Chapter 86
"Really?" Zhang Hao's facial muscles were very stiff, and he stared at Chen Kun for a long time before he spoke again, "Okay, then I must follow Mr. Chen to ensure his safety!"

To be honest, Zhang Hao was not interested in Chen Kun's safety. If Chen Kun really died, he would only be happier. At worst, he would report that Chen Kun died in an accident.

He appeared here now only because he was curious about what Chen Kun used to make He Cheng obedient and follow him!According to his cognition, Chen Kun could only find an excuse to pretend.

"This should be said to Mr. Chen. I don't dare to let the guards with swords in front of me protect me!" He Cheng looked at Zhang Hao who was staring at him closely, smiled, and immediately took a step back, giving way to Chen Kun. come out.

It has to be said that Chen Kun's expression was very rich at the moment, and he even had a moment of impulse. On the way back to the city, he specially took out the sleeve arrows and installed them on his arms. As long as he was caught off guard now, no matter how high Zhang Hao's martial arts were, he might not be able to defeat him. You can escape his sleeve arrows.

But reason tells him that it is obviously not suitable to play cards with Zhang Hao now. After all, he still needs the amulet of the White Lotus Sect.

"Okay, you should protect the safety of this official, but if you meddle in this official's affairs again, I'm afraid you will have a hard time if you report it!" Chen Kun almost said through gritted teeth, and "report it up" These words were very cryptic, and he didn't even say to report to the emperor.

This made Zhang Hao's expression dark, but he quickly recovered, "Naturally, Mr. Chen, please!"

Chen Kun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at He Cheng, who quickly stepped forward to lead the way, and the group headed straight for Green Camp.

Chen Kun doesn't know much about the military camps in this world, nor does he know the ranks, military orders, laws, etc., so he doesn't know whether he will offend that governor, and whether the governor's official position is bigger or smaller than himself. , the only thing to do is to see if He Cheng is strong enough.

The speed of the group is still very fast. The green battalion is stationed at the east gate. Because the southwest is close to the water, it is relatively easy to guard. The government office is at the north gate. In order to stagger, the garrison is stationed at the east gate.

When Chen Kun arrived at the territory of the green battalion, he was still a little stunned. Although it was a military camp, it was not a tent, but a large area of ​​tile-roofed houses. There was an open space with a radius of one mile in the middle of the tile-roofed houses, which should be the school grounds.

At the outermost edge of the barracks, there is a fence surrounded by a row of sharpened wooden pillars. In the middle, there is a gate enough for ten people to walk side by side. There are double roadblocks at the gate. Even at night, it is brightly lit, and there are more than a dozen people at the gate. on guard.

Therefore, when Chen Kun and his party arrived, they were quickly discovered.

"Who is coming?"

In the darkness, I don't know if there is a hidden thread or something, but Chen Kun feels that the voice is not coming from the gate, that is to say, there are many people staring at them in the dark, it seems that Zhou Duzhou is quite responsible !

"Master He, the governor of Yuzhou, has brought the newly appointed governor of Yuzhou, Master Chen, to discuss some important matters with Governor Zhou. Please let me know." Before Chen Kun and He Cheng could speak, the sharp-mouthed man with monkey cheeks next to He Cheng stood up and shouted. .

I have to say that Chen Kun looked thin and looked very funny, but when he shouted, he was not vague at all. His voice was very sharp, not loud, but high-pitched.

"My lords, wait a moment!"

Then there was no movement on the other side for a while.

Chen Kun stood there, almost jumping around in anxiety. An hour and a half had passed, and he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to bring people to move the food there within an hour.

The pile of grain was planted when he was thrown into the sky prison last time. Thanks to his foresight, he didn't sell it, but kept it. Although he lost some money, it just saved the emergency.

He planted again two days ago, and it happened to be harvested today, but he stored this batch of grain first, and then planted another eight acres of crops.

This is the case in Shangqiu alone, and I don’t know what will happen to other places. Food, I am afraid, will be a scarce commodity in the future. In such a situation, if a big war broke out, Chen Kun didn't dare to think about it.

Of course, this doesn't seem to have much to do with him, but once there is a real war, who will he go to for money?Therefore, Chen Kun still had to be busy, at least earn some money before letting them go to war.

After more than ten minutes, a man who looked like an officer came out in a hurry. He was not even dressed in official uniform. He must have fallen asleep and got up temporarily. He had the same thin face, sunken eyes, and hands like eagle claws. Generally looks healthy.

"Master He," after that person came out, he saw He Cheng first. After all, he had never met Chen Kun before, so he looked at Chen Kun with some doubts, "This is Lord Chen, right?"

"It's my official!" Chen Kun nodded.

"Zhou Lang, all the military governors of Yuzhou, has seen Lord Inspector!" Zhou Lang saluted respectfully as he spoke.

Chen Kun nodded, "I'm here tonight, mainly to ask Lord Duzhou for something, and Lord Duzhou must agree."

"Please tell me, Mr. Chen, if you will be able to contribute in the end, you will naturally help me!" Zhou Lang replied immediately, not being polite.

Chen Kun paused, without being pretentious, and said directly, "I originally asked you for a captain today, and asked him to lead the way. I never thought that when I was inspecting the refugees, I was provoked by some treacherous people secretly." Trapped, in order to protect us, Colonel Zhou asked himself to be a hostage, and asked me to come back quickly and distribute food to appease the people."

"What?" Zhou Lang was shocked at the moment, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. These things did not escape the eyes of the people present. The relationship between Zhou Chong and Zhou Lang must not be as simple as subordinates.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Lang spoke again, "Master Inspector wants me to send troops to suppress these refugees?"

"Of course not. This will only arouse public anger, which is not good," Chen Kun waved his hand. He has already denied this decision. Besides, there is another way to do it, so naturally there is no need to do this.

"But Mr. Inspector wants to allocate food, right? The last general also knew something. There is no food in Shangqiu city!" Zhou Lang looked at Chen Kun suspiciously.

Unexpectedly, Chen Kun smiled slightly, "Not bad, but I have food!"

Everyone present was stunned, and Zhang Hao was no exception. Even his breathing became short of breath, and his eyes flickered several times.

 The appetizers of the two chapters are here, and the front is high-energy. Please read with a sense of substitution. If you don’t do it well, it means that the author is not good enough. We welcome your valuable opinions!Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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