One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 128 Heart Demon Art [Part 1]

Chapter 128 Heart Demon Art [First Update]

Under the clear moonlight, Wang Yan sat cross-legged on a desolate mound, surrounded by silence, occasionally the breeze blew and rolled up the hair on his forehead, and a faint red light could be seen flowing back and forth on his forehead , I don't know how long it took, the red light gradually faded, Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

"According to the method in "Henan Zhenlu", it is indeed possible to practice the Jianyuan Heart Sutra and Ningyuan Jiansha Gong together before the conception of the fetus. In this way, you can practice the heart evil technique in advance and cultivate the bleeding evil spirit , when the time comes, you only need to integrate the blood evil spirit into it when the fetus is conceived, even if it is not accumulated in the blood evil sword embryo, you can also plant a evil sword air in the Yuan embryo, and based on this, the sword embryo can be accelerated It may save two or three years of water grinding."

During the little half month that he traveled with Duan Henan, Wang Yan not only accepted Duan Henan's guidance in martial arts, he also spent some time studying "Henan Zhenlu" and Yunjian School's "Yuan Yuan Entering the Heart Jue" in order to This is a preparation for accumulating the primordial womb.There is not much mystery in the secret techniques of the Yunjian Sect, but there are some basic points that can be used as reference. What really made Wang Yan gain a lot was "Henan Zhenlu", which recorded Duan Henan's life-long cultivation experience and experience. Self-created secret techniques, secrets of swordsmanship, and Duan Henan's experience on pregnancy formation alone have benefited Wang Yan a lot.

Duan Henan also grew up from ordinary disciples in his early years, so he also practiced the Jianyuan Heart Sutra at the beginning. It is precisely because of this that Duan Henan's conception experience has a great effect on Wang Yan. The joint practice of Jianyuan Heart Sutra and Ningyuan Sword Sha Kungfu to cultivate the art of heart evil is just one of the little skills in Duan Henan's experience of conceiving a fetus.

To put it bluntly, the so-called heart-shattering technique is the way to understand and condense the murderous aura, and to cultivate the blood-bad aura is to blend the murderous aura with one's own blood-qi. In the process of cultivating qi, one needs to connect one's own inner qi, so this should be regarded as a secret technique of dual cultivation of spirit and qi.

It is precisely because the root of this heart-shattering art is based on one's own spirit, so only after the completion of this secret art can one resist the sword intent, sword intent, and even the sound-killing secret art to confuse and kill gods, and if one has comprehended the sword intent , it can be combined with this secret technique to amplify its own sword will effect, which is also one of the several great powers of the Blood Fiend Sword Embryo.

The method of cultivating evil spirits is not the only one. For example, Chen Wenyuan obviously practiced a similar method, so he was able to break through the delusion illusion inspired by Wang Yan's sword intent at the beginning.However, Aojian Mountain Villa's heart evil technique is obviously a superior method for cultivating evil spirits. It has all kinds of thoughts, self-observation skills, guiding tricks, etc., and Duan Henan's experience confirms it. Wang Yan's practice can be described as easy .

However, according to Duan Henan's technique, to practice this heart-shattering technique before conceiving a fetus, one needs to have enough willpower. The recoil of the evil spirit in the blood, and one's own willpower is not firm enough, which may lead to the ignorance of the Lingtai, and thus indulge in killing and cannot extricate oneself, and thus go astray.

Wang Yan naturally has no hidden worries in this regard. His willpower is strong enough, and it has been a long time since he comprehended the sword intent. In addition, there are also factors such as sacrificial swords and self-created Wuxiangwuwu sword. His sword intent It has become more rounded day by day, and even if he encounters a suitable opportunity, his sword intent may be further sublimated.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Yan began to try to practice the art of heart evil on the way to the pagoda, and now he has just officially started, which can be regarded as a link in his self-created method of accumulating embryos.

In addition to the various small cultivation techniques mentioned in Happy Deeds, the various understandings of the experience itself are also of great effect on Wang Yan. The Embryo-Yin Method has already perfected the method of conceiving the fetus of Qingxu Sword Embryo created by himself. Even if he starts to conceive now, he feels that he has great hope of success.

That is to say, Wang Yan's last hurdle to conceive is the method of absorbing innate energy, and in this regard, "Henan Zhenlu" gave him an unexpected surprise.

The whole "Henan Zhenlu" is divided into two parts. The first half is Duan Henan's practice experience, and the second half records a sword technique and two secret techniques created by Duan Henan. Before "Sanyan Sword", Duan Henan had I won't say much about the mentioned ones; and the two kinds of secret techniques, one is called "Sword Gang Huayuan", which is a secret technique to change and use the qi, which is temporarily useless to Wang Yan; It is "Feng Yuan Jue".

Duan Henan obviously also practiced Yuanqiao technique, so he was able to break through the key points of Yuanqiao technique in one word when he was in the Yunjian School, but Duan Henan's use of the Wuyinjiaoyuanjing is different from Wang Yan's idea, maybe it is limited Due to his own comprehension, Duan Henan didn't integrate the Wuyinjiaoyuanjing into other sword techniques, but he created the secret technique of Fengyuanjue in a different way to deal with the use of small meridians.

