Infinite skill system

Chapter 60 Lin Yu's Lifespan and Other Issues

Chapter 60 Lin Yu's Lifespan and Other Issues
Sure enough, Orochimaru finally invited Lin Yu to the Sound Ninja Village.

After all, Lin Yu's blood really surprised Orochimaru.

"So, are you looking for something with me?"

Lin Yu looked at Dashewan sitting in the room and asked knowingly.

"I think you should know."

"But I don't know, and I think I need you to tell me exactly."

Don't Lin Yu know?Of course he knew, he was just pretending to be stupid.

Dashewan looked at Lin Yu and was silent for a while.


Maybe he compromised, or Orochimaru didn't want to just wait, so he took out the glass bottle that Lin Yu gave to Orochimaru.

"I want this."

"This glass bottle? Just find a small shop on the street, and you can..."

"Don't tease me!"

Orochimaru suddenly hammered the table.

"You know what I'm talking about, what I want is the blood inside!"

"Then why do you want those things?"

"Because I discovered something incredible..."

Orochimaru's expression looked extremely excited, and his face became distorted.

"I want to know what kind of creature's blood this is, and I want more!"

"Hold on, Orochimaru, you're kind of scaring me now."

Looking at Orochimaru who was in a frenzy, Lin Yu moved slightly behind him. He felt like he was getting goosebumps, even though these were all taken by him.

"You have no idea how much that mysterious creature fascinates me..."

Orochimaru said, his eyes became blurred.

"It has an extremely long lifespan and incomparable strength, and it also has variability! It is like a virus, with extremely strong variability. All these dynamics fascinate me."

"Yes, it does sound fascinating."

"No, you don't understand anything at all."

Lin Yu didn't pay attention to what Dashewan said, because he really didn't understand, but he knew one thing, that is, he could no longer be called a human being.

"You has a long lifespan, how long is that?"

Lin Yu felt that what he said to himself was a bit strange, but he couldn't help it. He didn't want Dashewan to study him.

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Yes, the sample is too small. If you give me more samples..."

"Come on, I won't give you more samples before we confirm the cooperative relationship between you and me."

Hearing this, Dashewan didn't speak, but stuck out his tongue silently, and looked at Lin Yu with his snake-like eyes.

"Probably up?"

" least a thousand years of lifespan."

"is it?"

Lin Yu's voice improved a little.

"You sound happy?"

"A little bit."


"Well," Lin Yu drank tea, and then continued, "after all, if there are such life-span creatures, then maybe our lifespan can also be increased."

"Interesting thought."

"What about other than that?"

"The blood you gave me is extremely infectious."


Lin Yu was startled, and suddenly thought of the virus in No. [-] biochemical world, could it be...

"Yes," Orochimaru nodded, "I once tried to inject some blood samples into some small mice, and then they underwent drastic changes."

"What changes?"

"They died in a very short time and then came back to life!"


"Moreover, there are different changes on their bodies, but they all have one thing in common, that is, their eyes have become vertical pupils, scales have grown on their bodies, and some of them have even grown wings!"

Lin Yu took a sip of tea to cover up his surprise.

Is my blood so strong?
"You...couldn't have done something to it?"

Unexpectedly, Orochimaru shook his head.

"I did do something to the sample, but I'm sure it's definitely a characteristic of the sample itself!"

"What happened to those little mice?"


"Dead? Didn't they die again? Could it be that they died again."

"Yes, they died once and then resurrected. Although I have some doubts about it, it does appear to be resurrected on the surface. But their behavior after resurrection is a bit strange, as if they are longing for something."

That's because you haven't seen Resident Evil, otherwise, you would never think it was a resurrection.

Lin Yu complained silently in his heart.

Dashewan didn't know what Lin Yu was complaining about, so he continued on his own: "After confirming that there is nothing around me that I desire, they began to become extremely manic, and I was surprised by the destructive power they displayed!"

Seeing Dashewan's expression became more and more distorted, Lin Yu suddenly felt that he should leave here, but he couldn't help but want to continue listening. This is a good opportunity to understand himself.

Lin Yu finally stayed and continued to listen to Dashewan's explanation.

"Originally, they were just little mice for my experiment, and they would not pose any threat to me at all, but after injecting those blood, they can actually pose a threat to me!"

Now, Lin Yu was surprised. He didn't expect his blood to have such a strong effect.

"When they destroy everywhere, the body will change, as if for better destruction, so they will change the body, let the body destroy better, it is incredible."

"It's pretty incredible."

"So, I agree to your request, Yinren Village welcomes you to join."

"No, no, I'm not going to join Yinnin Village, I just need to make a deal with you."

Orochimaru smiled and didn't say much.

In the following days, Lin Yu lived in Yinren village, and together with Dashewan, he learned the sealing technique on the book of sealing.

In fact, as long as Lin Yu takes out the sealing technique, Dashewan will naturally agree to Lin Yu's request, but Lin Yu just doesn't think it's safe enough, and he's also curious about what's wrong with his body.

Now, not only have I received the teachings of Dashewan, but I can also know the condition of my body, killing two birds with one stone.

However, despite Orochimaru's teachings, Lin Yu's progress in learning ninjutsu is still slow.

Because Lin Yu didn't know about Chakra, Orochimaru taught it from the beginning. By the way, this aroused the jealousy of all the ninjas in Yinnin Village, but Lin Yu didn't care.

Lin Yu probably has bad ninjutsu talent, so he only learned three-body art, multiple shadow clone art and one spirit art. As for the others, he didn't learn much.

However, he learned sealing skills better than ninjutsu, although not as good as taijutsu.

 ps: No one seems to be watching Naruto World, so I will speed up the plot, and it should return in about four chapters, so just bear with it.

(End of this chapter)

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