Live as the emperor

Chapter 124 Jade Pendant

Chapter 124 Jade Pendant
There are not many trees in a forest, but the grass grows luxuriantly.

Two horses are walking slowly among the green grass.

The wind blowing in front of him blew up Chen Guang's hair. He fiddled with it and shouted: "Huh..." The horse stopped at his crotch, and the person following him also stopped.

"Second Master."

Chen Guang responded and said, "I've been gone for so long, I want it to be convenient."

He got off his horse, found a big tree, and solved it on the spot. That's what a man is good for. If it's a woman, he has to run far away, find a place with dense trees, and hide it for a long time.

"Wu Xin, where are we now?"

The one dressed as a knight is Chen Guang's personal bodyguard, Wu Xin.

Wu Xin said: "We just arrived in Wuyuan County a few days ago."

Chen Guang said: "Oh, we're here so soon. It's only seven or eight days' journey on horseback - we must be on our eighth day out today."

Wu Xin said: "We ran very fast when we first left the capital. We covered hundreds of miles in one day. Of course we were fast."

Chen Guangdao: "What do you think Gong Changlong is doing now? The emperor asked us to come out to investigate the case, just to investigate this guy. Don't wait for us to rush over and he will be gone."

Previously, Chen Ang said that the officials should handle the matter strictly, but later he asked Chen Guang to go on patrol incognito and secretly investigate the case.It was said that that night, Chen Ang saw another memorial. The memorial said that due to last year's disaster, the grain harvest in the hands of farmers was not good, and there was no surplus grain for planting. Gong Changlong then gave the seeds to farmers on credit. food.Chen Ang couldn't make up his mind about these two versions of the story, so he simply asked Chen Guang to come out and check it out.

Chen Guang is also very happy to do this kind of thing, private interview on Weibo, how many stories like this he read when he was young.

Wu Xin said: "Probably not. After all, Gong Changlong is also an official of the imperial court. Without the imperial decree, they would not dare to do anything to Gong Changlong. We don't know who is telling the truth now. If the first statement is Established, then Gong Changlong secretly distributed seeds to the people in order to gain fame and reputation. It is really illegal, and it is not an exaggeration to ask. If it is because the people have no food to sow, and Gong Changlong gives the seeds to the people on credit for sowing, then that is another It’s a situation.”

Chen Guangdao: "But Father Huang has already said that the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Punishment will handle it. Who knows."

As soon as he spoke, he came out of the forest and saw the outline of a city from a distance. When he got closer, he realized that he had already arrived in Kezhou, which was already a subordinate of Wuyuan County, not far from his destination.

I don’t know how many years it has been in Kezhou City. The walls are mottled and the roads are muddy. When you enter the city, you can’t even touch a stone road. There are still mud roads everywhere. Fortunately, it hasn’t rained. Better than mud that's one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Entering through the city gate, there were quite a few people there, and it was time for lunch, so they found a restaurant and entered.

This restaurant is not big, there are four tables, and three tables are already full at this time, Chen Guang said with a smile: "Well, it's better to come early than coincidentally, there just happens to be a seat."

"Sir, what would you like to eat?" The landlady came up to greet me.

Chen Guangdao: "Serve three small dishes, be careful and clean."

"Alright, take a seat, I'll be right there."

After a while, the food came to the table. Chen Guang looked at a dish and felt strange, dark green, green vegetables were not like green vegetables, and of course the meat was not meat.He asked, "What is this?"

The proprietress said with a smile: "This is a Chinese toon tree bud, and spring is the time to eat this."

When Wu Xin heard this, he immediately became unhappy, and said, "Didn't I tell you to be more particular and clean? Just this one?"

The proprietress said: "Be careful, that is, these few days, after these few days, you won't be able to eat this, you two are foreigners, this is delicious, you two try it, it's all washed clean , we all grew up eating this, nothing wrong with it."

"Oh, I..." After all, Wu Xin has been following Chen Guang for a while, who is Chen Guang?Your Royal Highness, the body of a thousand gold, you eat wild vegetables when you come to love?He grew up eating this, how can His Royal Highness compare with you, a commoner?
"Withdraw, withdraw, what is this..."

The proprietress curled her lips and muttered: "I don't eat such good things, I don't know the goods..."

She was about to serve the plate, but was stopped by Chen Guang.Chen Guang smiled and said, "Wait a minute." He tasted the toon tree buds. Although the taste was a little strange, it was very refreshing, and he smiled and said, "It's good, it tastes good, keep it."

He didn't feel that he had to eat those delicacies. Besides, it was good to change the taste occasionally.

That being the case, Wu Xin didn't say anything more.After eating, we continued on our way.

Zhu County, early in the morning, Xiao He was coming out of the house and planning to go to the Yamen. Before he left the alley, he met a beggar. The beggar smiled and said: "This man, as the ancients said, a word that is profound is white and gold is light. I am here." I am down here, and I met the master, can you help me a little bit?"

When Xiao He saw that he was a young student, he was a little angry, and said: "You boy, you can say a few words of saints casually, which can be regarded as a bit of knowledge, even if you go out to teach people how to read, you won't reach out to find someone Go for it. It really insults the teachings of the saints."

Although he was scolded, the beggar's smile remained unchanged and he said: "Oh, my lord, this is a bad word. Didn't the saint also ask for food by the roadside?"

In the 24th year of Lu Xianggong, when Confucius was three years old, Shulianghe died of illness and was buried in Fang.After Shulianghe's death, Yan Zheng lost his protection and was expelled by Shulianghe's wife Shi, so he took Confucius' concubine brother Mengpi and Confucius to Queli in Qufu to live a poor life.Later, Confucius studied alone, begging for food and drink, but he was really almost like a beggar.

"Hey, you are quite knowledgeable and not ashamed. Can you compare with a saint? I don't have time to chat with you this morning. I didn't bring any money when I went out today. You have to find somewhere else to go." He became rude in his speech. As a scholar, this beggar brought up such things when the saint was young and compared them with himself. Xiao He didn't do anything, but he was considered well-mannered.

The beggar didn't feel annoyed, he was still smiling, seeing that Xiao He was about to leave, he immediately took out something from his bosom, stretched it out in front of Xiao He, and said, "Do you know this?"

As soon as Xiao He saw the jade pendant, his complexion changed immediately. He took a closer look and confirmed it. He immediately stared at the beggar and said, "Why is this thing on you? How did you get it?"

The beggar said: "I am also entrusted by someone. It seems that Master Xiao, you know this thing." The man said that if there are any changes in the case of Qingxian County Magistrate Gong Changlong, please let us know. Thank you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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