Chapter 12

bark, bark.

There were two sounds of sharp blades piercing the flesh, but it was Wang Yan and Zhang Xiaobao who stabbed the sword into the front and back of the man with the knife from the front and back respectively, until the man fell limp to the ground , his pupils dilated, and after he stopped moving at all, Zhang Xiaobao sat down on the ground and gasped heavily.

"Ge Laozi Ge Laozi is dead, if you dare to fight with Master Bao, you will be killed."

Zhang Xiaobao began to whisper again, he just said that he still didn't get rid of his anger, he raised his foot and kicked the corpse's two feet again, it was like venting the depression of the past two days.Wang Yan ignored Zhang Xiaobao, because he saw a faint silver light appearing from the open skirt of the corpse, he naturally walked over immediately, and when he opened the skirt, he saw a secret book with silver light flowing.

"Bagua Step".

This secret book is a book of lightness kung fu, but the grade is really too low, but it can be said to be one of the most trashy kung fu at the mere yellow level, but Wang Yan is quite happy, after all, he still doesn't know light kung fu. Cheats can be used to make up for shortcomings.But Zhang Xiaobao pursed his lips and said: "It's really bad, I didn't even explode the weapon, but I can find a martial arts gym in this city with a little bit of rubbish. You can learn it for two taels of silver. It's a pit."


Listening to Zhang Xiaobao's words, Wang Yan couldn't help looking at the corpse in front of him, but a strange thing happened, the long knife that was clearly held by this guy in his right hand before disappeared without a trace, Wang Yan couldn't help sticking out his right hand on the corpse He fumbled for a while to see where the long knife went, but Zhang Xiaobao laughed when he saw this, and said, "Brother Yan, what are you touching?" Girl, you are not gay, are you?"

Wang Yan couldn't understand what Zhang Xiaobao said, but his heart tightened, and then he thought of something, he retracted his hand and scratched his head, and said, "Let me see if anything else exploded?"

"It exploded? You really think too much. Every time a player dies, only one item will explode. You don't even know this. I said that this is the first time you kill a player, right?"

Hearing what Zhang Xiaobao said, Wang Yan nodded quickly, and Zhang Xiaobao didn't think it was strange seeing this, he laughed and said, "Well, I'm so lucky today, I ran into you who opened for the first time when it was extremely critical. , and then we have a double kill, not bad.

Brother Yan, you don’t know, I’ve been killing like crazy for the past few days, Lord Bao, I accidentally died once yesterday, luckily I didn’t lose anything valuable, it’s a pity that I worked so hard to reach the sixth level of sword element The Heart Sutra fell back to the fifth level, you said it would be great if you came earlier, we two brothers with two swords combined, wouldn't the world be turned upside down?

But then again, where have you been these days?I've been looking for you several times, didn't we make an appointment before, I contacted the benefactor of the inner sect and we made a lot of money. "

"Something happened, I'm not here for a few days."

Wang Yan dealt with it casually, but his heart was already full of waves. Zhang Xiaobao's words and the white man she had seen come back from the dead before made him sure that the players were indeed a group of completely different existences: the players seemed not to be able to truly Death, every time you die, only one item will be dropped, and a certain amount of martial arts will be lost.

If this were the case, the 'player' would be too terrifying, and Wang Yan knew that if he died, he would really die, and there would be no chance of living again.

Wang Yan's heart was beating wildly, but in order not to let Zhang Xiaobao notice the abnormality, he pretended to be calm, pointed at the corpse in front of him, and said, "Senior Brother Zhang, you're not here these days, what kind of chaos is going on inside the door?" Where did this group of players come from?"

"These guys are all run-and-gun gangs, commonly known as scattered people, who have no background or faction. At most, they join some low-level local gangs and mix some low-level secrets. I don't know who these people are bewitched by, thinking that our Aojian Villa It has become a good place to make a fortune and gain experience, and I come here several times a day.

Cut, it depends on them, if it is really a one-on-one match, none of these guys can go ten rounds under my hands.How can we say that our Aojian Mountain Villa is also a first-class school in Nanyue State, Master Bao, I paid in advance for a whole year's cigarette money in advance to get started. "

Zhang Xiaobao was still rambling habitually, Wang Yan kept in mind what he didn't understand, and after grasping the key information, he thought for a while and said, "Aren't there any masters to commit crimes?"

"Of course there are masters, and they are top masters! 'Broken Knife' Lang Yanfeng, 'Nine Festival Whip' Ruan Hongniang, 'Chasing Wind Sword' Qi Ming, 'Rolling Earth Dragon' Zhou Zuolong, these are all outstanding players in our Nanyue Prefecture. The famous top masters, Lang Yanfeng and Ruan Hongniang are also on the Qianlong list. In addition, I heard that there are several top masters from other states. I don’t know the names, but I heard that they are all very powerful. The little shrimp that didn't even arrive is immediately caught by the second.

The day before yesterday, the top masters headed by Lang Yanfeng led these gangsters in the rivers and lakes, as well as Tingyulou in Songyun City, Changhe Gang, Tiezhangmen, and a dozen or so small gang members from Daqihui to attack the mountain. It was easy to kill. At that time, there were people fighting almost everywhere on the sub-peak of the outer gate.

