One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 213 Spiritual Source Reflection

Chapter 213 Spiritual Source Reflection
In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed. On this day, Wang Yan was still practicing in the quiet room, but suddenly a loud bang came from outside, followed by the ground shaking, as if the entire Sword Worshiping Mountain was shaking. The quiet room is more like the sky and the earth turned upside down.

At such a commotion, Wang Yan opened his eyes suddenly and rushed out of the quiet room with a flash of his figure.

This huge earthquake came without any warning, and the shaking did not stop after Wang Yan came out of the quiet room. Instead, it became more violent. The sound of collapsing rocks could be heard from all directions. It seemed that the entire Sword Worshiping Mountain was about to crack. However, under such a huge earthquake, Wang Yan did not show any signs of panic. He just focused his gaze and looked to the west, where the Sword Worship Pavilion was located.

After a while, I saw a huge cyan beam of light shooting up from the mountain in the direction of worshiping the sword pavilion, connecting the sky and the earth, which was very spectacular.

"The Golden Light Cave is really about to open?"

Although Wang Yan devoted himself to seclusion in Zhenlin Garden during this period, both Yan Bugui and Duan Henan would visit him from time to time, so Wang Yan knew a thing or two about the rumors in the sect. He didn't care about it at first, but he never changed The elephant came out of nowhere.

While pondering, a few figures flashed out from the Yunjian Pavilion, but they were none other than Yunjian Elder Qi Minggong and Junior Master Shu Yanbugui and others. Seeing this, Wang Yan immediately stepped forward to pay respects. Qi looked at the huge beam of light that connected the sky and the earth.

"The aura of Qingxuan is leaking out. I'm afraid that Zhaoying Jiuye Tianlian will appear soon. It seems that the Golden Light Cave will be opened soon."

Elder Yunjian obviously knew more about Jinguang Cave than Wang Yan. As he finished his words, Wang Yan saw some changes in the blue light pillar, and a huge flower bone appeared. Although this flower flower was still in bud, , but the leaves are wrapped in two or three, which should be the "Nine-leaf Heavenly Lotus that reflects the shadow" mentioned by Elder Yunjian.

It was the first time Wang Yanshang had heard of this thing, and he couldn't help saying: "Master, what is 'Zhaoying Nine-leaf Tianlian'?"

"In every spiritual source secret realm, there must be a spirit pivot to sort out the inspiration and regulate the aura of heaven and earth in it. However, the secret realm is not innate, so most of the spirit pivots are fake generations of supreme innate spirits handed down from ancient times. The spirit pivot in the Golden Light Cave It is the ancient rare treasure Nine-leaf Tianlian.

And as the opening of the Golden Light Cave is approaching, the Spirit Pivot will manifest a phantom in the leaked Qingxuan Qi. In the past, this vision was called "Spiritual Source Reflection". "

Wang Yan listened very seriously. After knowing that the coffin in the Golden Light Cave was a supreme spiritual object handed down from ancient times, his heart was shocked and his eyes moved slightly as if thinking. The Elder Yunjian who saw this might guess that Wang Yan Yan Suo thought, and said: "Ancient rare treasures are the supreme treasures, but such things are not easy to get. According to the records in the door, there are not only large formations set up by ancient powerful men for protection around Jiuye Tianlian, but also Many ancient and strange beasts are parading around, which can be called the most dangerous place in the Golden Light Cave. Not to mention the warriors of the Baoyuan period, even if they are innate, it is difficult to get the Nine-leaf Heavenly Lotus through many obstacles. How can we leave such trouble as the Spiritual Source Secret Realm?"

Wang Yan nodded, agreeing with Elder Yunjian's statement very much, if the ancient rare treasures are really easy to get, those monks will let them go?
Wanting to understand this, Wang Yan didn't have extravagant hopes for Jiuye Tianlian, and immediately asked: "Dare to ask Master, how long will it take for the Golden Light Cave to actually open after the vision of 'Spiritual Source Reflection' appears?"

"The manifest phantom is just a flower bone at present, and the day when it fully blooms is the time when the Golden Light Cave will really open. According to the past records in the door, this process can take more than a month or ten days."

Hearing Elder Yunjian's words, Wang Yan finally understood some things that he couldn't figure out before. The sign of the opening of the Golden Light Cave may not be obvious at the beginning, and maybe only a few people can feel it, but as the opening day becomes more and more The closer you get, especially after the vision reflected by the spiritual source, the harder it is to hide it from other people. Just look at this magnificent blue beam of light that stretches from sky to earth, and you may be able to detect it even if you are far away. Come on, people who are interested in the Golden Light Cave will flock here, and I am afraid that within a few days, the Aojian Villa will be full of storms.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan couldn't help but think of the Devil Slayer Sword Yun Guilong, who boasted on Zhenzhen Mountain that day that he would take the place of entering the Golden Light Cave to achieve innate talent, maybe this person will come to Aojian Villa soon, I'm afraid There was another twists and turns, not to mention that the Golden Light Cave also involved Tianyuan Shengdao, so there might be a big battle outside before entering the cave.

Elder Yunjian obviously knew something about these things, he looked at Wang Yan solemnly, and said: "For me and other warriors, the Golden Light Cave is a great opportunity, but entering it this time is also full of dangers, Wang Yan , you still have to be more careful."

"Thank you master for reminding me, Wang Yanding will be more careful."

While the two were talking, the vibration of Sword Worship Mountain finally stopped, but the cyan beam of light connecting the sky and the earth was not affected, instead it became bigger and bigger, and the Zhaoying Jiuye Tianlian in it became more conspicuous.

Seeing this, Qi Minggong gave Wang Yan a few more instructions and then turned back to Yunjiange Pavilion. Yan Bugui and others also dispersed. Wang Yan couldn't help but ponder as he looked at the huge beam of light in the independent field.

The sudden appearance of Lingyuan Ying disrupted Wang Yan's original plan. He was going to retreat for a period of time before leaving the mountain gate directly to participate in the Martial Arts Conference, but now that the Golden Light Cave is about to open, the original plan obviously does not work.

Now that the Golden Cave is about to open, this matter is bothering my heart. With my mind undecided, it is meaningless to retreat again. The most urgent thing is to find out with Liu Zhaoxian, learn more about the Golden Cave, and make more preparations.

Thinking like this, Wang Yan didn't stay in Zhenlin Garden anymore, and drifted away towards the outside.

Elder Yunjian’s Zhenlin Garden is located halfway up the mountain, while Lingyun, Yingyue and other four peaks are located in the four corners of the back mountain. Wang Yan left the Zhenlin Garden and headed towards Yingyue Peak, but he hadn’t traveled much yet. Far away, I felt several qi mechanisms looming on the road ahead. Sure enough, after Wang Yan went forward for tens of meters and bypassed a mountain bay, he saw a middle-aged man with disheveled hair sitting on a big rock on the cliff in front of him. There is an old tree on the opposite side, and a thin, bald man is lazily leaning against the old tree with grass roots in his mouth. Besides, there is a hanging pavilion above the cliff. In the pavilion, there are two people sitting opposite each other. There is a stone chessboard in between, and the two are talking about black and white in their hands.

When Wang Yan turned around the bay and had a panoramic view of the four of them, the middle-aged man who was sitting cross-legged on the boulder stood up first and said, "The Lord has finally come."

While speaking, this person drew out the long sword on his back, at the same time, the bald man under the old tree and the two people talking in the hanging pavilion all turned their heads to look at Wang Yan, their eyes were full of eagerness to try.

(End of this chapter)

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