The heavens start with Douluo

Chapter 22 Killing Capital (1)

Chapter 22 Killing Capital (1)

Chapter 22 Killing Capital (1)

He raised his hand and slapped the bar heavily with his palm.

Amidst the loud bang, the bar counter was shattered into pieces and flew in all directions, exposing the ground.

He knew that this was the entrance to the Slaughter City, his right hand condensed the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit, and then smashed heavily to the ground.

Amidst the bang, a huge hole appeared in the ground.A gloomy cold wind blows up from under the hole.Without hesitation, Tang Geng jumped down, directly into the darkness of the ground.

His body was instantly surrounded by pitch blackness, and his whole body was submerged in it.

Into the darkness, only a few meters down, Tang Geng is already down-to-earth, no need for light, his eyes can see everything clearly in the dark.

This is a long corridor, extending obliquely downwards, Tang Geng's body was constantly blown by the cold breath, but he still walked forward with great strides.

When Tang Geng walked 460 steps forward, a cold voice suddenly came from all directions, "Welcome to the capital of killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get what you want Everything, the price is your life."

The spiritual power was released, but Tang Geng immediately felt that the material of the tunnel was very special, and even his own spiritual power could not penetrate through it.His face changed slightly, and Tang Geng's expression froze a bit.But the pace under his feet did not stop, and he continued to move forward.

Turning a corner, there was a faint light coming from ahead, Tang Geng squinted his eyes slightly, it was an open door, and there was a breath of life on the other side of the door.

Striding forward, Tang Geng vaguely heard a noisy voice when he walked out of the tunnel.In front of him, one hundred and one people appeared.

All are dressed in black armor, even their faces are completely covered by helmets, and 100 of them hold heavy swords.There was only one person sitting on a tall war horse, and his horse was also covered with thick black armor.

"You broke the rules." The deep voice sounded extremely cold, and it didn't seem like it came from the mouth.The one who spoke was the black armored knight who was sitting right away.

Tang Geng didn't look at him, but his eyes turned to his back.What he saw was a black city.The thick black city wall is extremely wide, it is really a city, and above the city, there is actually a purple moon hanging.The moon is very low, it seems to be less than 500 meters away from the ground, and looking up, everything is black, like the existence of night.

"What if you violate the rules?" Tang Geng asked lightly.

The black-armored knight's voice was still cold, without any human breath, "Then you must accept punishment. Defeat me, and you will have the qualification to enter the killing capital."

"Didn't it kill you?" Tang Geng asked lightly.

The slender knight spear in the hands of the black-armored knight slowly raised up, and the black-armored warriors on both sides of Tang Geng slowly retreated, leaving an open space.

"I'm Dread Knight Scott."

The horse sped up suddenly, and the black-armored knight rushed straight to Tang Geng with a tragic breath.An icy breath filled the air, and an awe-inspiring murderous aura rushed forward.

The Clear Sky Hammer appeared in Tang Geng's right hand, but he didn't use his soul skills.Because Tang Yuehua had already told him that there are special rules in this capital of killing, and any soul skills here are invalid.Even a soul master can only use the most basic power, the most basic form of a martial soul.

The soul skills disappeared, but the soul power remained.Twisting around, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Geng's hand had been blasted out.Random Cloaking Wind Hammer Method, the first hammer.What he greeted was the heavy armored terrifying knight with the huge momentum of the horse.


The war horse screamed, the huge charge came to an abrupt end, and a four-meter-long heavy knight's gun shot through the air and flew far away.

The terrifying knight Scott is no longer on the horse, and like his knight gun, his whole body has been blown away.But the war horse stopped on Tang Geng's right hand, and the huge momentum stopped here. Under the action of the powerful force, the war horse turned sideways and twitched violently.Its neck was completely broken in the collision of two powerful forces.

The five-thousand-jin Haotian Hammer, under Tang Geng's prepared strike, can produce explosive power, which can be called terrifying.

Yes, after reaching level 62 Soul Emperor, the weight of Tang Geng's Clear Sky Hammer has already reached five thousand catties, even without using soul skills, the weight of the Clear Sky Hammer alone is very terrifying to attack.

The terrifying knight was directly hammered to death by him.

But at this moment, Tang Geng saw a sound of breaking through the air, and couldn't help but catch it with his hand, and found that a black sign appeared in his hand, on which a skull was carved, and under the skull was a Number - eight nine nine two.

This number means that he is the 92nd person who entered the killing capital.

Tang Geng glanced lightly at the hundreds of people holding epees who showed fear.

Tang Geng walked towards the black city ahead.

The pitch-black city gate gave people an extremely depressing feeling. On the huge city gate, hung the words "Slaughter Capital".

In front of the door, two rows of black-armored warriors stood there quietly. Before Tang Geng could show his ID badge, a woman with a black veil had already come out.

"Welcome to the City of Slaughter." The woman's voice was pleasant, she walked away from Tang Geng, and made a gesture of invitation.

