One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 116 Selection [Part 1]

Chapter 116 Selection [First Update]

"Wang Shaoxia is here? Please come in quickly, the head and Duan Daxia have been waiting in the hall for a long time."

Outside the main hall of the Yunjian Sect, Wang Yan and Gu Xiaoyue had just stepped onto the stairs outside the hall. An unknown white-haired old man came down the stairs and greeted them very attentively.Wang Yan looked at this old man with a smile on his face and thought that he was probably an inner elder of the Yunjian Sect. After making a big fuss, Duan Henan could sit down in the main hall of the Yunjian Sect and let these inner elders Putting aside his face and being so attentive, Wang Yan couldn't help but admire Duan Henan's methods.

"Sister Yue, Senior Brother Duan's tactics are really powerful, he managed to deal with these people from the Yunjian Sect into obedience."

Seeing the white-haired old man turn around and lead the way away, Wang Yan took the opportunity to talk to Gu Xiaoyue. This way, Gu Xiaoyue didn't seem to mind what happened just now, but Wang Yan still felt embarrassed. I should take the opportunity to break this silence.

Gu Xiaoyue smiled slightly, and said: "Brother's methods are of course powerful, but what is even more powerful is the sword in his hand and the Aojian Villa behind us. If there is no support for these, if you let your methods reach the sky, you will only be mediocre in the end."

Wang Yanshen nodded approvingly. In this arena, before the strength reaches a certain level, the background, contacts, methods, and abilities are all parts that cannot be ignored. Just like Wang Yan himself, he originally made a big fuss in Tianmaji, thinking that he By borrowing the Yunjian Sect, he could continue to fight with Yang Yuan, but he didn't want to fall into a killing situation and almost die. This was caused by his insufficient background.

But now Duan Henan and a group of inner disciples came forward to help him settle the matter. When the situation spreads, let alone far away, from now on in the north, no sect would dare to take advantage of Wang Yan's low status. Making a fuss about the Internet, although the benefits are invisible, the benefits to Wang Yan are undoubtedly huge.

While talking, the two followed the white-haired old man into the hall of the main hall. Wang Yan saw a middle-aged man with a tall eagle nose, scars in his eyes, and a rather fierce appearance sitting in front of the main hall. Even though it was just the first meeting, Wang Yan knew that this person was Duan Henan without anyone's introduction. Wang Yan immediately took two steps forward, bowed and said, "Disciple Wang Yan has met Senior Brother Duan."

Duan Henan didn't respond immediately. After Wang Yan stood up straight, Duan Henan's eyes that seemed to be forever cold and stern looked at Wang Yan up and down. After a few breaths, Duan Henan just retracted his gaze. , but there was a sword cry in his ear, followed by Wang Yan's vision blurred, he didn't see how Duan Henan made a move, a sword light just brushed the face, and then a strand of hair Slowly falling.

"As a handyman disciple, I don't despise myself because of my low position, I am not afraid of danger, I am brave and resourceful in the face of strong enemies, although I am still immature in some aspects, I can still be regarded as a good seedling, but You need to keep in mind that in this arena, strength is the foundation after all, and if my sword is not fast, it is impossible to sit here, so Wang Yan, you have to practice hard in the future, and don't think that you can beat a few nine-tier Yuntus now A martial artist will be born with arrogance and indulgence."

Duan Henan slowly withdrew his sword, and said these words in an unhurried manner. Wang Yan looked at the hair falling from the front door, and was extremely shocked by Duan Henan's sword just now. It was the first time that Duan Henan's sword was too fast when he faced someone else's attack, and it was too fast. From this, we can see the strength of the Qianlong leader, and Wang Yan knew that he was indeed far behind.

When Wang Yan came back to his senses and looked at Duan Henan who was seated again, he felt that Senior Brother Duan was really different from ordinary people. The words just now and the sword were said to be a blow to the horse, but the first half of the sentence was clearly a compliment, saying yes Appreciation clearly comes with a warning, and being so merciless in front of outsiders, Senior Brother Duan's methods are really strange.

However, Wang Yan could still feel Duan Henan's advice. He was afraid that he was still young and lacked knowledge, so as not to be arrogant and indulge the heroes of the world, and to slack off his cultivation. Wang Yan certainly didn't have such thoughts, but he Still bowing to Duan Henan again, he said: "Thank you, brother Duan, for your guidance. Wang Yan has been taught, and I will definitely keep my brother's teachings in mind in the future."

Duan Henan nodded, as if quite satisfied with Wang Yan's attitude, then he turned his head, looked at Wei Hengshan who was sitting next to him at the table, and said, "Master Wei, Wang Yan has arrived now, take out the things Bar."

Hearing these words, Wei Hengshan immediately showed heartache, but he didn't dare to say more, he just replied: "Okay."

As he spoke, Wei Hengshan clapped his hands, and saw several maids filing out from the apse. The first maid was holding a sword case several feet long, and the latter were carrying trays covered with red cloth , I can't see what's inside for a while.

These maids walked between Duan Henan and Wei Hengshan, and put the things in their hands on the table one by one. Wei Hengshan immediately lifted the red cloth on a tray, and a secret book appeared in it, which was the secret biography of the Yunjian School "Yuanyuan Entering the Heart Jue" is the method of Yunwo method.

