Live as the emperor

Chapter 92 Ge [attach testimonials]

Chapter 92 Ge [attach testimonials]

Coming out of the harem, Chen Guang felt that his whole body was not well.

This Chen Bao lives among a group of women.

When Chen Guang thought about it, he suddenly felt how important it is to have a normal wife.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, what should I do with him?" Hong Jiang asked. It was impossible to take him with him wherever he went.

Chen Guangdao: "Let him go and report his achievements to his ancestors, go far away, and don't block my eyes."

Well, just kill it.

In fact, if this kind of person is not killed, it is a waste of food. Anyway, they will be killed if they are brought back. It is better to reduce the burden now.

After killing Chen Bao, the Chen State officially declared its annihilation. Chen Guang issued something similar to a proclamation, disbanding Chen State officials, civil servants and generals from all over the Chen State, and killing those who refused to accept it. Then Chen Guang torched the country again. The palace was burned down.

Seeing the raging fire devouring these exquisitely crafted works of art bit by bit, Chen Guang couldn't help feeling very sorry.

But there is no way, this must be destroyed.

The fire burned for three days and three nights, and during these three days, the sky seemed to be gray all the time.

Three days later, the entire palace was in ruins.

Chen country is over, the history of Chen country has officially ended from today, and this place has become the territory of Dagan country.

All this was achieved under the leadership of Chen Guang.

Chen Guang suddenly felt very proud.

In that world, there is no chance to go to the battlefield, but they have to learn something like "Grape wine luminous cup, drink the pipa immediately", and what they want to learn "If you don't break Loulan, you won't return it", and after getting so excited, There's no after that.It's like watching a movie, the pants are all taken off, and then the power goes out, making people feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, time travel, since such miraculous things as time travel will happen, then any other things will become logical, such as wanting to go to the battlefield.

Chen Guang passed his addiction to war.

Addictive enough.

It's just that sometimes, the concept is different, and it is more difficult to do some things, such as burning the palace.If Chen Guang came to see it, it would be good to just stay here and come and live for a while, it would be considered a palace.But Hong Jiang said no, this is their Chen country's property and must be destroyed.Although Chen Guang also knows that this thing is a symbol of imperial power, and generally speaking he would not allow it to continue to exist, but it still feels like a pity.

Outside the ruins of the palace, Chen Guang gathered all his troops, and there were more than 4 people. The others were guarding in various cities. They had to wait for Chen Ang to give orders, and the people who accepted and managed them arrived before they could make a decision. To withdraw or to stay.

Tens of thousands of people gathered on this big square, and the flags were flying, which was very spectacular.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, we have won a complete victory in this expedition. We have won the Kingdom of Chen, and our merits and virtues have been completed. Let's return to the court as a teacher," Hong Jiang said.

The purpose of this expedition is to destroy the Chen country. Now that the Chen country has been destroyed, the goal has been achieved, and of course it is time to go home.

Chen Guang nodded slightly and said, "Okay, go home."

In fact, he also misses Prince Jin's Mansion quite a bit, after all, he has lived there for several months, and that is his current home.

He turned on the horse, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the horse ran happily.Thanks to these months of marching, his riding skills have improved a lot.

If you can go back in time, it seems good to be an equestrian athlete.he thinks.

Of course, this is a distant and illusory dream.

Riding on a horse, leading the team, they walked slowly towards the border of Qianguo.When attacking the Chen country, it was to win by surprise, and the emphasis was on not breaking through quickly. Before everyone had time to react, the Chen country was wiped out.But now that the country of Chen has been destroyed, there is no need to worry so much when returning. It is also good to see the scenery along the way.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was still discussing the burning of the palace.

"Oh, the gate of the main hall is covered with gold, and the carvings are so exquisite, it's like a work of art. It's a pity to burn it." A netizen said, he seems to be an antique dealer, for such a treasure to be destroyed, it would be hard to imagine And know how heartbroken he will be.

"Haha, last time you said the painting was good and you wanted it. Are you so horny today that you won't even let me go?" Another netizen teased him.

