One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 135 Blood Slaughter [Part 1]

Chapter 135 Blood Slaughter 【First Update】


With another swing of the sword, there were no other living people except Wang Yan in the wilderness west of Huaiyangji. Starting from the east, then to the north, and finally emptied the west, Wang Yan could not remember killing himself. How many players have been lost, maybe seven hundred, maybe eight hundred, only the more than 5 experience that has increased again faithfully recorded each of his swords.

In less than a cup of tea time, seven or eight hundred players were awarded the title. Everything came too easily. The cover of the night, the sparse formation, the absolute suppression of strength, etc., were all factors that caused all this. From the beginning to the end, this A slaughter may be more mental and internal energy than what Wang Yan spent on cultivating a superior swordsmanship, at least until now he still has more than half of his internal energy.

The human body is too fragile, and exposed areas such as the head and neck are fatal parts. But for Wang Yan, who is holding the falling sand in his hand, it is effortless to pierce the heart gate. With the Qimen surrounding his body, The tactics are so weird that he can hardly even use sword moves. He can easily take the lives of these low-level players with just basic sword skills, because this is the world of martial arts, and the top level of martial arts means there is no limit to the level of excellence.

Standing in the wilderness with a sword in hand, the murderous aura on Wang Yan's body was already too thick to dissipate. A faint red light flowed back and forth between his brows. If the killing continues like this, this secret technique may be able to achieve a small success soon.Wang Yan couldn't help but twitched his nose and sniffed the thick bloody smell of Mass in the air. He felt that he was a little obsessed with this feeling. He could kill people by raising his hand. The secret technique increased rapidly, and the experience value also increased a lot. All kinds of pleasure made him almost unable to Extricate yourself.

Perhaps Wang Yan himself didn't realize how ferocious and distorted the expression on his face was at this moment, and the violent color flashed in his eyes from time to time, which was the result of a large amount of bloody evil spirit condensing in a short period of time.

"The reason for killing people is never superiority or inferiority, it is only because of desire, desire and evil thoughts that give birth to the idea of ​​killing, so if one does not restrain one's own desires and indulge in the pleasure brought by one's own strength, then this person will eventually be tolerated." in the world."

Suddenly, a sentence that Fifth Rhyme once said flowed through my mind. This sentence of Fifth Rhyme was not aimed at this world belonging to Jianghu, but about the world she belonged to. Wang Yan felt this sentence at the beginning It's not deep yet, but after careful thinking at this time, I just understood the truth and why the fifth rhyme always said that I have benevolence in my heart.

If in a world full of ordinary people, with such a fragile human body, once someone has evil thoughts, it is not difficult to take the lives of others, but what happens next?How to face the consequences?I heard Fifth Rhyme say that their world has strict rules, and they have to bear the corresponding consequences for everything they do. Killing people for their lives is the most basic, so Fifth Rhyme said, "It will not be tolerated in the world in the end", and she always insists on keeping her heart. Perhaps because of benevolent thoughts, evil thoughts will not arise easily.

This sentence is actually applicable to this world belonging to Jianghu to a certain extent. Wang Yan knows that his reaping experience is not without consequences. At least after the fact, smart players will definitely judge his NPC status. Unable to hide himself anymore, even such a wanton massacre may offend the big faction in Jinyu City, which will provoke the strong people in the Baoyuan period and so on.

But does Wang Yan have a choice?No!
Wang Yan is in the current situation. If he can't go against the trend, he can only drown in the torrent. He doesn't want to die, and he doesn't want to be weak all the time, so he chooses a more brutal way, stepping on countless players to achieve own way of being strong.

This river and lake is not the world that the fifth rhyme belongs to, and players are not real lives in this world. There is a complete difference between 'killing' and 'killing'.In this arena, power is paramount, and the strong are respected, just like Yang Yuan, he has done similar things, but now he is still alive and well, ranked on the Qianlong list, and even wants to start a sect.

Perhaps the fifth rhyme is the realization of the difference in the end, which makes me become cruel, abandon everything under the Tao, and concentrate on pursuing the Tao, right?
While his thoughts were flipping, Wang Yan felt a little bit of comprehension. In the end, the violence in his eyes gradually faded, and the red light between his brows was suppressed. He didn't know until now that a large amount of blood baleful energy condensed and rushed back to the Lingtai , so the endless killing desire born in the heart.

Maybe it was because the desire to kill was so strong that he didn't even respond to the sword intent, but fortunately, Fifth Rhyme helped him again.

The beauty's image couldn't help coming to mind, Wang Yan showed a smile on his face, and then he raised his head to look up at the sky under the night sky, and said softly: "If I succeed in my way, I will search all over the world, the ends of the earth, and I will definitely find you!"

After the words were settled, Wang Yan cast his eyes on the Huaiyang Collection in the distance, and then without any delay, he straightened his body and went straight away.

"Keep firm on the green hills and don't let go,

The root was originally in the broken rock.

