One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 169 The Wind Rises [Part 1]

Chapter 169 The Wind Rises [First Update]

Niedao Temple, also known as Mahayana Doroye Temple in the early years, was as famous as Jialan Temple and Arhat Temple more than a hundred years ago, and was known as the three major Buddhist gates of Beishengzhou. After taking charge of the temple, he renamed it 'Nirvana' and became a unique sect.However, because of its original foundation, Niedao Temple is located in Zhenzhen Mountain, a beautiful place in the middle of Beisheng Prefecture.

After Wang Yan left Chanxin City, he didn't delay any more along the way. He crossed the mountain and crossed the forest under the starry night, but within three days he arrived at Hatoyama, which is dozens of miles south of Zhenzhen Mountain.Hatoyama goes all the way to the north, and it takes half a day to reach Zhenzhen Mountain, but there is a narrow valley between the two places as the only way to pass. If what Yingyu said comes true, this valley must be a place to set up a murderous situation .

Standing on Mount Hato, Wang Yan looked to the north and said, "Uncle Gui, I'm going to retreat here for a while."

Nie Dao Temple is far away, the purpose of this trip is about to be achieved, Wang Yan doesn't want to fall down at the end, about the 'Duantian Zhang' Xin Luojue, Wang Yan doesn't know much but he has heard of his name, this person is known as Qi Yunzhou The first alien, in the eyes of many players, is regarded as an existence comparable to Bai Daoxin. No matter how strong this person is, what plans he has for coming to Beisheng Prefecture this time, but Wang Yan knows that he is on the cusp, even with the support of Uncle Gui , the player may not have the idea of ​​hunting him down, but he has drawn his sword all the way to this point, beheading Raoyu first, retreating Yuantong, and other famous and unknown people killing countless people, which makes the younger generation of Beisheng Prefecture feel quite embarrassed Under such circumstances, it is not impossible for Jingyuezong to be the top sect in Beisheng Prefecture, with the support of face, it is not impossible for Bai Daoxin to come to fight him.

For Bai Daoxin, Wang Yan did not dare to underestimate him. After all, this woman can suppress the existence of Duan Henan within ten moves. Jue Luo, it is very likely that it implies the killing game set by the players. This last journey is really difficult and difficult, so Wang Yan is going to retreat again in this Hatoyama, and sort out all the gains along the way, to the greatest extent. enhanced strength.

"it is good."

Uncle Gui didn't say much, he is also an old Jianghu, and he knows the truth that the more dangerous it is, the more dangerous it is. Don't look like there is no strong person from the Baoyuan period to intervene in this journey, but it is just under the prestige of Aojian Villa. As for the secret plot, he and Wang Yan don't know, but one thing is certain, once the undercurrent really emerges, it will be fatal enough to kill.

With Uncle Ghost's support, Wang Yan no longer thought about anything else, and immediately found a suitable place on Jiu Mountain. Uncle Ghost would protect him and even take care of all his daily necessities. For the next period of time, all he had to do was to retreat with peace of mind. That’s it.

More than ten days passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was almost the end of May. The weather was getting hotter and hotter. The grass was growing in the Qingchuan River Valley, and there were caravans and escorts passing by from time to time. Since this place is close to Huazhen Mountain, how many There has been no catastrophe in the past years, so people walking through the valley are safe and bold. No one would have thought that in the maple forest ten miles east of the valley, there are pairs of eyes peeping at the surrounding Qingchuan Valley. All movement.

"Is there any movement?"

A man in night clothes, with his head wrapped in a black scarf and only a pair of eyes exposed rolled in from outside the forest, and asked questions into the empty maple forest, as if he was talking to the air. In an instant, a figure floated to the ground from a maple tree, and replied: "The people outside to investigate the situation have not sent a signal, so naturally Wang Yan has not shown up yet."

The speaker was also wearing night clothes, but if Wang Yanruo was here, he should be able to tell from the voice that this person was Li Daohai, who was stabbed through the throat by his sword in Liangqiao Town.

As soon as Li Daohai finished speaking, another figure appeared from another hidden place, and asked, "Is there any news from Bai Daoxin?"

"Bai Daoxin confirmed Wang Yan's news from Zong Wanliu. He is in the Hatoyama area. He should be in seclusion, or he might be waiting for the situation to change."

Hearing this, another person appeared from the hiding place and said, "If that's the case, do we need to change the plan? After all, we've been waiting for more than ten days, so it's impossible to let Wang Yan stay in seclusion forever, right? "

"No. Hatoyama's terrain is open and extends in all directions. If Wang Yan breaks out, our previous efforts will be wasted. You must know that the person I asked to move can only help us divert half of the 'Heaven's Absolute Sword'." time."

"That's right, our siege brought together four members from the Southern Qijue High School, three members from the North Nine High School, and our Zhong Santong, and Brother Xin took the lead. To besiege and kill Wang Yan, it is best to take down the Tianjue Sword in one fell swoop, and fight a typical battle example of hunting and killing highly intelligent NPCs, so there is no room for failure, and this Nanchuan River Valley is an excellent place. To lure away, Brother Xin makes a move to restrain Wang Yan, and we wait for others to block him, Wang Yan cannot escape with his wings."

"I also agree to continue to wait according to the original plan. Wang Yan has an appointment with his master in April, and within half a month at most, he will definitely show up."

While speaking, another person flashed out, and then said: "But I am worried about Bai Daoxin, what if she doesn't abide by the previous agreement and directly takes Wang Yan's life?"

"That can't be left to her!"

In a certain cave south of Hatoyama, Wang Yanchang let out a long breath, then slowly opened his eyes, and then turned his attention to the martial arts status information.

