Chapter 328 Sophistry
The voice arrived first before the person arrived. Of course, the voice was still very powerful.At this moment, Chen Kun probably has a new understanding of the ancients, and that is the voice. After all, in this era when transportation depends on walking and communication depends on roaring, it is absolutely impossible to have a low voice.

No, Zhang Tianshi's voice was enough just now, and it took a few minutes before Chen Kun saw this man's figure, but there were dozens of people behind him, all of them were dressed in plain clothes, and their hair was raised up with a high crown , holding poles or sticks in their hands, there is one more unified feature, that is, they all stare angrily.

"Master Fang, I dare to ask you what you mean by this!" As soon as he came over, Zhang Tianshi asked directly.

And this question is still a trap. As I said just now, this place was given by the late emperor. This is probably the filial piety at this time. As long as it is given by the ancestors, it cannot be messed with at will, otherwise it will be disrespectful. This makes Chen Kun feel Somewhat funny.But he soon stopped laughing.

I saw Fang Can say unhurriedly, "I'm sorry Zhang Tianshi, I just forgot to notify Zhang Tianshi because of an emergency. Master Chen saw a woman in this Yuqing Palace. We suspect it is an assassin. In order to protect Master Chen It is safe, so under the circumstances of Mr. Chen's order, we have to search."

Chen Kun touched his chin. This Fang Jin knew how to talk nonsense. Notice?Even the emperor did not issue an explicit order to directly search the Yuqing Palace. Now the search uses the word notice?It was obvious that Zhang Tianshi was embarrassed, and there was probably a lot of friction between the two children.

The second is to protect his safety, just kidding, just agreed not to reveal the existence of that imperial decree?Falling in deaf ears?

And most importantly, he was ordered?It was obviously your own inexplicable order, so you put all the responsibility on me, okay?

Therefore, Chen Kun put the word black-bellied on Fang Jin's body.Of course, now is not the time to worry about this, the matter has come to this point, even if there is nothing wrong, Chen Kun must find something for him, otherwise it will be unreasonable trouble, and there will really be problems.

"Master Chen? Are you talking about this one?" Zhang Tianshi looked at Chen Kun coldly and said angrily.

"That's right, I won't change my name when I'm in office, and I won't change my surname when I sit down. My Excellency, Chen Kun, just saw you hiding important criminals in Yuqing Palace, so I ordered a search!" Chen Kun stepped forward directly, stood side by side with Fang Jin, and said in a deep voice.

Fang Jin's face changed drastically. Although he spoke a little too aggressively, he still gave Yuqing Palace a step, but Chen Kun obviously wanted to push Yuqing Palace and himself into the pit of fire!It's all right to find that suspicious person, if not, then Chen Kun will definitely have to take a new step in his self-defeating career, maybe he will have to go to the prison again.

Zhang Tianshi also snorted coldly, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, "Joke, my Yuqing Palace is an important place, and I have always been in charge of astronomy, calendar, and sacrifices. If you allow you to mess around, how will the gods in this palace be safe! And you questioned us who were reused by the late emperor, but you questioned the late emperor?"

Damn it, you really know how to shirk responsibility!Chen Kun secretly wiped his hands with cold sweat. These people are not very good at other things, but their sophistry skills are better than the others. He is just trying to catch the crowd!

So Chen Kun calmed down secretly, looked at Zhang Tianshi, and said with a sneer, "Zhang Tianshi, let me ask you, who rewarded you here?"

"Of course it is the first emperor!" Zhang Tianshi said without thinking.

"That's good, I thought you had forgotten your roots!" Chen Kun said coldly.

Zhang Tianshi frowned, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Chen Kun also had a meaningful smile on his lips, "The late emperor gave the Yuqing Palace to you as a sign of his trust, but you actually protected the suspect!"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Tianshi retorted almost angrily.

Chen Kun ignored him and said, "Okay, let me ask you why Qin Yan is in your Yuqing Palace."

Zhang Tianshi's eyes changed slightly, but Chen Kun still clearly captured them.

