Infinite skill system

Chapter 99 Don't Need Such Trouble

Chapter 99 Don't Need Such Trouble
"Notify everyone to go to nbe No. [-] cold storage now!"

Mustache ordered the staff as soon as he got outside, and all the staff panicked when they heard Mustache's order, and then they all ran in the direction of the cold storage.

Mustache explained while running: "They are destroying the generator!"

Soon Mustache took Qian Youliang and others to the place where the weapons were placed in the seventh district.

"Everyone, try to bring as much as you can, as much as you can!" the colonel said loudly, and at the same time he took all the weapons and ammunition he could bring with him.


Just as they were preparing their weapons, there was another explosion, and the light tubes above their heads flickered, and everyone was stunned.

"Take me to my car, take me to him, he knows how to solve the Rubik's Cube!"

Sam suddenly thought of Bumblebee, so he asked Simon.

"Aliens are invading at this time, we can't trust aliens! And now your car has been confiscated."

Simon's attitude is very firm, so he has no intention of agreeing to Sam's proposal at all.

Lin Yu directly took out the huge sickle and pressed it against Simon's neck.

"I have no patience now, do it quickly!"

Seeing that their boss was threatened, those staff members in the seventh district immediately pointed their guns at Lin Yu, and the colonel fought back.

John, who watched for a long time, said, "Simon, do as he said."

When Simon heard that it was John, the Minister of Defense, he had no choice but to agree.

Although everyone is curious about how Lin Yu's sickle came and disappeared, they also know that now is not the time to ask this question.

Simon led everyone to the room where the bumblebee was kept. The staff of the Seventh District used various instruments on his bumblebee to test his data. Some people stimulated the bumblebee with a weak electric shock device to make the bumblebee whole body trembling.

"Stop the test!" Mustache said to the staff who were testing the bumblebee data after he came in, and those people immediately stopped their work.

"Stop it!"

Sam pushed away those staff members who were using electric shock devices.

Bumblebee stood up and looked at Sam curiously, wondering what he wanted to do.

"Bumblebee, listen to me, the energy spark is here, the Decepticons are coming, you don't have to worry about them. They're good people."

Sam thought the bumblebee had just been attacked, so he quickly explained.

Bumblebee touched his head suspiciously.

Simon saw Sam so nervous and couldn't help but sneered: "Idiot, he wasn't attacked by them just now, he was just monitoring the data, those electric shocks have no effect on him."

Sam breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then led the bumblebee to the front of the fire source.

Soon, everyone came under the fire source, and this time, they really felt the hugeness of the fire source.

Lin Yu looked at the source of fire seeds. He didn't know what good this thing was for him, but he felt that collecting more of this kind of thing would do no harm. Maybe it would be useful in the future?
But to be honest, it didn't feel how powerful the energy in the fire source was at all, and it felt like it was just a building.

The bumblebee slowly walked to the bottom of the fire seed source, and did not know what it did on it. Suddenly, a wave of energy flowed quickly on the Rubik's Cube, and only at this time did Lin Yu feel how powerful it was.

Not weaker than Gandalf, it can even be said to be stronger than Gandalf.

This has refreshed Lin Yu's cognition.

Then a shocking scene appeared. Everyone looked at this scene in stunned silence. The huge Rubik's Cube that was originally several hundred meters high was slowly divided into smaller Rubik's Cubes one by one.

"Oh, my god."

"Interstellar Fleet sent a message, take action immediately!", when the Rubik's Cube shrunk hundreds of times into a small square, Bumblebee handed it to Sam, and the sound of the radio sounded.

"He's right. Stay here and Megatron will catch us all. Space City is 22 miles away. We must have a way to get the Rubik's Cube there and hide it."

Hearing the broadcast broadcast by the Hornet, the colonel knew what the Hornet wanted to do.

After hearing what the colonel said, John agreed: "Okay. This is a good way."

Then the colonel asked another question: "But it can't be done without air support."

"This place must have a wireless communication device, such as the civilian band."

John turned his head and looked at Simon. After all, he is the supervisor of this place.


Simon nodded.

"We must contact the Air Force before the aliens, and now we are going."

After the colonel finished speaking, he turned and ordered his men.

"Actually, you don't have to bother."

At this moment, Lin Yu's voice came into their ears.

"Lin, is there anything you can do?"

Lin Yu directly exerted force with both feet, and in an instant came to the hornet, and snatched the source of fire from the hornet's hands.

"What are you doing?!"

"Sam asked in doubt when Qian Linyu snatched the fire source from Bumblebee's hand, and the colonel and others who were about to leave immediately pointed their guns at Lin Yu.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have a better solution."

"Put down the energy fire in your hand!"

Some soldiers pointed their guns at Lin Yu, and Bumblebee's right hand turned into a huge hand cannon and pointed at Lin Yu.

"The source of the fire seed, I will temporarily accept it."

When Lin Yu said this, he put the fire seed source into the inventory, but this action made everyone confused.

Why did the fire seed source that was fine a second ago suddenly disappear?
Bumblebee looked at Lin Yu, and he said on the radio that he needed an explanation.

"Sooner or later, I will leave the earth, so I will also take the fire source away from the earth, so the plot of the Decepticons will not succeed."

"No! This is state property!"

Simon directly expressed that he disagreed, but Lin Yu didn't care about his opinion. After all, for Lin Yu, Simon was really inconspicuous.

Bumblebee thought about it, but still felt that this was not safe, and it should be left to Optimus Prime to make the decision.

What Bumblebee can be sure of is that Lin Yu has no malice towards the Autobots, so he has no objection at all. As for Simon's objection, he just took it for granted.

The source of fire has never been something from the earth, so the national property that Simon talked about is also impossible to talk about.

"Do you know what you're doing? You're treason!"

Simon also wanted to scare Lin Yu and ask Lin Yu to hand over the fire source, but it was obvious that Lin Yu didn't like him at all.

"I'm not from your country."

But no matter what, they still have to leave here, after all, this place is too dangerous.

And because Lin Yu has a fire source, the bumblebee also brought Lin Yu with him.

(End of this chapter)

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