"Wang Shaoxia helped my Yunjian faction return to Yunlou in Tianmaji before, and wiped out the forces of the Blackwater Bandit in Tianmaji. It really helped my Yunjian faction a lot. It's only because Hengshan was negligent and failed to restrain him. My youngest son, there was a misunderstanding, so I gave you my Yunjian Sect’s secret method as an apology, I hope Young Master Wang will not be surprised.”

Wei Hengshan picked up the secret book and handed it to Wang Yan, what he said was extremely nice, but Wang Yan sneered in his heart, this "Yuan Yuan Ruo Xin Jue" was originally the reward discussed with Gan Xiumei before, but now Wei Hengshan regards it as a As for the thing of compensation, the abacus of this head Wei is pretty good.

Wang Yan just sneered in his heart, but Duan Henan sneered when he heard Wei Hengshan's words, and said: "Sect Leader Wei, you don't need to bother, this "Yuanyuan Entering the Heart" is nothing more than your Yunjian faction and Wang Yan For the negotiated reward, I, Duan Henan, am not shameless enough to use this thing to send off Junior Brother Wang, hum!"

After saying this, Duan Henan flicked his sleeves, and all the red cloth on the table was lifted, and there were a stack of thick gold tickets, a black box the size of a palm, and a blue and white porcelain thin box in the remaining four trays. Neck vial and a small jade sword.Including the sword case, there are five things left on the table.

Duan Henan picked up the stack of gold tickets, and said: "I know you have received a lot of gold from Yunjianpai as a reward, and these yellow and white things don't mean much to warriors like us, and you are among the remaining four things." Choose one as Yunjian Party’s apology for what happened yesterday.”

After Duan Henan said this, he handed the golden ticket to the jade-faced man on the side and said: "Take it and divide it among the junior brothers. It's not easy to go out. We can't let everyone have empty sleeves. That’s it.”

The jade-faced man immediately looked happy, and after receiving the golden ticket, he immediately said: "Thank you, Senior Brother Duan."

Before the words finished, several other inner disciples of Aojian Villa in the hall bowed to Duan Henan and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Duan."

Seeing Duan Henan hand over no less than ten thousand taels of gold to these soy sauce disciples so casually, Wang Yan couldn't help but feel heartbroken by Duan Henan's magnanimity, and felt even more at ease in his heart. Then he looked at the remaining four things on the table attentively. Duan Henan saw this Turning to look at Wei Hengshan, he said: "Headmaster Wei, please tell Wang Yan the origins of these things on the table."

Wei Hengshan didn't dare to object, he immediately stood up and took the fine iron sword case first, and after opening it, a simple long sword with a cold light appeared in it.

"The name of this sword is 'Zhao Xue'. It is ranked No. 40 on the Shen Wen Ceng Famous Sword Book. It is the sword of Li Ruoshui, the great swordsman of the Tiannan Sect 70 years ago."

Wei Hengshan talked endlessly about the origin of this sword. Although Wang Yan is a good swordsman, he lost interest after seeing the shape of Zhaoxue's famous sword. Therefore, the sword is obviously specially made for women. The body is even more slender than Luosha, and the hilt of the sword is even more ingenious, which is really awkward for a man to use.

Before Wei Hengshan finished introducing the sword, Wang Yan's eyes had already moved to the small jade sword that was as long as one finger. The workmanship of this small sword was extremely exquisite, and there was a faint fluctuation of sword intent in it, which was different from when Wang Yan followed Wang Mo. The brand that Cheng got on his body was somewhat similar. Feeling this, Wang Yan couldn't help but take it in his hand and take a closer look.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing should be the Five Thunder Sword Token?"

Duan Henan was obviously also interested in this object. He couldn't help but tell the name of the object. Wei Hengshan nodded immediately and said: "Brother Duan has good eyesight. This object is the Five Thunder Sword Order issued by the Master of Sword Refining Peak, Lord Wu Lei Sword." , those who hold this order can ask the Five Thunder Sword Lord to personally tailor a sword for themselves when the sword tasting conference held every ten years in Sword Lianfeng is held.

Judging from the past examples, the sword made by Wu Lei Sword Lord himself is a sharp weapon at worst, and even ten years ago he created the magic weapon 'Tianruo', and it was tailor-made for the bearer, so this sword order To a swordsman, it is nothing short of a supreme treasure. "

"The Supreme Treasure?"

Duan Henan sneered, then stretched out his hand to caress the blade of the long sword in his hand, and said lightly: "Although the sword made by Wu Lei Sword Lord is good, how can it compare with the 'Blood Yin' that is connected with my heart and blood?"

Wang Yan slowly put down the small jade sword in his hand. People who don't know how to be a swordsman may not understand Duan Henan's words, but Wang Yan still clearly remembers the situation when he spent nearly two months in seclusion to sacrifice the sword. For a real swordsman In other words, the sword that accompanies him day and night is poured with endless effort and emotion, and Wang Yan not only has the Luosha that he has practiced initially, but also the Hades sword, so why pursue a tailor-made sword?
In this way, there are only two things to choose from. Seeing Wang Yan's eyes fall on the blue and white porcelain thin-necked bottle, Wei Hengshan immediately said: "The thing contained in this bottle is the 'Gathering God Pill'. Pill has only one effect, that is, to ward off inner demons to a certain extent when condensing true energy."

Wang Yan, the famous name of Gathering God Pill, has also heard of it. It is a high-quality panacea refined by Wanwu Mountain. It has a certain effect on condensing the true essence. It was too far away, so he didn't think much, and looked directly at the last thing.

(End of this chapter)

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