Chapter 5 Go out for a walk

After Lin Yu cleaned up the zombies on this floor, he went to the stairs and looked down. He found that there were many zombies on the lower floor, but not many on the upper floor. He blocked the stairs casually to avoid being caught by zombies when he slept at night attacked.

After he blocked all the stairs on this floor, this floor became a safe house, because there are still food, clothes and some daily necessities. In the last days, it can be said to be a luxury version of the safe house.

After building this luxurious version of the safe house, Lin Yu was ready to take a bath.

He lived in the forest for 30 days. Because he was not strong enough, he never dared to take a bath. Even when he saw the lake, he did not dare to go down.

So he smells great.

But because this is a supermarket, there is no bathroom as it should be, so Lin Yu can only find a place to take care of his personal hygiene.

Fortunately, there is no one else on this floor except Lin Yu, and according to Lin Yu's observation, there is only Lin Yu living in this building.

Of course, because he didn't take a closer look, Lin Yu wasn't sure whether he was alone, but he estimated that there shouldn't be many people around, otherwise the food here would have been wiped out long ago.

After cleaning the personal hygiene, Lin Yu planned to change clothes. This floor is mainly for some food, so there are not many clothes, but there are some clothes in the warehouse. Lin Yu just chose a few and put them on.

He is an orphan and usually doesn't have much money, so he doesn't know what clothes are good and what clothes are bad. He chose a few clothes that he had seen on his roommate and put them on.

After issues such as safety and personal hygiene were resolved, Lin Yu felt that he could go out and have a look. After all, he had a mission, right?

Lin Yu went out relying on his physical ability beyond ordinary people, wandered around, killed some slow-moving zombies, and then came back. The reason for his coming back was simple, he was hungry.

In the 30 days in the forest, he didn't have enough to eat at all. In the forest, his strength is not enough to see, so he usually hides by relying on swords, spies and shadows, and then secretly kills some animals. That's how I barely survived.

Although the powerful digestive system brought by the dragon bloodline did not make him hungry, there was nothing to enjoy. When Lin Yu thought of the delicious snacks in the supermarket on the way, he immediately decided that he could not bear it anymore and decided to go back. Eat a lot.

Not long after Lin Yu left, a group of survivors appeared. Their clothes were ragged, their faces were yellow, and they knew that they were not good.

"Auntie, I seem to have seen someone just now." The person who spoke was a twelfth or thirteen-year-old loli, she looked very cute, with big eyes, as if she could talk, she was also one of the group of people The only person in the group who looked slightly better.

The little aunt in Loli's mouth looked in the direction Loli was pointing at, but she didn't see anything, then turned her head and said, "Who is there, you must have misread it."

"But, I really saw someone..."

Of course, Lin Yu didn't know that he had just almost encountered a group of survivors, and even if he knew, he would say that the world is huge and the food is the biggest.

In the next few days, Yu Shi went out to kill zombies during the day, and came back to the supermarket to eat when he was hungry. These days were much better than those in the forest, but Lin Yu's purpose changed this day.

"When I went out recently, I seemed to find some survivors' footprints. Let's go to the place yesterday to have a look."

A few days ago, Lin Yu found a small grocery store, but when he went there yesterday, he found that some things and water were missing. Zombies would not need these things, so the survivors could only take them away.

Lin Yu thought of his mission, and felt that he should go up and have a look. Firstly, it was because of the mission, and secondly, it was because a person in this end-apocalyptic world always felt a little lonely. It used to be fine in the forest, but now I have the opportunity to contact Lin Yu still doesn't want to miss the crowd.

After all, humans are social animals.

Lin Yu used the stealth skills of Sword, Spy, and Shadow, and then hid aside and quietly waited for the survivors to arrive.


Lin Yu heard someone speaking, but it was not in Chinese. After listening carefully, Lin Yu realized that it was in English. Now he felt difficult.

Because of the Huaxia College Entrance Examination, Lin Yu has been stuck in the stage of being able to understand and speak English. How can he communicate with them?
Lin Yu thought of the system, and he remembered that there seemed to be products that could solve problems in the system mall.

"I remember it was here... I found it!"

Lin Yu opened the mall and found his target after searching for a while.

Language proficiency (common): can translate languages ​​without special power; purchase requirement: ten gold coins.

Lin Yu bought it directly, and then he found that he could understand what those people said.

"Hey, is what you said true? There is really a grocery store in front?" The voice sounded like a woman, but it sounded like her body was very weak.

"Of course what I said is true. Isn't there no zombies on the road we just walked?" The voice was male, and the voice was relatively thick, but it was difficult to conceal the weakness in the voice.

Finally, the two came to the door of the grocery store where Lin Yu was hiding. One was a black man and the other was a white woman.

"God, we've got something to eat."

The white woman looked so happy that she could even see the tears in her eyes.

The black man smiled triumphantly, and said to the white woman, "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The white woman suddenly thought of something and said to the black man: "We have to tell other people that they are still hungry."

But the black man grabbed the excited white woman and said, "No, we can't tell other people."

"Why? We can't get enough to eat every day. Now that we have these, you still want them to be hungry?"

Faced with accusations from white women, black men don't back down, look white women in the eye and say, "You know why."

"Bitch Du Ze!"

The white woman thought of something and cursed directly. After the curse, the two ate food in a hurry, and then walked back with some snacks.

Lin Yu followed the two of them curiously. Lin Yu had already seen something. According to his previous routine of watching movies, the two should live in the same base, but this base should be owned by a man named Du Ze's people took control, looking at the performance of the two, Du Ze should be a scumbag.

 New works, everyone, please collect and recommend a lot


(End of this chapter)

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