Although Tang Geng was a little shocked by this underground city, he followed the woman into the city gate with the mentality that if he came, he would be safe.

Perhaps because of the identity card in his hand, no one stopped him.

Walking into the city, what Tang Geng saw was a blue-purple world.The lights hanging on both sides of the street emit only these two kinds of light.To his surprise, there were not many people here, and no one paid attention to him as an outsider.At first glance, it seems to be no different from an ordinary city, except that everything looks so dark.

"I am your guide. You can ask me anything you don't understand. Within twelve hours, I will answer all your questions. After twelve hours, this is where you live, and you Will officially become a member of Killing Capital."

Tang Geng nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I want to know how long the City of Slaughter has existed?"

The girl in black veil frowned, "I'm really sorry, I only know that the Slaughter City has existed for more than 1000 years. As for whether it is thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, only the Slaughter King knows!"

"King of Slaughter?"

The black-veiled woman said reverently: "That's right, he is the King of Slaughter. He is the real master of our Slaughter City, and he is probably the only one who knows how long the Slaughter City has existed!"

Tang Geng nodded, and continued to ask: "What are the rules in the capital of killing?"

"There are no rules here. As a member of Slaughter City, you can do anything here, as long as you have enough ability! Of course, because there are no rules here, you may face fatal danger at any time. Also, only entering Don't come out, those who want to go out from here have only one destination in the end, and that is to be killed by the law enforcement team!"

"Law enforcement team?"

"Yes, they are the law enforcement team. They are the most powerful fighters selected by the great Slaughter King. The Lord Scott who greeted you is a member of the law enforcement team, but he is not considered the strongest among them The real powerhouses in the law enforcement team are composed of Contras who have been endowed with the ability to use soul skills by the King of Slaughter, and the captain is even a titled Douluo."

The black veil woman explained.

A trace of shock flashed in Tang Geng's calm eyes.

Although Title Douluo is strong, if he can't use his soul skills, it's like a tiger has its teeth pulled out.It's hard to beat a strong Contra who can use soul skills, and the law enforcement team has more than one Contra, let alone a captain of the title Douluo level in the law enforcement team.

After a long silence, Tang Geng asked the question he was most concerned about: "How to live in the killing capital? Is there a restaurant?"

The black-veiled woman replied: "Dear Mr. [-], food and beverages are provided free of charge in the Killing City. Of course, poisonous food is not excluded. Here, the dead are the most valuable. Everyone will use the number of skulls they have as a powerful The symbol of the opponent. The blood and skulls of the opponents killed by oneself can be exchanged for other items."

Tang Geng felt a chill in his heart, it seemed that he needed to be more careful.

"Tell me about the rules of Hell's Killing Fields?"

The woman in black gauze was slightly stunned, but she still introduced: "The hell killing field is the place with the highest death rate in the killing capital. Everyone is only required to enter the hell killing field once a year. As long as they can pass one battle, they can be killed in the killing field." live another year."

"Each group of Hell Killing Fields consists of ten people. No matter what method you use, as long as you get out of the room alive, you will be considered a winner. And each group has and only one person can come out alive."

Tang Geng's face was slightly cold, and one out of ten survived. As expected of the capital of killing, it was indeed cruel.

"Take me to the killing field of hell?"

"Are you sure you want to go now? Instead of waiting, observe and observe more, and then go after you get used to it?" the black-veiled woman said in shock.

"Sure!" Tang Geng said.

"In that case, then come with me!" Puzzled on the pretty face of the black-veiled woman, she finally nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Tang Geng began to walk towards the city under her leadership.

He was not in a hurry, and looked carefully at the surrounding environment.

There are some simple black stone houses on both sides of the street. It seems that this is the place to live, but the environment is too bad!
Every once in a while, there will be some special places to eat.Many people lined up there waiting for the food to be distributed.In terms of feeling, it is just better than beggars.

In his opinion, since this place is known as the pure land of those who fall into music, it shouldn't look like this!
Although Tang Geng was puzzled, he didn't ask the woman in black yarn, but continued to walk forward.

As they continued to advance, the flow of people on the street gradually increased, but Tang Geng frowned.

None of the people he saw was normal, they were all sallow, thin, pale, and looked malnourished.Some are even skinny, with little flesh left on their bodies, only a layer of skin and bones, and they walk feebly, which can be called lingering.

If this is the so-called degenerate pure land, the so-called enjoyment, he would not agree.

The woman in black gauze next to him naturally noticed his expression.

"Are you feeling a little disappointed? You don't need to answer, I know."

Afterwards, the woman in black gauze gave an explanation.

It turns out that this is only the outer city, and the real degenerate pure land is the inner city.

The inner city is extremely prosperous, but the outer city is not even qualified to carry shoes.As long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want, and you can indulge as much as you want, provided you can survive.

 Almost forgot to update!Sorry everyone!Vote with votes, remember to bookmark if you haven't collected yet
(End of this chapter)

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