Chapter 84
Think about it, when the two armies are fighting or confronting each other, a group of thousands or thousands of light cavalry archers suddenly rush out from the side and keep shooting at the enemy on horseback. If the enemy dares to pursue them, they use kite tactics to consume Kill all enemies.


If Ye Xiaoyao really formed such a team of light cavalry archers, he would definitely be dubbed these four characters by his enemies. He is so crazy and desperate!
However, it is not easy to form a light cavalry archer. The main reason is that the requirements are too high. Not only does it require soldiers to have superb riding skills, but also requires soldiers to have extraordinary archery skills. This difficulty can be imagined.

But Ye Xiaoyao is not in a hurry, the world is not in chaos yet, he can still plan slowly.However, once such an army is formed, it will definitely be a frightening army!

Seeing the more than 500 people who stood up after a moment of confusion, Ye Xiaoyao smiled with satisfaction. When they learned the "Battle Immortal Martial Arts" and got a war horse, they would become a fearsome army .

As for elimination, is it necessary?As long as they have practiced the "War Immortal Martial Arts", even if they will not become masters in the end, they can still easily manage horses and archery.

"Very good, you can go and wait on the side!"

"Yes, Lord God!"

Hundreds of refugees who knew how to bow and arrow responded, and found an open space to wait.

"Three hundred women stand up, preferably those who have experience in distributing food before!" Ye Xiaoyao smiled, the conscription is over, and the rest is to distribute food.

Because of the large number of refugees, every time he distributes food, he recruits hundreds of women to distribute it, and it is enough for him to watch from the side. After all, if he, Dian Wei, and Diao Chan are allowed to distribute food, it is estimated that they will be able to distribute food. It takes half a day to walk!
As soon as the refugees heard that women were asked to come forward, they immediately knew that Ye Xiaoyao was going to distribute food. They all looked happy and waited silently, while the women who met the requirements quickly came forward.

"Today, each person will be given an extra tael of food, and those who have just stood up and not been selected will be given three taels more. As for those who have been selected, you don't have to worry about it, do you understand!" Ye Xiaoyao looked at the women who stood up, Said with a gentle smile.

"Yes, my lord, I understand!" All the women bowed in unison.

"Before distributing food, let me tell you one more thing. When you arrive in Xuzhou, I will give you the fields and the area where you live. However, the fields need to be reclaimed by you and the houses need to be built by yourself, but you don't have to worry about it. I will help you when the time comes." Ye Xiaoyao did this to appease these refugees, after all, Xiapi suddenly influxed so many refugees that they still need to be controlled.

He is the governor of Xuzhou and the governor of Guangling County. It is easy to do this.

"Ah! Lord God wants to give us fields..."

"My lord, we are willing to reclaim the fields ourselves..."

Hearing Ye Xiaoyao's words, the refugees immediately became excited. You must know that in today's era, even if it is pushed back 1000 years, the people will not be able to own their own fields. It is thought that because of what he said Well, how excited are the refugees!
None of them questioned Ye Xiaoyao's words. Ye Xiaoyao had already been deified by them, and believers would not question the gods they believed in.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Seeing signs of chaos among the refugees, Ye Xiaoyao had to stop him.

When the refugees heard this, they immediately fell silent.

"There is one more thing. When I arrive in Xuzhou, I will arrange manpower to dig ditches. If you get news at that time, you can go to the place responsible for this matter to sign up. I won't let you spend your energy for nothing. Everyone has three liang of food every day. You can take it, and if you can’t finish the food, you can also sell it.”

It is now the end of March in 183 AD, and in the summer of 3, there will be a severe drought across the country. If Ye Xiaoyao doesn't prepare in advance, it will be a troublesome thing.

In fact, he wanted to exchange for hundreds of excavators to dig trenches, but after looking at the price, he decided to use manpower to dig, well, it was cheaper.

Because he was a little curious, he asked the system, and after the system answered, he also knew the answer. The system calculates the value of the purchased technology item based on its technology and volume.

For example, a Supreme Rolex watch sells for 10 merit points, while a Ferrari sells for 100 merit points. This is the difference in size.

A laser pistol is priced at 100 merit points, while an ordinary pistol is priced at 10 merit points. This is the difference in technology.

The price of an excavator system is 200 points of merit, but with these 200 points of merit, you can buy 20 shi of grain. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, 120 shi was equal to 20 catties of grain, and 2400 shi was [-] million catties of grain. With these grains How many people can be employed?

Anyway, Ye Xiaoyao's math teacher died early, so he couldn't figure it out, but he knew one thing, that is, the workload of an excavator is definitely not as big as the workload of employing people with food.

2400 catties of grain is equal to 24000 taels of grain. With a salary of three taels per person per day, 50 people will be employed to consume 15 catties of grain. What is the daily workload of 50 people?Can an excavator compare?
"My lord, is this true..."

"My lord, I will definitely go..."

"I don't have to worry about not having enough to eat anymore..."

When the refugees heard the news, they burst into excitement again.

Ye Xiaoyao looked at the excited refugees and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The people of the Eastern Han Dynasty lived a very miserable life. They didn't have enough food to eat, and they didn't have enough clothes to cover their bodies. Even in order to survive, many human tragedies happened.

In the first year of Yuanjia, that is, AD 151, in April of summer, there was a severe drought in the capital, and the hungry people of Rencheng and Liang ate each other. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Lingdi Ji"

In the third year of Emperor Ling Jianning, that is, in 170 A.D., in the first month of spring, women in Hanoi eat their husbands, and men in Henan eat their women. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Lingdi Ji"

Husband and wife eat each other, and kill each other after giving birth, because they can't afford it.In such a situation, where can we talk about social harmony?
Where there is oppression, there is resistance.Ordinary people are also human beings, and they also need food, clothing, housing and transportation, and when they are not satisfied and cannot live on, they will rise up and have to find something to eat for themselves.

This is also one of the reasons for the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Husband and wife eat each other!

This does not mean that you feed me and I feed you, but that you actually eat each other and eat each other. How terrifying is this?
If you don't revolt, then there will be ghosts!

Now that Ye Xiaoyao has countless grains, he is very satisfied to be able to help these poor people.

"Okay, let's all make room, I'm going to take out the food!"

 (As for the detailed data, the readers can calculate it by themselves. If I write it again, I will say that I am a sucker. But I still have to say, some masters are lazy, they don’t know how to calculate these things, and I don’t write in detail. They don’t have any images in their minds. I write books for hobby, not for making money. I want to give everyone a clear introduction, not a muddled introduction. Please include more nonsense here! Thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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