Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 196 The Prophet (please subscribe!)

Chapter 196 The Prophet (please subscribe!)
"Wait a moment!"

Alice stopped Wang Yu who was walking towards the car.

"Just now you said that you want to tell us your real occupation, so now should be the best time, don't you want to say something? I'm afraid that ability is not brought by the T virus!"

Hearing Alice's vigilant tone, Wang Yu showed a casual smile, and turned to face the crowd.

"That's right, the wind wants to tell you my true profession, that is... the prophet..."

"Whoa, Prophet! You don't have to be serious about it, man!"

"You said you were a prophet? Then you knew all this?"

"There are prophets, so is the revelation still far away?"



After hearing Wang Yu's words, Alice was also surprised. She didn't expect him to say that he was a prophet.

Shouldn't he say that he is a product of such-and-such a laboratory, or a tragic character such as a technological monster that was captured and transformed by some mad scientist, to win everyone's sympathy?
"Of course I am a prophet, but I am not a prophet of God. You can think of me as a prophet sent by the gods of other worlds, well, think of it like this!

I know many things that will happen in this world in the future, but I can't change what will definitely happen, so listen to me, it's useless for you to disclose the information of the umbrella now, since they have the energy to launch nuclear bombs, then there is The power to silence the media so you don't have to get your hopes up. "

With an indifferent and leisurely expression, Wang Yu spat out information that made everyone's expressions more and more ugly.

"Then why don't we do nothing? Just wait for the Umbrella Company to come to our door, catch us guys who have ruined their good deeds, and then kill us, then continue to do his brutal experiments and study those who can The virus that will destroy the world!"

Alice's eyes turned red, and her expression was agitated. She knew that what Wang Yu said was basically correct, but she still had some illusions, hoping that the US government could wake up, understand how terrible and cruel the actions of the umbrella are, and then completely ban it. evil enterprise.

But...Wang Yu, who knew the original plot, understood that what these people did was in vain. In the end, they could only watch the world fall as they imagined. Although they had revealed the information in advance, it was not enough role, and they themselves can only wander, struggle, and survive in the apocalypse!
Wang Yu is now going to give these people who still have hope in their hearts a chance to change their future, which is also beneficial to the new plan that Wang Yu just thought of from the surprise.

If we want to say what kind of surprise it is, we have to mention Wang Yu's best ability, the power of the soul!

After the suppression of the world decreased, Wang Yu's will-projected avatar had already been able to use the power of the child soul seed to master the use of some soul power. After killing the five helicopters of the sky, Wang Yu subconsciously Collected their souls.

Based on the principle of not wasting, Wang Yu directly used the twisted power of the soul-seed to absorb it into pure soul power to enhance his own strength. It turned out that after absorbing these soul power, The world's suppression of Wang Yu seems to have decreased a little bit!

This made Wang Yu feel surprised and inexplicable. Could it be that all his previous thoughts were wrong?By directly absorbing the soul power of the natives of this world, you can avoid the suppression of the world!

After discovering this situation, Wang Yu has decided to change his plan again!

Use this avatar projected by consciousness to build a small soul altar in the biochemical world, which is used to accurately link and amplify the signal of the soul altar in the main world.

I don't know if it's because of the oppression of the world, or because the distance between the worlds is too far away, Wang Yu's projected will can Weihai feel the repulsion and interference from the biochemical world.

And after the avatar carried out a series of actions to reduce the suppression of the world, Wang Yu's will can also feel the weakening of the world's rejection and interference to him.

So now Wang Yu decided to strike while the iron was hot!
Establish a soul altar directly in the biochemical world to echo the main world, so that it will definitely help you better invade this world.

And I can better use my avatar to study what kind of connection and effect there is between the soul and the suppression of the world.

"Of course not, how could I let everyone sit still, that would be so stupid!"

Wang Yu shook his head, glanced at Alice with a smile, and continued, "I'm going to take you to do a greater thing. My Lord sent me here for fun. My mission is to redeem. Dedicated people, the end of your world is coming soon, and you will have a greater chance of survival if you receive my Lord's salvation."

"Your lord? Your god? Although you do have some special abilities, I still don't think they were brought by the so-called gods. I think through some experiments, people can also master this ability, so you should Better stop telling us those ridiculous myths."

Alice seemed to really not believe in God, and Wang Yu's words did not move her.

"So, so what?"

Seeing Alice's stubbornness, Wang Yu looked straight into her eyes seriously, stretched out his hand and pushed her lightly out of thin air.

Alice finally lost consciousness, her body seemed to have lost the most important thing in an instant, and she fell to the ground without warning.

"What did you do to her!"


Everyone raised their guns and pointed at Wang Yu, a mysterious guy everywhere.

They looked at Alice lying on the ground in horror. There was no wound on her body, and Wang Yu didn't even touch her body. It's really crazy!

"Don't be so nervous. I just want her to experience for herself what the real mysterious power is. It's very safe. I don't think there is anything that can convince her more than this."

Wang Yu didn't care about the guns pointed at him by these people, because it would no longer be of any use to him now.

As he spoke, Wang Yu withdrew his outstretched hand to show everyone to pay attention to Alice on the ground.


As if waking up from a nightmare, Alice, who had her eyes tightly shut, suddenly opened her eyes, took a deep breath, then turned over and stood up from the ground, looking at Wang Yu with flickering eyes, and asked with some uncertainty :

"Just now... Could it be..."

"That's right, just as you thought," Wang Yu immediately confirmed her thoughts.

"I pushed your soul out of your body and protected your soul from getting hurt. How about allowing you to peek at the world from the perspective of your soul? Is there any different harvest? I didn't expect your soul to be Different, very special, and full of potential. Now I am looking forward to your future more and more."


(End of this chapter)

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