I still remember that when he saw Sun Shangzi's paintings in the spring, he wanted to draw them, and he muttered about them in the live broadcast room, and was laughed at by netizens.At that time, he said that if this painting was in his own hands, it would sell at least 2000 million.

Now he began to miss this door again.

Chen Guang was very helpless, and said: "I want it too. If I can get it back, I will be rich. The two doors are at least a few million. The guy in the Imperial Palace, you want to demolish the two doors of the Forbidden City. door, if you can sell one—forget it, if you can’t sell that one, you’ll have to punish the Nine Clans.”

“It’s such a pity that we can’t eat it after seeing it,” said a netizen.

"Go and go, it's good to watch some. Isn't the live broadcast just for watching? Do you want to be as good as him when you watch Ruofeng's live broadcast? Or do you watch Ayi's live broadcast to learn how to fight?"


Someone asked: "Then I should be able to become the prince this time when I go back."

Chen Guang thought about it, that's right, with such outstanding military exploits, he should be able to be a crown prince.

But this might not be the case, the so-called king's heart is unpredictable, who knows what Chen Ang will think, there is no quantitative standard for such things as establishing a prince, it is entirely a matter of personal preference.

Maybe when they go back, they find that Chen Liang and his like have won the favor of Chen Ang, and then they have been established as princes. This is all uncertain.

"Ghost knows, it's already autumn, and I'll probably have to think about it when I go back. It's hard to say now." Chen Guang was also a little worried, whether a year would be long or not, but he said It’s not too short, and more than half of it has been consumed at this moment, so you still have to seize the time.

"Then what do you say if the old emperor doesn't make you a prince? To be honest, I'm still looking forward to how this live broadcast system will kill you." Some netizens are still very gloating. For the audience, watching live broadcast will always be entertainment main.

"Go, go, is it any wonder that he can time-travel me and kill me? Can't you try this? If I die, you pay for it." Chen Guang sighed, why did he meet? To a group of such audiences.

"It's just to satisfy curiosity, alas." A girl said.

Chen Guang couldn't help but said, "Curiosity can kill people, do you know that?"

"To tell you the truth, if you become the crown prince and the emperor, what are you going to do with this country?"

What to do?Chen Guang actually thought about it.

Not only did he think about it, everyone who read time-travel novels must have thought about what he would do if he time-traveled.

First of all, I’m afraid it’s the technology tree, which seems to be something that any time traveler will inevitably do—no way, if you don’t make technology books, you can’t even handle the ancients. For example, if you attack Chen Guo, if you No explosives and hot air balloons, maybe it will be over.

Then what?Then what else to do?
I haven't thought of it yet, such as having a harem of 3000 beauties, grinding iron rods into embroidery needles, etc...

Hurrying unhurriedly, he soon arrived at the border between Chen State and Ge State.At the beginning, in order to be able to rush to Chen country quickly, he used some tricks to deceive Ge country, but now that he came again, he had to play some new tricks.

Ge Kingdom, the Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the State of Qian has wiped out the State of Chen. The palace was burned down by them." The minister reported.

Ever since Qian State entered into Chen State, he has been paying close attention to the progress of this war. After all, one is on his left and the other is on his right. No matter who wins or loses, the two countries seem to be caught in the middle with himself— — It doesn't really matter much.

But when the Qian State invaded the Chen State, they played a trick on the Ge State. Ge Wei comforted himself many times about this, but in the end he still felt a little aggrieved, a kind of anger that his IQ was crushed. .

Now that the Qian State has wiped out the Chen State, and came to the border between the Chen State and the Ge State, it would be fine if the Qian State went home directly, or they still have to play again...

Gewei said: "Have they gone home?"

The minister said: "They are stationed in Qingmu Gorge."

Qingmu Gorge is the gorge at the junction of Chen State and Ge State, and it is the road that Qian State's army entered Chen State at that time.

"What do they want?" Ge Wei seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be asking all the ministers present.
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Thinking about it this way, one day of my writing is equivalent to moving a brick...the cheapest labor in the world is probably like this.

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One last appeal.

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(End of this chapter)

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