

After a clanking sound, the room was filled with chaos.


Wenchang Pavilion.

Gao Yuan looked at the men in front of him with a smile and asked word by word: "I asked you to guard Tang Can in Chengfufang, can you just watch him disappear?"

Bad people have been under Gao Yuanyi's hands for many years, and they know that the happier Liang Wang smiles, the greater the anger in his heart.

At this time, shivering, he said in a trembling voice: "My lord... my lord... really... Gao Jijiu did it himself, villain... villain, there is nothing I can do!"

Gao Yuan raised his hand and slapped him down, the bad guy flew out, turned around a few times, and fell to the ground with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

No one cares about him.

It's just that another bad person stood in the previous position, lowered his head, trembling.

"Where's Nie Gu?" Gao Yuanyi's smile remained unchanged, but his voice was cold.

"Also... also... also gone..."

Silent, silent.

After a long time, Gao Yuan laughed.

The wild laughter spread far away, covering the dull cries of pain from the bad guys.

But a short dagger stuck in the heart of a bad person shows a lot of problems.

"Tang Can, if you really dare to leave, I will let you know the fear of being hunted down by a first-rank killer!"

Gao Yuanyi stood at the window, squinting his eyes, looking into the distance.

at the same time.


Sanqing Palace.

The empress sat on the chair, tightly holding the armrest, her face was livid.

In front of him, Shangguan Wan'er knelt on the ground, her back was soaked in cold sweat.

She never thought that Tang Can would leave God's capital with Gao Yinliu and Nie Gu without making a sound, and his whereabouts are unknown!
"Your Majesty, the slaves have sent out Zhu Ting Lang and Pu Di Niang."

"Send an order to the border. If they leave the border, they will be killed without mercy!"

The empress looked stern, saying every word: "Also, let Xie Anshi come over, I want to ask him what Tang Can said when he went to see Hou Feng!"

The coldness in it is so chilling!

Shangguan Wan'er shuddered, agreed, and hurriedly retreated.

In a short while, Xie Anshi appeared in the Hall of Sanqing.

He didn't wonder why the Empress didn't meet him in Ganlu Palace.

As for whether the Ganlu Palace is full of mess, it has nothing to do with him...

"The old minister sees His Majesty."

"Hou Feng, what did you say to Tang Can?"

"The old minister doesn't know." Xie Anshi paused after finishing speaking, "It shouldn't be that matter."

The empress stared at Xie Anshi coldly, her eyes widened.

After a while, his expression softened slightly and he asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. If Hou Feng really said it, Tang Can would never leave like this." Xie Anshi said in a low voice.

There is still half a word left in my heart.

With Tang Can's temper, if he knew that Hou Feng died under the orders of the empress, he would definitely bring the court down.

"Then where did he go?"

The Empress frowned, but she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know, but I heard that bad people have come out in droves. I think it won't be long before there will be news."

The Empress was noncommittal, waved her hand and told Xie Anshi to leave.


at this time.

In the eastern suburbs of the capital of God, Houjiaji.

The village is very small, only about a hundred people.

But... the Houjiaji was built like a fortress. As far as the eye can see, it is all stone-built houses with high walls.

On the high wall, figures flickered, as if they were patrolling.

Tang Can, Gao Yinliu, and Nie Gu approached Houjiaji little by little under the cover of night.

"This Hou Feng is quite courageous."

"Not to mention anything else, the construction of this village alone may cost more than ten thousand taels!"

Tang Can whispered, Gao Yinliu nodded slightly.

Since the village is built so well, one can imagine how much people's fat and people's anointing there are left in it!
"Tang Yushi, how do you know that all of Hou Feng's treasures are stored here?" Nie Gu asked curiously.


"Yu Shi of the Tang Dynasty is indeed amazing!" Nie Gu sincerely praised him.

Hou Feng, a dog official, was originally a hooligan, bold and reckless, and committed all kinds of evil.

For a long time, it was used by Daliang parents to scare disobedient children.

Unexpectedly, Tang Can, a civil official, could learn such a big secret from the mouth of the cruel official.

Gao Yinliu couldn't help thinking of the scene that happened in the dungeon before, and an inexplicable feeling flashed in his eyes.

In the prison, Tang Can took a small knife and cut off a piece of meat from Hou Feng's body, roasted it over fire, stuffed it into Hou Feng's mouth, and forced him to eat it.

After just eating one piece, Hou Feng suffered a nervous breakdown.

"There are so many of them, can you two do it?"

Tang Can whispered, interrupting Gao Yinliu's thoughts.

"One person is enough." Nie Gu hurriedly said, full of confidence.

"Yinliu, you follow along and try not to make too much noise."

"it is good."

Gao Yinliu agreed softly, and slowly got up.

Just as he was about to leave, Tang Can stretched out his hand to hold him, and whispered, "Be careful, don't get hurt."

Gao Yinliu's ears were reddish, and Nie Gu's eyes widened: "I didn't see anything."

Then, under Gao Yinliu's murderous gaze, he turned around and rushed towards Hou Jiaji.

Tang Can stayed where he was, watching with wide eyes.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Gao Yinliu and Nie Gu rushed under the high wall.

Immediately afterwards, the two men swayed and were already on top of the high wall, looking at Tang Can in astonishment.

The strength of the second product is so terrifying!
The figure on patrol on the high wall fell down from the wall before giving a warning.

The battle officially started.

In the middle of the night, it was silent.

After only ten minutes, the heavy iron gate of Houjiaji was slowly opened. Gao Yinliu came out from the gate, walked to Tang Can's side, and said with a smile, "It's done."

His face wasn't red, he wasn't out of breath, and even his snowy white clothes weren't stained with blood.

Tang Can felt a little sour again.

When will I be able to be as powerful as Gao Yinliu, even if I can't compare, it's enough to have half of her ability...

"Tang Yushi, the gold and silver are all here!" Nie Gu greeted from a distance.

Tang Can walked up to him, took a look, and slowly found a room full of gold and silver, neat and tidy, which made people dazzled.

"This... How many?"

"75 three thousand 210 five taels."

Tang Can couldn't help being startled, and his eyes fell on Nie Gu: "Why are you so clear?"

Nie Gu shook the ledger in his hand and said with a smile, "There is a ledger."

Tang Can couldn't help but laugh.

75 taels, good news!This is definitely good news.

However, how to spend the money...

After thinking and thinking, Tang Can still decided to give all of the 70 taels to Qin Shou of the Annan Army.

As for the fraction, Tang Can kept it for himself.

Of course, not greedy for money.


What's more, if the money is given to him, it can also make money and use it to help the poor.

With a plan in mind, Tang Can immediately asked Nie Gu to return to the capital of God and send a message to Qin Shou.

(End of this chapter)

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