The heavens start with Douluo

Chapter 35 Suspended Death

Chapter 35 Suspended Death
Chapter 35 Feign Death


When the soul ring was dimmed and flew back to Tang Geng's hand, Tang Geng couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and he slumped on the ground.

"Little Geng!" Tang Zhan, who recovered, disappeared beside the bed, supported Tang Geng, and said with great concern.

"It's okay, teacher!" Tang Geng wiped the blood from his mouth weakly, but it was the use of the third soul ring skill that caused backlash.

The third soul ring of Qinglian Wuhun is that Tang Geng met a [-]-year-old snow lotus in full bloom on a mountain deep in an old forest. Tang Geng's Qinglian Wuhun is a plant-type Wuhun, and the most suitable is a plant. Department of soul beasts.

Therefore, Tang Geng picked the snow lotus, and attached the soul ring transformed from the snow lotus to the Qinglian Wuhun. The soul skill brought by the snow lotus is called 'Vitality of All Things', which contains a strong vitality, which can nourish the body and heal injuries. , can also heal the wounds of others.

No matter how much soul ring energy is consumed, it has to be replenished slowly.Tang Zhan's injuries were so severe that the soul ring degenerated from a [-]-year soul ring to a ten-year soul ring. Tang Zhan was rescued just now. Geng.

But seeing Tang Zhan rescued, it was worth paying such a high price. After all, Tang Zhan was his master, and his kindness to him was as great as a mountain. If he didn't treat Tang Zhan, he would never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

"I didn't expect the old man to be treated by a closed disciple before he died, and he took his life." Tang Zhan helped Tang Geng to sit on the chair next to him, and said with emotion.

Tang Geng closed his eyes and slowly recuperated his body. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, and his face had recovered.

It’s just that he smiled wryly in his heart, this time he’s in serious trouble, and the spirit ring is backlashing him. In the next few years, he will have to use his soul power to nourish the Xuelian spirit ring. I want to add a soul ring.In other words, for a period of time in the future, he can only practice the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul.

Seeing that Tang Geng's face returned to normal, Tang Zhan, Tang Xiao, and Tang Yuehua breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Zhan said, "Little Geng, you hid it so deeply that you turned out to be twin martial souls, but you are reckless. Although twin martial souls can be more Double the spirit ring and soul skills, but it is also easy for the spirit ring of the martial spirit to conflict, resulting in the death of the body. The twin martial spirits that appeared in the history of the mainland, either only cultivated one martial spirit, or both cultivated the body and died."

"With your talent, it's a certainty that you will reach Title Douluo through cultivation, and there is a high probability that you will even reach level 99 Peerless Douluo. Why take this risk?" Tang Zhan said.

He already knew from Tang Yuehua and Tang Xiao that Tang Geng was already a strong soul sage.To achieve such results in this age group, Tang Geng has far surpassed the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao at the same age.

"In fact, the teacher doesn't need to worry too much, the disciple has already found a way to overcome the backlash of the soul ring." Tang Geng smiled lightly.

"Oh? What way?" Tang Xiao showed surprise, Tang Geng brought him too many surprises: "Little brother, can you tell me?"

The advantages and disadvantages of twin martial souls are not secrets at the level of Title Douluo. All the title Douluo have thought about how to solve the disadvantages, but no one can think of a solution.

For one thing, there are too few soul masters with twin martial souls, and one may not appear in 100 years, which makes it difficult for Titled Douluo to study.Secondly, no soul master with twin martial souls has ever reached the title of Douluo.

"It's very simple, keep improving your physical fitness! As long as your physical fitness is strong enough, you can withstand the pressure of the twin martial spirit rings!" Tang Geng said with a smile: "The conflict between the twin martial soul soul rings is backlash. In the final analysis, the soul master is not strong enough to bear the pressure." The added pressure of the martial soul."

"For example, if an 9th-level Contra forcibly attaches a 9-year soul ring to a martial soul, then a big result is that Contra's body cannot bear the huge soul power of the soul ring, and it will be overwhelmed. It exploded." Tang Geng said: "If a Soul Douluo's body is strong enough, much stronger than Title Douluo's physical fitness, then he can withstand a [-]-year spirit ring."

Tang Zhan and Tang Xiao looked thoughtful, Tang Geng's words touched them a lot, yes, this is the reason, in the final analysis it is whether the body can bear the huge energy.

"Father, you are well now, and my son can no longer be the suzerain. Daddy will continue to be the suzerain, and my son can be an elder." Tang Xiao no longer entangled in this issue, but shifted to Tang Zhan suzerain's question In fact, the hearts of the Clear Sky School are currently scattered. Although Tang Xiao continues to integrate, Tang Xiao's prestige is still insufficient after all. Otherwise, there would not be so many soul masters leaving the Clear Sky School. .

"Father, you continue to be the suzerain, and our Haotian School's hearts are united again. After 20 years of rest and recuperation, we took over the Wuhun Palace in one fell swoop, and doubled the shame that the Wuhun Palace imposed on us." Tang Xiaodao said .

But Tang Zhan shook his head and said, "Xiao'er, the Zongmen's top priority is to recuperate. You said that if the Wuhun Palace knew that I was not dead, would it be possible for the Zongmen to have the opportunity and time to cultivate?"

"Not only can I not continue to be suzerain, but I must die, so that Wuhundian can divert its attention from our Haotianzong." Tang Zhan said: "That old bastard Qian Daoliu is not a gentleman, if he knows that I am not dead , maybe one night, he will sneak up on Haotianzong and kill you and me."

