Chapter 52 Wu Yi Drunk
"Ziyuan, don't you want to learn my flying skills? I'll pass it on to you. Just stand still..." Ye Xiaoyao raised his hand and tapped Wu Yi's forehead, and began to teach the "God of War" ".

"Ding, the teaching is over."

"Zi Yuan, from now on you can practice according to the skills in your mind. It is estimated that you will reach the realm of flying in a year and a half. There is also a pill here. You can take it when you start practicing. Come to think of it. There will be unexpected gains!" Ye Xiaoyao was not sure what level Wu Yi, who already had the second level of warrior cultivation, would reach after possessing a hundred years of inner strength. Anyway, he was looking forward to it.

"Ziyuan, thank you, Lord, for cultivating!"

Wu Yi was about to kneel down to thank him immediately after taking the elixir, but was stopped by Ye Xiaoyao, who said with a smile: "Ziyuan, don't call me the lord now, just call me Xiaoyao, the world is not in chaos yet , if it is heard by someone with a heart, it will cause unnecessary trouble!"

"Then I still call you Xiaoyao now. How about I call you Sir when you get an official position?" Wu Yi is a cool man who says whatever he wants. Since he has chosen to be loyal to him, he must show his loyalty. .

This is not limited to Wu Yi. In the Three Kingdoms, as long as many generals and counselors declare their allegiance to each other, they will immediately put their position in a very low position. They call this loyalty. Modern people understand this concept of loyalty, but they But can't do it!
"Okay, then call me your lord!"

Ye Xiaoyao didn't refuse, saying that you are my brother-in-law and other nonsense, and there are no rules, if he develops a bad habit of disregarding superiority and inferiority when he is still young, then wait for his power to do it. There will definitely be problems when it gets bigger.

This kind of thing is beyond the control of the person concerned. When the power grows bigger, the subordinates will naturally be complicated. Some soldiers, generals and officials will see that so-and-so is so powerful that they can call the boss a brother, and they will subconsciously get close to that person, and after a long time, They will take advantage of the situation and do some bad things.

This is not scaremongering, it is the inferiority of human beings. If you think about it carefully, have you met or heard of similar people in your life.

"I haven't taught you how to identify the owner of a spiritual weapon. Now let me tell you..."

Afterwards, Ye Xiaoyao told Wu Yi how to identify the owner of the spiritual weapon. Seeing that Wu Yi began to recognize the owner of the spiritual knife, he went into the kitchen to find Wu Mi.

"Xiaoyao, why are you here? Do you need me?" Wu Mi saw Ye Xiaoyao coming in, and thought he was looking for her.

"It's okay, your brother is busy. I'll come over to see you when I have nothing to do. What are you cooking..." Ye Xiaoyao walked to the stove and glanced at the vegetables in the pot that were being fried by Wu Mi , asked curiously, he had never seen this kind of green vegetable before, and presumably it should be a unique vegetable in the Three Kingdoms era.

"This is called Qingxincai. It is an ingredient that can only be found in spring. Why, haven't you eaten it?" Wu Mi asked curiously while stirring the Qingxincai in the pot.

"Really not, we don't have this kind of dish there, this is the first time I have seen this kind of dish!"

After Ye Xiaoyao finished speaking, he saw that Wu Mi had finished frying the cabbage, so he stretched out his hand and squeezed a piece into his mouth to taste, "Mmm... this dish tastes light, slightly sweet, quite delicious!"

Looking at the three dishes that Wu Mi had cooked, he saw that they were all vegetarian dishes but there was no meat dish. Thinking that Wu Mi and Wu Yi's life was not good, he smiled and said, "Mi'er, let me fry some. Vegetables, help me chop the vegetables..." As he spoke, he began to take out various ingredients from the system space.

Seeing him conjure up several fresh meats such as chicken, fish, and beef out of thin air, Wu Mi was stunned, his lips parted wide, and he murmured, "Xiaoyao, you still say you're not a god... "

"This is not a fairy method. I took it out of a kind of treasure that puts things. After eating, I will give you one!" Ye Xiaoyao explained to her with a chuckle while packing up the ingredients.

"There is such a baby? It's amazing!" Wu Mi sighed, and then helped Ye Xiaoyao.

After more than half an hour, Ye Xiaoyao finished frying the last dish, brought the dish to the table, took out a few more bottles of Moutai, and said to Wu Yi: "Ziyuan, try my Moutai, you have never tasted it before. !"

"Xiaoyao, your skill is better than my sister's. How did you do it? Did your family let you practice cooking?" Wu Yi picked up a piece of stir-fried beef and stuffed it into his mouth, and raised his eyebrows at Ye Xiaoyao. At the same time, he was curious about why he has such a good craftsmanship.

"Come on, drink me a bowl of Moutai first..."

Ye Xiaoyao opened the bottle cap, and immediately a strong smell of wine wafted out. He poured a bowl for Wu Yi and half a bowl for Wu Mi, and at the same time told him, "Mier, this wine is very strong. Take a small sip when you drink it, if you don’t like it, just drink this juice.”

Ye Xiaoyao took out another bottle of fruit orange from the system space, helped her open the lid, and put it in front of her body, then turned her head to Wu Yi, and said, "Of course my skills are learned, we don't have any It's a rule that men don't cook!"

"Come on, drink, this wine is so mellow, why don't you try eating vegetables all the time!"

Seeing that Wu Yi only knew how to eat food and didn't care about the wine he poured, this made him very depressed. Isn't it just that a lot of modern seasonings were added to the food? Are you like this?
He is used to modern tastes. If he was born in ancient times and ate modern dishes for the first time, he would probably not be any worse than Wu Yi!

"Come on, drink!" Wu Yi agreed casually, picked up the wine and poured it into his mouth.

"This wine is so strong..."

After taking a sip of wine, Wu Yi immediately woke up from the dishes, opened his mouth, gasped for air, and his face turned red!

"Who told you not to listen to what I told Mi'er just now! How about it, do you want another bowl?" Ye Xiaoyao picked up the wine bottle and made a gesture to pour him another bowl.

"Of course. Although this wine is strong, it is indeed delicious. This is the wine that men drink!" Wu Yi pushed the bowl over and asked him to pour the wine.

The alcohol content of the Three Kingdoms period is of course not as high as that of modern liquor, but it is not much different from that of beer.

After eating a meal, Wu Yi finally drank and fell on the table, but Ye Xiaoyao didn't feel it at all. The "Emperor's Bible" would automatically filter the alcohol into his body. A kind of poison.

Wu Mi also drank a little, but not much, so his face turned pink, and he was not drunk.

"Move my brother to his room!" Wu Mi looked at the drunk Wu Yi and said to Ye Xiaoyao.

"Okay, where is Ziyuan's room? I'll move him there." Ye Xiaoyao picked up Wu Yi and asked with a smile.

"That's my brother's room." Wu Mi pointed to the room on the left side of the hall and said.

 PS: The plot requires that I don’t know whether there are clear cabbage in modern times, so don’t pay attention to these details.Ask for favorites and recommendations! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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