Thousands of blows are still strong,
Ren Er East, West, North, South, North wind. "

Wang Yan recited a poem he had heard from the players before, and when the last word was spoken, he had already rushed into the town, and then flew to stand on the top of a three-story building at the entrance of the town to the west, Immediately afterwards, Wang Yan couldn't help laughing, in the laughter, he only felt that his Dao heart became more harmonious, and finally, he urged his inner force to shake the sky: "Wang Yan is here, who will send him to death?!"

"Wang Yan is here, who is going to die?!"

"Wang Yan is here, who is going to die?!"

The sound spread far under the night sky, from the head of the town to the end of the town, and soon, dozens of figures rushed towards this side, Wang Yan immediately flew down from the pavilion, and a stream of people rushed towards the long street Just go straight.

Amidst the sound of the soaring sword, Luosha shot forward like a stream of light, and the person who rushed to the front was pierced between the eyebrows by Wang Yan's sword before he even had time to react.Immediately afterwards, Wang Yan kept on stepping, and his figure was like a ghost, dancing around among the few people rushing from behind, and the sword light danced along with it, and in the ups and downs of the changes, several people were killed by the sword again.

In just a few breaths, seven or eight people were already dead, but more people were still coming. The players were very smart. Seeing that Wang Yan was on the long street, many people scattered and launched sneak attacks from different directions. Lime powder was thrown in the air, all kinds of hidden weapons came from all directions, and even a big mesh bag made of hemp rope was thrown at Wang Yan, and Wang Yan smashed them all with his sword!

I saw Wang Yan stepping on his feet, jumping into the air, and then turning his body like a spinning top with his feet staggered. The long sword in his hand swung away with the rotation of his body, and knocked out all the hidden weapons that attacked him. Then, he stopped, and at the same time as he fell, the long sword twisted upwards, and the big net under the hood was torn apart.

The next moment, he touched the ground with his toes, whipped up a strong wind and flew into the crowd in front of him.Seeing Wang Yan's ferocity, the players who came from behind did not rush forward, but each formed a formation to defend. Wang Yan couldn't control so much, and pointed his sword at a five-person plum blossom formation in front of him.

The five people reacted very quickly. At the same time that Wang Yanchang's sword came, the five swords staggered upwards, trying to block Wang Yan's sword, but Wang Yan didn't dodge or dodge. As soon as the internal force was stimulated, the strands of sword strength in the sword exploded immediately, and then only the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" was heard, the five swords broke, and the falling sand sword edge sank, and then the sword light turned and swept horizontally, forming a plum blossom formation The five of them froze immediately, and there was a line of blood between their necks.

Killing the Plum Blossom Formation, there are still the Three Talents Formation, the Small Four Elephant Formation, the Bagua Formation, etc. behind, but Wang Yan ignored it at all, and went straight all the way, only pushing his inner strength to the extreme, using a few less swordsmanship. It's a bit treacherous, but a bit more fierce and ruthless, breaking through these formations one by one along the way.

After more than a hundred breaths of time, Wang Yan had completely killed the long street. The street was full of corpses lying dead in a pool of blood. There were only a few players who could still stand, and more people were hiding in the dark and did not dare to show up.

Da da da.
The dark red blood dripped slowly from the blade of the falling sand, Wang Yan stood at the end of the long street, and said lightly: "Who else?!"

Before the words were finished, dozens of figures rushed towards Linglongzhuang, but it was Gao Ying who finally arrived.After learning that Wang Yan had entered Huaiyang Ji, Gao Ying did not come here rashly. He already realized that something was wrong tonight. By mistake, it might be difficult for him and the remaining players to resist Wang Yan, so he invited his master and a group of brothers.

"I'm here, Wang Yan, don't be so arrogant!"

A short and fat old man with a white beard bullied himself to Wang Yan while shouting loudly. Wang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Senior, do you want to meddle in this matter?"

"A joke! As the owner of Linglong Manor, I have the responsibility to protect Huaiyangji. How can you allow yourself to act violently in the town, let alone you, Wang Yan, are not from our Beisheng Prefecture."

What the white-bearded old man said was righteous, Wang Yan was not surprised to hear it, he knew that this was one of the consequences of his wanting to collect all the experience in Huaiyang collection.The owner of the Linglong Village is a master of the gestational stage for many years, and Gao Ying also has the gestational stage. In addition, among the Linglongzhuang disciples, there is a big man with a long knife on his back who also has the gestational stage. for.

This battle is somewhat similar to when he went to intercept and kill the leader of the Black Knife Gang. At that time, the opponent was also three masters of the pregnancy stage, but the current situation is naturally more difficult. After all, it is a head-on fight now, and the opponent still has more The disciples in the Shaomai period are involved, and there are some players hiding in the dark around who may sneak attack at any time.

But so what?
Wang Yan tightened his grip on the sword, with determination in his eyes, but just when he was about to take action, the owner of Linglong Manor said: "Wang Yan, I don't want to take action against you personally because of my identity, so I sent me My disciple Gao Ying has had a fight with you. If you die in Gao Ying's hands, nothing will be mentioned. But if you are better than Gao Ying, I will let you go today, but you will not be allowed to set foot in Huaiyang in the future. Ji, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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