I am the censor, at the beginning I denounced the empress

Chapter 71 I, Tang Can, Here Comes Another Chapter

Chapter 71 I, Tang Can, Are Back Again

"My lord, there was an assassin who wanted to kill Li Yufu, but Nie Gu stopped him." Gao Yinliu said softly.

"Where's the assassin?"


Tang Can frowned.

He knew Nie Gu's strength.

According to the little book bag, Nie Gu is a fake.

Even if it's a fake, it's better than the second grade.

To be able to escape from Nie Gu's hands, the strength of that person is basically second rank.

"Are there many people who can escape from Nie Gu's hands?"

"The number of hands."

"That is, no more than ten." Tang Can whispered to himself, bowing his head in thought.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "Is there any special news from Annan?"

Gao Yinliu shook his head: "I've asked the bad guys, and there's nothing unusual about it."


In Tang Can's heart, the more he thought about it, the more weird he felt.

If it is an ordinary government, even if he encounters a problem, he can always think of a solution to the problem from other angles.

But this time, what happened in the little book bag made him completely confused.

"Where's the little book bag?"

"Qin Tianjian."

Qin Tianjian is located in the imperial city.

If you want to see him, you have to wait until the daytime when the imperial city opens.

Or, they can only enter the imperial city without authorization.

If no one finds out, everything is naturally safe.

But if found out, the consequences...

"It's okay, let's not go to the imperial city."

Tang Can said softly, "Get ready and come with me."

"it is good."

Gao Yinliu didn't have so many worries, and didn't ask where Tang Can was going, but just prepared the carriage.

After getting into the carriage, Tang Can said softly, "Go to Li's house."

"it is good."

The city of God under the night is very quiet.

At least Chengfufang, where Tang Can lives, is very quiet.

All the way to Li's house, only the sound of horseshoes "clacking" can be heard.

Not long after, the carriage stopped.

Li's house is brightly lit.

It can be seen from outside the door, the figure flickering in the yard.

Obviously, the previous assassination made everyone in the Li family nervous.

"High sacrificial wine?"

The unscrupulous people guarding the door felt a little weird when they saw Gao Yinliu.

Gao Yinliu didn't speak, but stepped aside and said softly, "Tang Yushi is going to see Nie Gu and Li Yufu."

The bad guy froze for a moment, nodded, and let the door open.

The two of them walked into Li's house immediately.

The Li family's house is a standard three-in, three-out, triple-level house.

The first entry is the residence of servants, nursing homes and the like.

The second entry is where the master is.

Recently, Pharmacist Li was far away in southern Xinjiang, and the bustling Erjin used to be a little deserted.

The third entrance is the innermost courtyard, where Li Yufu lives.

Tang Can walked into the yard and looked around, but he didn't find Nie Gu.

Gao Yinliu explained softly: "He's in the dark."


Tang Can nodded without any hesitation.

After all, Nie Gu's identity is more convenient in the dark.

Instead of entangled with Nie Gu, it's better to ask Li Yufu what's going on.

Tang Can frowned slightly as he looked at Li Yufu who was reading at night with the lights on in front of the desk.

The current Li Yufu doesn't look like the sissy he saw before.

It looks like an ordinary scholar.

It seems that he was not affected by the assassins either.

"Li Yufu?" Tang Can sat down casually and spoke softly.

Li Yufu stopped turning the pages of the book, and his body trembled.


Immediately calmed down again, and said softly: "Tang Yushi wait a moment."

Tang Can was not in a hurry, and waited patiently.

After a while, Li Yufu sighed, and said softly, "Two liang."

"Two or two?"

Tang Can didn't understand, so he frowned and asked.

Li Yufu smiled wryly, and shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, Tang Yushi came to see me, is he here to see me off?"

He couldn't explain clearly, but Tang Can suddenly felt that although Li Yufu in front of him smiled wryly, he seemed to be relieved.

"I want to ask you, why does the little book bag want you to die?"

"Hehe." Li Yufu smiled self-deprecatingly, looked at Tang Can, and said word by word, "You really don't know?"

Tang Can obviously didn't expect Li Yufu to say that, he couldn't help but startled: "What do you mean?"

Li Yufu's face was a little pale, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at Tang Can, word by word: "You will understand in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"Tang Yushi walk slowly."

After Li Yufu finished speaking calmly, he immediately closed his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't want to say anything to Tang Canduo.

After pondering for a moment, Tang Can still didn't say anything, got up and left.


At the moment when the door was just closed, Li Yufu raised his head and glanced at the backs of Tang Can and Gao Yinliu, with the corners of his mouth raised, showing a strange expression.

on the way back.

Tang Can frowned: "Yinliu, tell Nie Gu to watch over Li Yufu. I'll ask the little book bag after dawn, what's going on."

"it is good."

"Also, what do you think about the Erliang he mentioned?"

"do not know."


Back at Chengfufang, Tang Can still couldn't enter the water.

This kind of nagging thing really made him feel depressed.

After all, this is something beyond his ability.

"It seems that we can only find out by asking the little book bag after dawn."

Muttering something to himself, Tang Can closed his eyes and practiced Dragon Elephant Kungfu.

at the same time.

Li family, inner house.

Li Yufu was still sitting in front of the desk, but his face became paler.

Bai is scary, just like... the legendary zombie Bai, without a trace of blood!
Moreover, not only his face began to turn pale, but his eyes, hair, eyebrows, etc. all became pale...

Especially a pair of eyes.

The eyes that were originally black and white, only a piece of white remained, and I couldn't distinguish between black eyeballs and white eyeballs, only white.


The next day.

It was just dawn, and Tang Can heard the faint sound of drumming in the distance, so he got up immediately and headed for the imperial city.

Outside the Imperial City.

Many court officials have already gathered outside the gate.

After waiting for the city gate to open, he walked into the imperial city and went to court.

Seeing Tang Can's figure, Xie Anshi smiled and waved, but was a little surprised.

Before Tang Can told him that he would take a few days off, he thought that he would not see Tang Can for ten and a half months, but he did not expect Tang Can to come to court again today.

As for whether he was wearing court clothes, Xie Anshi didn't care.

After all, with Tang Can's contributions to Great Liang, there's no need to get entangled in such trivial matters.

"Tang Can, you came here just in time, today old man..."

"Tang Can."

Xie Anshi was halfway through speaking when Gao Yuanyi's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Gao, what do you have to say, can't wait for the old man to finish?" Xie Anshi scolded angrily with his eyes wide open.

"My surname is Xie. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you today." Gao Yuanyi frowned slightly, but there was no smile on his face. The next four words are 'Tang Can harmed me'. Although I don't believe that Tang Yushi has anything to do with this matter, I still invite Tang Yushi to go to the prison to rest for a while."


Tang Can silently looked at Gao Yuanyi for a long time, then chuckled, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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