Chapter 74
This turn of events was something no one could have expected.

Who is Chen Yong?The former prince, Chen Ang's own son.

How can there be a son who wants to kill his father?

Tiger poison does not eat its offspring, presumably the reverse is also true.

However, today, Chen Yong was deceived by lard, and he actually wanted to use the hairpin he took off from his head to kill his father, Emperor Chen Ang!
Now that he has been demoted to a commoner, this may be more upsetting to him than killing him.

If Chen Ang could be killed, and with the help of the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, it would not be difficult to ascend the throne and become the new emperor on the spot. As long as he became the emperor, so what if he killed his father?

Chen Yong wants to fight to the death.

If he succeeds, he may wear a yellow robe and become emperor.

Failed, but nod to the ground, early death and early rebirth are better than being a beggar for a lifetime.

Therefore, Chen Yong took action.

"Be careful, Your Majesty..." Yu Chao was following behind Chen Ang. When he saw Chen Yong get up, with disheveled hair and rushing over with a ferocious face, he immediately felt something was wrong, so he threw himself forward to block the attack. In front of Chen Ang.

Hearing this voice, Chen Ang turned around and was caught by Yu Chao. He suddenly felt his eyes go dark and fell to the ground.

This unexpected turn of events made the ministers frightened, the voice of the emperor kept rising and falling, and the court hall was suddenly in chaos.

Chen Guang saw Chen Yong's murder, after all, he was standing next to Chen Yong.But when he saw Yu Chao being so brave, he immediately felt relieved. It seemed that the emperor was fine, and at most Yu Chao was suffering a little bit.After all, this thing is just like Jin Ke assassinating Qin, there is only one chance.If he missed a hit, Chen Yong failed, and he was probably about to die here.

In the live broadcast room, someone shouted: "Come on, you have saved the car."

When Chen Guang heard these four words, oh no, six words, he suddenly felt enlightened and enlightened.Yes, this is a fucking opportunity to show off, why are you so stupid?

At this critical moment, Chen Guang finally launched Lingbo Weibu, and his whole body turned into a shadow, rushed forward, and stood in front of Chen Yong.Seeing that the hairpin was so close at hand, Chen Guang stretched out his hand to grab it. In terms of speed, he was several blocks away from Chen Yong.

But as soon as he raised his hand, he put it down again. Generally speaking, acting requires a full set.

After avoiding the vital parts, Chen Guang gritted his teeth, facing the sharp hairpin, and moved his left shoulder up.

The hairpin was inserted just below the collarbone, and the blood immediately stained the clothes red.Chen Guang grimaced in pain and stood there motionless while gritting his teeth.

Chen Yong raised his head in astonishment, and saw his younger brother.Then, like a deflated ball, he suddenly fell limply to the ground, like a puddle of mud.If it weren't for the hairpin on Chen Guang's body, it seemed that everything had been like this before, and nothing had happened.

Chen Ang stood up, straightened his clothes, and then stared at Chen Yong angrily.

Suddenly, he pulled out the knife pinned to the waist of the guard who rushed over, and struck down with lightning speed, beheading Chen Yong's head!

The officials were in an uproar, and Chen Guang couldn't help but widen his eyes.This is so fucking decisive.

Looking at Chen Yong with his head in a different place, Chen Guang didn't know what it was like in his heart.He really wanted Chen Yong to die, really, after all, only after Chen Yong died could he be the prince with peace of mind.

But seeing Chen Ang beheading Chen Yong's head without hesitation, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, it really is a cruel emperor's family, and I don't know if I become a prince in the future, if my younger brothers also give me Put a...

Covering up that thought, he almost forgot the pain in his body.Until Yu Chao yelled loudly: "Send the imperial physician, send the imperial physician quickly."

Chen Guang turned his head to see that Chen Ang had almost walked out of the hall, and his whole body was almost hidden in the darkness.

Under the feet, the bright red blood seeped into the blanket on the ground, exuding an indescribable bloody smell.

Soon, the imperial doctor came and sent Chen Guang to the Imperial Hospital.

The officials dispersed, and someone came to clean up Chen Yong's body.

Afterwards, the emperor issued an edict stating that the prince Chen Yong had misbehaved and disregarded human life, demoted him to a commoner, and then committed suicide in shame.Although he is already a commoner, he is a royal family after all. In view of his repentance before his death, he was buried as a prince.

Although he still kept his status as a prince when he died, those people in the East Palace were not so lucky. Except for the servant girls who were divided up by various palaces, the entire East Palace was sealed off.But Dugu Jialuo believed that the culprit of all this was Yun Zhaoxun, so he secretly executed her.Only half a month later, the young Chen Yan fell ill and died.

Chen Guang has been recuperating in Tai Hospital.Although the hairpin is sharp, if it does not hit a vital point, its lethality is not very high.In addition, the Tai Hospital gathered the top medical experts in the country, and after only seven or eight days, Chen Guang had already recovered.

