Infinite skill system

Chapter 2 The Fourth Skill

Chapter 2 The Second Skill

"No way……"

What did Lin Yu see?It turned out that what he saw was a spider as tall as a man, and its eight four pairs of compound eyes were staring at him coldly.

Maybe it's because of the skill of dragon blood, Lin Yu felt that the spider looked at him as if he was looking at a plate of food.

Lin Yu didn't dare to move. He hoped that the scary spider would treat him as a fart and let it go.

But it's a pity that the other party doesn't intend to let him go, and walks towards Lin Yu on his own eight legs.

Lin Yu retreated slowly, and then he couldn't. He was leaning against a big tree, and there was no way to retreat.

When Lin Yu moves to the left, the spider also moves to the left, and when he moves to the right, the spider also moves to the right. The spider does not intend to let him go at all!

Lin Yu leaned against the big tree, and the sweat on his body was like rain, soaking his whole body.

Originally, because of the mysterious system, his mentality was a little better, but now that he came to such a place, Lin Yu felt that his mentality was about to explode.

As I said before, Lin Yu's temperament is easy to adapt to the situation, and he can quickly adapt to different situations, but that is only if his mentality does not explode.

Once Lin Yu's mentality explodes, he is easy to do extreme things. He almost thinks that this is the reason for getting into a mess. If his friend hadn't helped him at that time, he would have really gotten into a mess.

But now Lin Yu feels that the string in his head has reached its limit, as if it will break at any time.

It was also because the big spider had played enough. He raised one of his front legs and thrust towards Lin Yu.

Lin Yu looked at the spider's legs that seemed to exude metal light. He believed that if he was stabbed like this, he would definitely feel cold and his heart would fly.

Lin Yu rolled on a donkey and escaped the blow.

Lin Yu got up, looked at the huge spider that pulled out its front legs, gritted his teeth, and said, "md, fight!"

Obviously, Lin Yu also knows that he can't run away by throwing the corpse now. He doesn't think he can run past these eight-legged spiders in this forest. What's more, he is a local, and he is definitely more familiar with this forest than himself.

If he ran to some forbidden place or something, then he would really be dead without a whole body.

Lin Yu looked at the huge spider vigilantly. He didn't know if he could beat it, but he knew that if he didn't, he would die.

If you don't fight, you will die. If you fight, there is still a chance of life. Is such a simple multiple-choice question worth thinking?

Of course, if you say you want them all, then just pretend I didn't say that.

The huge spider looks very leisurely, and walks towards Lin Yu staggeringly. It seems that it thinks that it should have a chance to win.

It's so leisurely, but Lin Yu is completely opposite to it, and the sweat continues to flow down.

Maybe he felt a little impatient, the huge spider rushed towards Lin Yu again, Lin Yu ran forward quickly and avoided the attack, but then he was entangled by the spider's silk.

It turned out that when the spider landed, the spider's tail spewed out spider silk, which entangled Lin Yu's whole body, and Lin Yu couldn't move because of this.

"Depend on!"

Lin Yu cursed loudly. He thought he had escaped the spider's attack, but he didn't expect it to be waiting for him here. He was really naive.

Lin Yu could feel the spider pulling him back, Lin Yu kept struggling, and the progress bar on the dragon blood on the skill bar began to increase, heading towards 15.00%.

As the progress bar increases, Lin Yu's strength becomes stronger and stronger, and he almost pulls down the huge spider.

Lin Yu was overjoyed, and hurriedly continued to use force, but it was useless. It was just a moment of carelessness, but now the spider is using all its strength, so Lin Yu has nothing to do.

Lin Yu has been pulled in front of the spider, and he can see the hairs on the spider's body, which makes Lin Yu feel sick for a while.

The spider opened its mouth wide, and Lin Yu could even ask about the disgusting smell inside. At this time, Lin Yu's mentality finally exploded.

you want me deadThen I won't make it easy for you!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu continued to struggle. Perhaps life and death can stimulate people's potential the most. Lin Yu really almost broke free from the shackles, but wrapped in another layer of spider silk, Lin Yu's struggle became Meaningless.

No, I can't die, I absolutely can't die!
The idea of ​​living was burning in his chest, and Lin Yu felt that his whole body was getting hot and hot.

"I absolutely can't die!"

Lin Yu roared loudly, the progress bar of the dragon blood in the skill column has exceeded 15.00% and reached 20.00%.

In reality, Lin Yu's whole body began to burn, but this flame did not burn his clothes, but burned the spider silk that wrapped him.

A faint dragon's power began to appear from Lin Yu's body. The one-man-tall spider was frightened by this dragon's power. It was stiff and unable to move. It could only watch Lin Yu walk out of the spider silk.

At this time, Lin Yu's appearance has changed greatly, with protruding canine teeth, and faint scales can be seen on the exposed skin on his body. The scales on Lin Yu's right hand are more obvious, and the flames are burning on his body, but the flames have not ignited his clothes .

Stared at by Lin Yu's eyes that have turned into vertical pupils, the spider feels that the extremely weak creature in front of him has become stronger than it, and it is likely that it will die.

"Give me...Go to hell!" Lin Yu roared and punched the spider's head with his right fist.

Maybe it's because Lin Yu's dragon power is too weak, the spider actually fights back under the threat of death.

One of the spider's legs stabbed towards Lin Yu's chest, but Lin Yu really ignored it and hit the spider's head with a punch, and the flames all over Lin Yu's body also hit the spider's head.

And the spider's front leg also stabbed Lin Yu's chest, leaving Lin Yu with a small wound before he died.

The spider was dead and roasted, and even Lin Yu felt a little hungry.

Lin Yu stepped forward, broke off the spider's two front legs as a weapon, and then took some roasted spider meat and left quickly.

After all, there is a battle here. Lin Yu can't guarantee that no other animals will be attracted, so it's better to leave early for safety.

Not long after Lin Yu left, a one-story-high spider came here, uttered a sad cry at the dead spider's body, and then swallowed the body of its own child.

So he didn't know all of this, and he didn't care about it, because he had other more important things now, and he had upgraded.

After the upgrade, Lin Yu can feel that he has become stronger and has more mana. Of course, the most important thing is that he can point skills.

The first skill point gave him the dragon blood, which is what he can rely on to survive until now, so what skill will it be this time?

 New works, everyone, please collect and recommend a lot


(End of this chapter)

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