endless force

Chapter 474

Chapter 474
"You think too much." Mo Fan extinguished the hope that was burning in Xiaoqian's heart with one sentence.

"Why?" Xiaoqian said unwillingly, "It is true that nothing happened in this prediction channel. Did you discover something and didn't tell me? Or do you think our previous guess must be correct?"

"What are the two of us?" Mo Fan looked at the nine passages quietly and asked suddenly.

"What?" Xiaoqian frowned, not knowing what tricks the other party was playing, and thought for a while, "The two of us are...predators?"

"Yes, Predator." Mo Fan smiled.

"Predator, predator, predator..." Xiao Qian muttered a few words, her pupils constricted suddenly, and she remembered something.

After the marauder dies, the body disappears quickly, and all traces of life are erased.

In other words, the fact that there were no traces in the passage just now does not mean that nothing happened in the next passage, but that the two of them will... die in the next passage!
If the two of them hadn't figured out the metaphors hidden in the nine passages, they might think that nothing would happen in the next passage, and they might end up in a deadly unclear end.

After figuring everything out, Xiaoqian completely cleared the current situation, and was in the middle of the two passages. Once the two entered the first passage, they would surely die, and the latter passage was completely blocked, making them in a dilemma.

Fortunately, there is no time limit here. The two of them can think slowly here, and they can leave naturally if they find the exit. If they can't find the answer, they can only wait for death obediently.

Mo Fan sat down on the ground and began to quietly think about how to get out of here.

Xiaoqian frowned, and was also thinking hard about a solution. She usually thought that her IQ was far superior to ordinary people, but at this moment, her brain seemed to be useless, her thinking was very rigid, and her thinking was also not flexible enough.

On the contrary, in her opinion, Mo Fan, who has an average IQ, performed unexpectedly brilliantly at this moment, as if he was just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Quietly looking at the nine roads in front of him, Mo Fan's eyes kept flickering.The nine passages are a metaphor that they can only live through the nine passages, and once they enter the tenth passage, they will surely die.

The tenth passage was ahead, and he turned his head slowly, looking at the passage behind, and behind him was the ninth passage.

One side represents death, and the other represents life, so is the hope of leaving here on the ninth passage?

Thinking of this, Mo Fan returned to the ninth passage at the back, and Xiao Qian, who hadn't had any thoughts, followed immediately.

The two returned along the original road and came to the entrance of the ninth passage. As before, it was completely sealed, without leaving a single gap.

Undeterred, Xiaoqian went up and smashed it with all his strength a few times, but still couldn't cause any damage, so he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

Mo Fan didn't speak, turned his eyes to the ground, stepped hard a few times, and muttered, "It seems to be quite thick."

As soon as Xiao Qiannian thought about it, she immediately smashed wildly at the opposite side. Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the dust from the top of her head kept falling and scattered on the heads of the two, but the ground did not suffer any damage.

"Why are you so excited?" Mo Fan gently brushed off the dust on his head, and said in a bad mood, "It's not that you are in a hurry to reincarnate, why are you in such a hurry? Is it possible that you will starve to death here? Even the two of us If you don’t do it, you won’t die in a while.”

Xiaoqian didn't speak. Even a seasoned predator like her could not be as calm as Mo Fan in this desperate situation. It was a bit too calm.

There is indeed no danger now, but don't forget, the two of them are in a desperate situation, in a dilemma, the shadow of death has been shrouded in Xiaoqian's head, her chest seems to be pressed against a mountain, making her lose the past for a while. The calmness, the brain is a little inflexible.

"Let's go." Mo Fan shook his head.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Qian asked suspiciously.Do they still have extra choices now?

"Go out." Mo Fan said lightly.

"Have you found a way to get out?" Xiao Qian's eyes were full of expectations, but there was some conflict in her heart.

Once the other party really finds a way to leave, it indirectly shows that she is not as good as the other party, and she will owe a small favor.

But if the other party didn't find a way to leave, she couldn't think of a way for a while, and she might not even be able to think of a way until she died.

"It's not as difficult as you imagined." Mo Fan shook his head and quickly walked forward.


The two of them exited the ninth passage and returned to the middle of the two passages.Xiaoqian looked at the nine roads in front of him and guessed: "Is the exit on a certain road?"

"There have always been nine roads, which means that we only have nine roads to life, and the tenth road is naturally a dead end." Mo Fan brushed his messy hair and said calmly, "Besides, these nine roads , no matter which way we go, we will arrive at the same place, which means that these nine roads are actually one road.”

He paused, then continued, "That's obvious. The nine roads we passed are actually one road, and the end of a road is naturally the exit!"

"The end?" Xiao Qian frowned and turned his gaze to the nine roads ahead, "You mean the one ahead is the exit?"

"Pfft." Mo Fan was amused, "Why did your IQ suddenly go offline? Don't tell me your brain stopped functioning."

"It's just a joke." Xiao Qian rolled his eyes.

"The end of the road of life is the end of the ninth passage, that is... under our feet!" Mo Fan grinned and stepped on the ground with his right foot.


With him as the center of the circle, the ground continued to crack open towards the surroundings, and the dense cracks swept across every inch of the surrounding stone walls in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, everything around him shattered like a mirror.The bodies of the two kept falling, and immediately felt a down-to-earth feeling.

It seems that it is a place similar to an illusion. You can only get out if you find the key points. The degree of danger is not very great. As long as you have a little IQ, it is impossible to die in it for a while, but trapped Many are still possible.

The two found themselves in a passage, and there was a dead end behind them, so they had no other choice but to go all the way.

Walking along the passage, this passage is not too long, even though the speed of the two is not fast, they will soon come to the end.

Looking at the bright mouth in front of them, the two looked at each other, without hesitation, suppressed their voices, and immediately walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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