Although he has been following the progress of the East Palace incident, until Chen Yan died, the matter was finally settled.Chen Guang felt that the most unfortunate thing was Chen Yan. He was too young to understand anything, and died inexplicably.

Yes, it's just inexplicable, he can be terminally ill if he looks good, are you kidding me?There is no doubt that this is just rhetoric after cutting the grass and roots.

Born in the emperor's family, sometimes it is so pitiful.

Although he felt a little regretful, Chen Guang didn't feel any other feelings. He thought it was necessary to cut the grass and get rid of the roots.There are not without examples in history that the descendants of emperors rebelled and regained hegemony.The reason why Chen Ang did this was to relieve himself of worries, and at the same time to remove obstacles for the future prince.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Yong has been dead for a month, and everything that should be cleaned up has been cleaned up, but Chen Ang is not in a hurry to establish a new prince. Chen Guang can understand this. There is no crown prince.

But the ministers couldn't understand it. They felt that the country could not live without a king, nor could it live without a prince.Although the emperor is under heavy protection every day, no one can predict when an accident will happen - there is no way to avoid accidents.That's why ministers like the prince can feel at ease. If necessary, the prince can stand up at any time, so that the possibility of turmoil in the rule can be prevented.

Chen Ang was very determined not to establish the crown prince. After several attempts by the ministers to persuade him, they saw that they could not change Chen Ang's mind, so they had no choice but to give up.

This day, the first day of June, was also a grand court, and all the officials in the capital were going to court, but after the loss of the crown prince, everything seemed to reveal a little subtle atmosphere.

Ever since he personally killed Chen Yong, Chen Ang seemed to have become taciturn. When he went to court, he sat firmly on his dragon chair. He habitually glanced at an empty seat below——Chen Yong was already standing there. for two years.

Afterwards, he sighed slightly in his heart, and then motioned to Yu Chao to start early.

Yu Chao shouted at the top of his voice: "Play early if there is something to do, and retreat to the court if there is nothing to do." Then he pushed it aside.

First of all, the officials of various ministries reported the work of their departments for this month, and asked Chen Ang to decide on some policies.After about an hour, it was considered over.

At this time, Hong Jiang, Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up. He was a very strong man. Although his beard and hair were gray, his voice was like a bell, and he stood like a green pine. He was very majestic.

Different from the advocating civil servants in later generations, in this Qian Dynasty, because it was in the midst of war for more than 100 years, the atmosphere of martial arts was very strong, not to mention these military officials, even civil servants, it is not the kind of powerless Looks like a scholar.

Hong Jiang stood out of the queue and said, "I have this performance."

Chen Ang said: "Say."

Hong Jiang said: "I just got the news that Emperor Chen Guoxuan has died, and our Qian Dynasty has raised soldiers for three years, so we can attack Chen."

"Oh?" Chen Ang was obviously very interested in this topic.

Hong Jiang went on to say: "The king of Chen made rebellion at the beginning, and now that their country is not stable, it is a good time to attack Chen."

To talk about the Chen Guo Rebellion, it has to be traced back a long time ago.

Chen Ling, the Shixing King of the Chen Kingdom, was the half-brother of the Crown Prince Chen Bao. He was very harsh on people and was cunning and cunning.He has a special hobby, which is digging other people's graves.There was a king of Xin'an in Chen State, named Chen Bogu. The two had similar interests and secret plans.

On January 14th, Taijian [-], Emperor Xuan was seriously ill. Chen Ling, Crown Prince Chen Bao, and Changsha King Chen Jian entered the palace to serve Emperor Xuan.

Chen Ling realized that this was a good opportunity, so he quickly prepared poison and daggers, planning to do something bad.

On January [-]th, Emperor Chen Xuan died.

On the [-]th, when the corpse was collected for Emperor Xuan, the prince Chen Bao cried very sadly. At this moment, Chen Ling drew a knife and chopped off Chen Bao's foot, killing this guy.Then Chen Bao's mother, Empress Liu, came to rescue her. Chen Ling cut down the willow queen again. The wet nurse Wu embraced Chen Ling's arm from behind, and Chen Bao took the opportunity to get up and leave.

Chen Jian captured Chen Ling. Chen Ling was so strong that he broke free and escaped from the palace. He gathered the prisoners as his own soldiers and went to win over the generals and princes.Unfortunately, no one responded except Chen Bogu.

Prince Chen Bao called Maha, the right guard general, to lead hundreds of people to surround the East Mansion. Chen Ling tried to recruit Maha, but Maha refused.Knowing that he could not escape, Chen Ling first threw his concubine Zhang and seven concubines into the well and drowned them. , Chen Bogu was beheaded.Chen Ling's sons were all given to death, and his cronies were also put to death, and a civil strife was put down.

Emperor Xuan died, and there was another civil strife. If he sent troops to attack Chen at this time, Chen Bao, the new emperor of Chen Guo, must have been unprepared. To destroy Chen Guo, Hong Jiang felt that it should be an easy task.

(End of this chapter)

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