Let’s just say, they were all knocked up, and I don’t know what the game designer was thinking. Neither the owner nor the elders of the inner sect showed up. Several deacons were killed or injured, and Duan Henan, the 'Dripping Blood Sword', came with more than ten true disciples.

In the end, relying on Duan Henan and Chen Tong's elders both showing their power, one killed Qiming of the 'Wind Chasing Sword', and the other killed the crazy monk at the Jialan Temple in Beisheng Prefecture, which scared away Lang Yanfeng and others. With the concerted efforts of the disciples, those miscellaneous fish were killed out of the mountain gate.

However, after that battle, it seems that the two sides had a certain tacit understanding. The true disciples and the elders of the outer sect no longer intervened, and the top experts on the opposite side did not show up. Only these miscellaneous fishes rushed into our mountain gate to kill, destroy, and make trouble .

In this way, we players from the outer sect will naturally become popular, and those guys from the inner sect will spend a lot of money in order to compete for the killing sword order. As for the gold master I am following now, every day If you fight with her a few times, your own capture will not be counted, and she will give each of them ten taels of silver alone.In addition, she also promised that as long as she helped her get the sword-killing order, she would give each person an additional 50 taels of silver as a thank you. "

Zhang Xiaobao talked about the situation in the door in detail, and Wang Yan was extremely surprised. He never expected that the situation in the door would collapse to such an extent during his absence. It was so strange, he couldn't help but think of what Fourth Miss said before leaving, now that I think about it, I'm afraid it has a lot of meaning, the chaos in the door seems to be getting more and more intense, and it will last for quite a long time.

Thinking of this, the sense of urgency in Wang Yan's heart became stronger and stronger. He knew that with his current martial arts, it would be extremely difficult to survive in such a chaotic situation. , He couldn't help clenching his fists in fear.

"Senior brother Zhang, do you know a man wearing a black unicorn robe and a golden crown? He looks like he is about 30 years old, and his lightness kung fu is very powerful."

Hearing Wang Yan's question, Zhang Xiaobao was taken aback for a moment, then touched his nose, and said: "I heard that there is such a person, who seems to be from another state, a master of Dazizaimen, who rarely shows up, anyway, I haven't seen him." Well, why did you ask him?"

Zhang Xiaobao looked at Wang Yan with some doubts, but before Wang Yan could answer, Zhang Xiaobao slapped his thigh and laughed loudly: "I understand, dare you meet this powerful guy and be immediately killed? Go offline to relax? Haha, hahaha."

Zhang Xiaobao laughed loudly, as if Wang Yan was killed once and he was very happy. In fact, it was a kind of balance in his heart. After all, Zhang Xiaobao also died once before. Now that he knew that Wang Yan had also died once, he immediately felt balanced.Wang Yan didn't understand the way in the middle, and he didn't know what the so-called "offline relaxation" meant, but Zhang Xiaobao's self-imagined conclusion was the best excuse, so Wang Yan nodded, with a little anger on his face color.

Zhang Xiaobao patted Wang Yan's shoulder, and said: "Don't be angry, Brother Yan, so what if that guy is strong? He's just an NPC. When you and I reach his level in the future, we will naturally seek revenge , He can't take care of himself for a living.

Alright, we're almost done resting, the fighting over there is not over yet, let's go over and have a look, maybe we can still grab a few heads. "

After speaking, Zhang Xiaobao stood up, and Wang Yan also stood up, but he thought to himself: 'NPC?Am I also the NPC he said? '

Wang Yan didn't think too much, just kept the information firmly in his heart, and then raised the secret book in his hand and said, "Don't you want this?"

Zhang Xiaobao waved his hand and said: "It's not something valuable, you should keep it, besides, if you hadn't come in time today, Master Bao would have confessed here."

After saying this, Zhang Xiaobao walked forward with his long sword in hand, followed by Wang Yan, and soon, the two approached the front battlefield.

This middle battle is really chaotic, five or sixty people are mixed together, among them there are three or forty people in the martial arts, but there are less than 60 outside disciples. Sect disciples, to be precise, female disciples of the inner sect.

This inner sect female disciple with peach-shaped bangs and waist-length hair was extremely powerful, fighting seven or eight people with one sword at the same time, and did not lose the wind, but crushed the seven or eight people on the opposite side to the left and right, and was in a mess.This woman's demeanor is really the best in the field, which is unforgettable.

Zhang Xiaobao was not surprised at all, this guy looked around the field, and after understanding the situation, he said to Wang Yan: "You just follow me, you kill whoever I kill, try to create a situation where you kill one more, and open it as quickly as possible." situation."

Wang Yan nodded. His martial arts were already poor, so if he were to be alone in such a chaotic situation, he wouldn't do it.

After getting Wang Yan's response, Zhang Xiaobao didn't delay any longer, immediately selected a target and touched it, Wang Yan followed behind him while guarding the surroundings, while slowly following up, a moment later, the sword light burst out, and blood flooded the sky.
(End of this chapter)

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