To put it simply, Duan Henan regards the Wuyinjiaoyuan Meridian as an auxiliary meridian besides the twelve regular meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians. Small circulation, and then use special means to penetrate these five acupoints with your own true qi, and then seal the true qi into the acupoints. When you need to use it, activate the true qi in the acupoints. Under the circulation of the five acupoints In the end, the five strands of zhenqi were combined and stimulated from the yin acupoint above the palm, and finally used to increase the power of the sword move.

Feng Yuan Jue is a secret technique specially created by Duan Henan for the use of small meridians. Since this kind of secret technique is at odds with Wang Yan's idea of ​​using small meridians, it has little effect on Wang Yan, but the key It is because Duan Henan used the congenital qi and reversed the method of absorbing the congenital qi in order to seal the true qi into the small meridians for a long time in the process of creating the Yuanyuan Jue, so this secret There are records in the art about the pros and cons of the method of absorbing innate qi.

This is really nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it.In this way, he doesn't need to rely on Gu Xiaoyue anymore, but he will not cancel the deal with Gu Xiaoyue. On the one hand, it is because the secrets he has learned are of little use to him; on the other hand, it is because Duan Henan is in Henan In the real record, there are many praises for "Wu Shen Jue", and even think that this secret technique should be the first secret technique of Aojian Villa, and this secret technique was also mentioned by Gu Xiaoyue at the beginning, and it also recorded the method of absorbing innate energy Therefore, Wang Yan is going to ask Gu Xiaoyue to help him exchange for this secret technique.

And although this Yuan Jue itself is of little significance to Wang Yan, in addition to recording the method of absorbing innate energy, it also records a small six-hole meridian from the calf to the sole of the foot. According to Wang Yan's use of the small meridian He imagined that after opening up this small meridian and integrating it into his own lightness kung fu, his body skills will be more agile, and his flying technique will be faster, but this is a surprise.

After several twists and turns, Wang Yan can now be considered to have assembled many conditions for the accumulation of the Qingxu sword fetus, and it is not impossible for him to start conceiving the fetus now, but Wang Yan is not prepared to do so. Finally, it will take quite a while to stabilize. Even if he has the Wannian stalactite milk given by Han Yurou in his hand, it can greatly shorten the time to stabilize the original embryo, but it is still a bit risky given his current situation; secondly, There is still the possibility of further perfection of Qingxu Sword Embryo's method of forming a fetus, and he is also a beginner in the art of heart evil, and he has not yet been able to plant the Qi of evil sword at the time of embryo formation, if this step is omitted, It doesn't make much sense to practice the art of heart evil in advance, and the time to polish the sword embryo will be longer in the future.

In addition to the above two points, Wang Yan feels that the most important thing is his current situation. This time, he will go to Nirandao Temple alone. The journey will inevitably be full of hardships and dangers. It won't be too powerful. After all, the two states are separated by more than a thousand miles and the news is not smooth. The people in the rivers and lakes of Beisheng state must not know him well, and there are very few people who know his real combat power. Otherwise, those who were in the teahouse before How dare a man who travels as a dart hit him even before his pulse has reached its peak?

In other words, maintaining the current state is undoubtedly a layer of camouflage and protection for Wang Yan, which can make him more calm in the situation that he needs to deal with at the beginning, but as he goes along the way, his strength is exposed little by little. There will inevitably be warriors in the Embryo Stage who will come forward, even titled masters, and even some warriors in the Baoyuan Stage will put their face down and do it by themselves. At that time, it is the best policy for him to find an opportunity to embalm and strengthen his own strength.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan couldn't help standing up and looking towards the east. He saw lights flickering in the distance to the east. Wang Yan knew that the place was called Xu Tuobao, which was similar to a market town, except that there was a fortress in the south of the town. A small sect named 'Xu Tuo' is based on this.

This Xutuobao is the closest densely populated place marked on the map that Wang Yan obtained from the dartman before. After Wang Yan left the teahouse in the evening, he followed the map and walked straight. Soon he arrived at this mound, but he didn't go any further. He knew that since even the dart runners wanted to kill him to receive the reward, if he entered this kind of market town rashly, he would be attacked by crowds, so he thought before The idea of ​​going to Jinyu City and others to find the way to Nirandao Temple is simply not feasible. I am afraid that for a long time in the future, he will only be able to sleep in the wild with the sky as his bed and the ground as his bed.

However, for Wang Yan, it is definitely not his style to simply and passively wait for someone to kill him. Since he has tasted the bloody taste of experience in the teahouse, he naturally wants to make a fuss about it, especially since he is new to Beijing. The true strength of Shengzhou is still not widely known. In this way, if it can attract a large number of players to look for him, wouldn't it be a great opportunity to gain experience?
Thinking of this, Wang Yan looked at Xu Tuobao, his eyes flickered, perhaps this place was the starting point of his harvesting experience.

(End of this chapter)

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