"Martial Arts Qualifications: Intermediate to Superior (Comprehension: 165, Roots: 27, no special training qualifications.)
Known martial arts:
Jianyuan Heart Sutra, Huang-level top-grade internal strength, current progress - complete
Qingxu Sword Embryo Technique, self-created inner strength and mental method, unknown grade, current progress - fourth level (235665/1000000)

Blood Sword Nine Styles (Disabled), earth-level low-grade swordsmanship, current progress - the first level of Blood Shadow Waterfall (135/500000)

Lonely Heart Sword Art (Disabled), Mysterious-level middle-grade swordsmanship, current progress--third level (23654/100000)

Yuanying swordsmanship, Huang-level top-grade swordsmanship, current progress - complete
Blood Sword Finger, a middle-grade Huang-level martial skill, the current state -- mastery

Stepping on the sword step, Huang-level top-grade lightness kung fu, the current state--consummation
Self-created light kung fu body technique—Qimenhuanshen Jue, the grade is unknown, it is not yet perfected, and the progress of the practice cannot be displayed.

Nine steps to the sky, light skill, unknown grade, current progress - the second level of the sky step (6836/50000), the third level of the cloud step (23654/80000)

Wanjian Tiangangjue, self-created secret technique, unknown grade, current progress - second stage (16135/100000)

Twisting fingers, yellow-level top-grade secret art, current progress--satisfaction
Heart Fiend Art, a yellow-level high-grade secret art, the current progress - the third stage (6451/100000)

Yuanqiao Technique, a top-grade yellow-level secret technique, the current progress -- the third level (3625/100000)

Self-created trick - Wuwu Wuxiang sword, the grade is unknown, and the progress of cultivation cannot be displayed

Other: slightly
All current experience points: 0. "

It has been nearly two months since Cangshan retreated. During this time, Wang Yan never stopped practicing even while on the road. In addition, during this time of Hatoyama's retreat, the most advanced thing he has entered is the Qingxu Sword and Embryo Art. After all With the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, constantly absorbing the pure innate spiritual energy, Wang Yan has made rapid progress all the way, but now, the spiritual energy in the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum has been exhausted, and in the future, the Qingxu Sword Embryo Art can only be slowly honed by himself. up.

Other than that, the biggest changes are in comprehension and Wanjian Tiangangjue.Since Wang Yan continued to perfect the Qimen Huan Shen Jue and Ten Thousand Swords Tiangang Jue along the way, and also further understood the way of virtuality and reality, as well as the formless way in the "Maha Sutra", Wang Yan's understanding was constantly improving. As his understanding improved, his thinking and deduction calculation speed for many things became faster. He himself did not know to what extent this understanding would grow in the future.After a period of improvement, the Ten Thousand Sword Tiangang Jue has now been deduced. Even after Wang Yan invested all the remaining experience points, it has now broken through to the second level.

Although this self-created secret technique did not show its grade, Wang Yan felt that it should be higher than the top grade of the Huang grade, and perhaps reached the Xuan grade. After all, the first breakthrough requires [-] cultivation speed, which is higher than that of the Ruanyuan yuan. Tricks, but there are only three levels of this secret technique. After each level is completed, a sufficient amount of soft silk swords will be polished, and some mysterious methods of using the swords will be born. Wang Yan is quite looking forward to this.

However, the above three are just the changes in Wang Yan's practice accumulated during this period of time. This time he retreated to focus on the cultivation of the Yuanqiao technique, as well as to get through the "Five Yin Jiaoyuan Jing" and "Kangxu Jiaolong Jing" and combine these The two small meridians are integrated into the inner qi movement of one's own martial arts.

The Yuan Qiao Technique is completely different from the Finger-Ringing Gentle Ten Thousand Sword Tiangang Jue. The latter two are pure water grinding skills, while the Yuan Qiao Technique places great emphasis on understanding. It uses a special internal force jump method to replace the original internal force jump method of martial arts. It all depends on the understanding of the practice and the speed of adaptation. This aspect is Wang Yan's strength, so in less than half a month, he has practiced Yuan Qiao Technique to the third level.

As for the 'Five Yin Jiaoyuan Jing' and 'Kangxu Jiaolong Jing', with Wang Yan's deep internal strength of nearly 90 years now, it didn't take much effort to get through it completely. As for integrating these two small meridians into his own martial arts Qi movement, this aspect depends entirely on the ability of deduction and calculation, and it is not a problem with Wang Yan's current ability.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan immediately got up and rehearsed several sword moves at will, and even used sword energy and even sword power. After some practice, Wang Yan was very satisfied. Under the effect of Yuanqiao technique, his internal force jumped The consumption has been greatly reduced. Even with the use of the internal force of the Wuyinjiaoyuan Jing, the swordsmanship he uses now saves more internal energy than before, but the power and speed of the sword moves are [-] to [-]% faster than before. There is no deviation from the assumption.

Feeling this, Wang Yan felt that the purpose of this retreat had been achieved, and his strength would not change if he stayed any longer, so he tidied up a little and headed outside.

"Are you all ready?"

Seeing Wang Yan come out of the cave, the ghost uncle who had been guarding the outside appeared for the first time, Wang Yan nodded and said: "It's time to go to Nirvana Temple."

"Zong Wanliu came to the vicinity during your retreat, probably to inquire about your situation. It seems that Bai Daoxin will attack you."

Hearing Uncle Ghost's words, Wang Yan focused his eyes, and said: "Let her come, maybe I can just help Master get rid of the shame!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Yan lowered his foot and jumped towards the direction of Nanchuan River Valley resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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