But Zhang Tianshi still forced himself to be calm, "Okay Chen Kun, you are so bold that you dare to call the holy name directly."

"Fuck you, don't tell me you don't know who I'm talking about, who she is, and what identity she is?" Chen Kun put away his smile and said in a deep voice.

Fang Jin on the side frowned, and hurried over, "Master Chen is talking about the little princess?"

Little princess?Chen Kun frowned and thought for a while. Qin Yan is Qin Geng's cousin, so she has something to do with Qin Yan and the others, so it should be a certain princess, so she nodded.

Fang Jin nodded with a bitter face, "The little princess Qin Yan, whose name has the same pronunciation as the Holy Master but different characters, was taken away by an expert to learn from her teacher when she was a child, so she is not in Luoyang, and only returned to the palace a few days ago."

Fuck?what's the situation?The corners of Chen Kun's mouth twitched, and he pulled Fang Jin over and asked in a low voice, "Hey, don't you know that Qin Yan and Qin Geng are so close to each other and are so closely aligned?"

Fang Jin's face was slightly moved, "My lord, don't talk nonsense, the higher-ups have ordered that if it is about the little princess, then turn a blind eye and close one eye. If you want to say that it may be the little princess, I will not Reckless came in to search for people!"

"Damn it, do you dare not to be so cheating?" Chen Kun secretly wiped away a cold sweat, "Then what's going on with Qin Yan?"

"Uh, it's about royal secrets, Mr. Chen..."

Seeing Fang Jin's wry smile, Chen Kun could only shake his head helplessly.

On the other side, Zhang Tianshi spoke again, "Chen Kun, although I don't know this little princess well, he is still a princess anyway, how dare you..."

"Shut up!" Chen Kun turned his head and roared.

"You..." Zhang Tianshi pointed at Chen Kun, his chest felt tight for a while, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a few words, "Shuzi, you..."

"Let me tell you, the little princess is being held hostage by the gangsters at this moment. I finally saw the little princess just now. I suspect that you cooperated with the gangsters to kidnap the little princess. So for the safety of the little princess, I have to search Yuqing Palace. Come here and start searching! "Chen Kun didn't bother to pay attention to him, sophistry?Can't be a young master?
Fang Jin on the side opened his mouth wide, looked at Chen Kun in disbelief, and after a long time, he said, "My lord is really tall!"

That's right, Qin Yan's status made it hard for them to say anything?That's good, then it doesn't matter who is around her, right?After all, it is impossible for Qin Yan to come to Nanchen without bringing people with her. Those people must be Qin Geng's people. Who would say no to dealing with them?Even Zhang Tianshi couldn't refute it.

Therefore, Zhang Tianshi could only raise the banner of the late emperor again, "Chen Kun, how dare you! This is a place given by the late emperor, and you cannot tolerate disrespect!"

"Master Zhang!" Chen Kun suddenly took a step forward, his whole body filled with murderous aura, and he looked at the person in front of him sharply. If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you really think I'm a sick cat?
Looking at Zhang Tianshi who was startled, Chen Kun said word by word, "Do you also know that this is a place bestowed by the late emperor? You are in charge of this place now, but right under your noses, the descendants of the late emperor were assassinated. What crime do you deserve!"

"You...I..." Zhang Tianshi was speechless. These words really left him unable to refute.

"Secondly, relying on the favor of the late emperor, you disregarded the safety of the late emperor's heirs, harbored treason, and even obstructed the office in the name of the late emperor. What is your intention?"

Zhang Tianshi looked downcast and looked at Chen Kun, unable to accept such a big blow for a while.

"Besides, as a subject, the emperor was assassinated. You did not serve the country loyally, but deliberately obstructed him. What should you do? Someone, take him down!" Chen Kun said coldly.

The matter has come to this point, and there is no way to end it, then, let's just go all the way to the dark!Chen Kun sighed as he watched the Yulin Army rush up and surround the disciples of Yuqing Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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