The richest world in the system

Chapter 190 Contest Restlessness

Chapter 190 Contest Restlessness
The God of Cookery Competition was unprecedented, and even more so, no one could have imagined it, at least in this era.

But if that's the case, Chen Kun decided to organize it. Of course, the premise is that there are people behind the scenes to fuel the flames.

Qin Geng also ordered people to make dozens of earthen stoves in advance for Chen Kun, and temporarily set up pots to prepare for the competition.

However, even so, when the time came, Chen Kun discovered that there were a huge crowd of people here, and there was a sign that the government would need to dispatch to maintain discipline, which made Chen Kun a little dumbfounded.

"Sir, I never thought that there are so many people interested in this matter of Paozi!" Qin Geng also came to the scene, speechless, but he saw that thousands of people in front of him were dressed in different clothes, but linen clothes, tattered clothes When there are many people, there is a hint of worry in their eyes.

On the other side, today's West Lake is also full of tourists. Almost all of those passenger ships are booked, and there are even many scholars who pick this time specifically to pick up girls. Run over to watch the fun.

Chen Kun was also worried when he saw this scene. Nima, the young master who had promised to do so didn't have much fame, so he couldn't hold back the scene here, but what the hell is it that this God of Cookery contest has attracted so many people?

Chen Kun really underestimated the attractiveness of 1000 taels of silver, and there is also the title of the God of Cookery Competition itself!Paozi has always been a profession that people look down upon. Generally, only some lowly people would do this job, but now someone actually holds this competition. Not to mention the reward, the name alone is enough for them to praise this field Yes, and before everyone heard that even Zhou Ruoxi had come to be a judge.

As for the three masters who came to Zuixian Tower that day, only Master Lin came this time, because he is Zhou Ruoxi's good friend, and the other two are at most some rich businessmen from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas. In terms of status, they absolutely cannot compete with Lin Master on a par.

Therefore, there are only three people on the judging table. In order to maintain fairness, seven spectators will be randomly selected from the scene every day in the competition, and ten judges will be gathered, and then the evaluation will be conducted.

Moreover, because of the large number of participants, Chen Kun gave priority to locals, and later to non-locals. Moreover, each person has only one chance to register, and repeated registration is not allowed.

For this reason, even the prefect of Yuhang was dispatched and brought a team of soldiers on the scene to deter them.

"Master Chen, it's your turn to speak?" Seeing the turmoil of people, Zhou Ruoxi smiled faintly, and urged Chen Kun.

"Fuck, I'm a little worried!" Chen Kun took a deep breath, and then shouted, "Li Ying, within three steps!"

"Master, what are your orders?" Li Ying jumped up from the rostrum and said with a look of joy.

After all, if your young master has done such a big move, he will definitely become famous. Once the young master has a reputation, he will also have face!
"Go and beat the drums a few times, and when the scene quiets down, I say something and you repeat it!" Chen Kun rubbed his nose and said in a deep voice. There were too many people at the scene, and the voices were noisy. It may be very difficult for a small voice to make the scene quiet, so I still have to use external force.

"Okay!" Li Ying tightened his belt, then strode to the leather drum, picked up the drumstick and smashed it.

The drum is about two meters in diameter. Chen Kun specially prepared it for the atmosphere of the scene. It took some effort just to find the drum. After all, because the drum is too big, the technical and quality requirements are particularly high. For a product like Li Ying who is born with supernatural power, not to mention the texture of the drum.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

A burst of drums resounded through the sky, and almost the people in the front retreated subconsciously to avoid the deafening drums, so the scene barely turned from a crowd of people to panic, at least the sound was much quieter.

So, Chen Kun cleared his throat and called for a stop, and started to say loudly, "The purpose of holding this God of Cookery Competition today is to make a name for my Zuixianlou, for Pao Zi, and for more positions that are not valued by others!"

"Okay..." It doesn't matter what the following content is, anyway, someone is arranged to applaud, so after every few words, someone will take the lead in applauding. Because of the joint effect, the people behind are not aware of the seriousness, so it's right to applaud along with it.

"As for the content of the competition, you should have heard about it, so I won't go into details. This competition adopts a point system. After each contestant's work is presented, the judges will score the highest score out of [-], and the top [-] will be selected in the audition. The person with the highest score will be reset to zero in the rematch, and the score will be re-scored, and the person with the highest score will enter the final, and so on until the winner is selected."

"Isn't this too little? How can we compete?"

"That's right, what about the ingredients! How can you cook without any ingredients!"

"Are you fooling us on purpose!"

Chen Kun's forehead was full of black lines, and then he said in a deep voice, "Because this is the first time this is held, many things are not prepared enough, so I have already said in advance that you should bring your own ingredients. If you don't have any ingredients, you can withdraw from the competition on your own." , get out of position and let the others continue the game."

Chen Kun already knew that he couldn't give in on some occasions, such as the current one. Although it was their mistake not to prepare the materials, they didn't charge the registration fee either!So these people are almost empty-handed wolves, taking 1000 taels of silver for nothing, although this 1000 taels of silver has already been predetermined in Chen Kun's heart.

After hearing Chen Kun's words, many people laughed loudly, and then there were constant protests and insults, and some people even blatantly robbed the ingredients brought by others. The scene was chaotic.

After seeing it, Qin Geng's face changed drastically, and he quickly ordered the prefect of Yuhang to send people to suppress it, but the scene was chaotic, and the government soldiers couldn't squeeze in. How could order be maintained?
Chen Kun was even more depressed, he was preparing for the game, he thought it would be cold, you are warming up the young master, it's fine if it's hot, you don't follow the rules, it's fine if you don't follow the rules, you dare to be there for the young master Make trouble?
Immediately, Chen Kun yelled, "Sun Quan, let me spot those guys who fish in troubled waters, Li Ying, get those people out for me, and go straight down with a stick!"

"It's the young master!" Li Ying immediately raised the black iron rod and was about to rush down.

"Wait!" Chen Kun hurriedly called Li Ying to stop, took the torture rods from the soldiers, and replaced the black iron rods in his hands, otherwise it would definitely kill someone!

Then Li Ying rushed in. With his natural strength, he was almost like a wolf among the sheep, running rampant. Many people were knocked away by Li Ying before they could react. Then he caught those who caused trouble and gave him a stick. .

Li Ying made a move. Chen Kun had already experienced it when he was in Yuzhou. One stick hits the target, and he is guaranteed to be paralyzed. Coupled with the stern wailing sound, the scene quickly quieted down, quietly watching the evil star enforce the law.

"Whoever dares to make trouble at the scene will end up just like the person in front of you!" Chen Kun added on the stage at the right time, and the scene became quiet for a while, and many timid people ran away one after another.

This made Chen Kun breathe a sigh of relief, and finally controlled the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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