Regarding Tang Zhan's strategy of feigning death, Tang Geng is 100% in favor of it. After all, Tang Zhan is not comparable to Tang Xiao. As Tang Chen's son, he has been in charge of Haotianzong for decades, and his prestige is very great. , Haotianzong will have a backbone, they can unite as one, and there will be a very big threat to Wuhundian.

On the contrary, after Tang Zhan's death, Tang Xiao served as suzerain. After all, Tang Xiao was a junior. It would take at least ten years to integrate Haotianzong. It was almost impossible to restore Haotianzong to its former glory.This undoubtedly greatly reduced the threat to Spirit Hall.

"Father, Wuhundian bullied people too much, killed four elders, just endured like this, it will really drive people crazy!" Tang Yuehua's face showed an angry look.

"Yuehua, we lost a lot, and Wuhun Hall also suffered a lot. The two priests died in battle on the spot, and the seriously injured priest is also dead now. It is not too much loss." Tang Zhan said: "If you can't bear it, you will lose it." Conspiracy, we have to bear with it, and when your junior brother is called Titled Douluo and your second brother returns to the sect, then is the time for our Clear Sky School to come out again."

Tang Xiao nodded slightly to express his approval.

Several people set up a strategy.

Five days later, the Haotian School rang nine bells, accompanied by the wail of 'Zhantian Douluo Returns to Heaven'. The disciples of the Haotian School heard it and burst into tears. Tang Xiao was wearing white clothes, with Tang Geng and Tang Yuehua appeared in front of hundreds of soul masters and announced that the former suzerain Tang Zhan died of serious injuries.

Regarding Tang Xiao's words, all the disciples of the Haotian School, including the seven elders, had no doubts. Everyone knew that the former suzerain Tang Zhan fought the Golden Crocodile Douluo that day, was seriously injured, and died soon. It's not easy.

The news of Tang Zhan's death was soon known by all major forces.

Many people sighed, thinking that if Haotianzong lost this Optimus Prime, no matter how difficult it is to rise, Wuhundian lost a big enemy, would they target them?

The headquarters of the Wuhun Palace, the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City, Bibi Dong, who had just boarded the Pope of the Wuhun Palace, immediately got the news that Tang Zhan was seriously injured and died, and felt strange in his heart.

"Mother...Mother..." At this time, a girl ran in, she looked like a porcelain doll, very cute and very active.

This girl is Bibi Dong's daughter who was born in October after she was pregnant with Qian Xunxue, Qian Renxue. Because of Qian Renxue, she was supported by Qian Daoliu and became the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

But now when Bibidong looked at Qian Renxue again, there was no love in her eyes, on the contrary, she was disgusted. Every time she saw Qian Renxue, it reminded her of the pain of being invaded by Qian Xunxue back then, and she couldn't bear the pain!Therefore, she didn't want to see Qian Renxue, she wanted to make Qian Renxue disappear before her eyes.

Killing Qian Renxue is naturally impossible, not to mention that tigers are poisonous and don't eat their babies, no matter how much they don't like Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue was also born ten months pregnant, a piece of flesh that fell from her body.Furthermore, now Qian Renxue is Qian Daoliu's hope. If Qian Renxue dies, Qian Daoliu will never let her go. There is only death waiting for her.

Bibi Dong suddenly had an idea in her mind, she approached Qian Daoliu, and said that in order for Qian Renxue to practice better and inherit the Pope's position in the future, she wanted to send Qian Renxue to the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, pretending to be the eldest prince Xue Qinghe, once he came to manage power, he could become the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire in the future, and coupled with the position of Pope of the Wuhun Temple, he could unify the Douluo Continent and let the glory of angels spread throughout the continent.The second is to monitor Haotianzong, lest Haotianzong rise again and threaten the status of Wuhun Temple.

As soon as Qian Daoliu thought of Bibi Dong's big cake, his granddaughter became the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, plus he was the pope of the Wuhun Temple to rule the mainland, then he might inherit the position of the God of Angels and become the new leader of Angels. god.

He can't beat Tang Chen in his life, but her granddaughter can become the God of Angels, better than Tang Chen.

So, Qian Daoliu agreed.Qian Renxue had no choice but to be sent to the Heaven Dou Empire Palace at a young age to replace the eldest prince Xue Qinghe.

And Bibidong also started to plan, to manage her own power, only with her own power, can she do what she wants to do, instead of being a puppet pope, everything depends on the face of the old Qian Daoliu.

As for chasing and killing "Haotian Douluo" Tang Hao, and avenging the former pope Chihiro Ji, that is even more of a shadow.She hated Chihiro Ji so much in her heart, she wished to eat his flesh and drink his blood, wash away her grievances and vent her hatred.

For Tang Hao who killed Qian Xun Ji, Bibi Dong was only grateful.Besides, from the current Wuhundian information, "Haotian Douluo" is powerful, and he can kill three 95-level titled Douluo just after breaking through the Titled Douluo, one of which is Chihiro Ji, who has a full set of six soul bone angel suits The Pope, and later Qian Daoliu led people to hunt down Tang Hao, not only Tang Hao escaped, but also killed three Titled Douluo, which shows how powerful Tang Hao is.

She Bibi Dong was sick, that's why she provoked "Haotian Douluo" Tang Hao.

But if Qian Daoliu and Tang Hao could die together, it would be perfect.

Looking at the blue sky above Wuhun City, Bibi Dong couldn't help thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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